Talking about the 30/30 rule, in the early 90's, back when car stereos and subwoofers where all the rage and not readily available other than at high end audio stores, I was in the midst of installing an entire system in my car, the kind of project that you would work on a bit at a time over several weeks. Little did I realize that in the process, I somehow managed to burn the tail light fuse out. Long story short, I got pulled over for no tail lights at night and to my surprise, the cop not only said I did a whole bunch of other stuff that made no sense at a gas station a few blocks back, he decided that I must be the person who just murdered a cop who had just been killed earlier that month. Six more police cruisers quickly rolled up, I got put in the back of one of the squads while the cop literally threatened to shoot me with his shot gun. It was like a twilight zone episode and I was maybe 6 blocks from home. Of course they searched my car, realized they had made a big error, the cop explained how lucky I was that he was only giving me a ticket for careless driving and I was off. Given the egregiousness of the situation, I fought the ticket in court which the officer said was for speeding though a gas station...which simply never happened. I defended myself in court to try to get the ticked overturned and questioned the officer among other things about all of the things that were said to me while I was in the squad and he simply denied them, over and over and over for each question. That was the last time I had ever received a ticket or have been pulled over. I was attending private Catholic university at the time working on my undergraduate degree, had never been in trouble and had never even had a ticket. I actually distrusted cops for a long time after that.