Ever get the other guys ticket


Staff member
Sep 26, 2009
Along with dash cams ... your GPS and some of the GPS/MAP Apps for smart phones will record your track, complete with speeds. If my Garmin is just on, I have a complete record of the track.

Will that tell you "when" a person achieved a certain speed. I have a GPS in my street rod and it records max speed, but not when it was achieved......


Vice Admiral
Apr 18, 2010
Coop and the control freak ... guess there is a reason you call her THE Admiral ... :eek:;):D

(and to think, that is your BETTER half!:faint2:)

Well, everybody knows who's in charge at the Coop house; Gracie, then Deb, then Luke. Hey, at least I'm number three!


Staff member
Jul 7, 2010
Will that tell you "when" a person achieved a certain speed.
Short answer: Yes. When, for how long and where.

On both my Garmin GPS, and on Navionics (which will track on land), I can export a track (gpx file, I think - don't have one handy) and import it into Google Earth or a couple of different Garmin apps. In all cases that "track" will have a moment by moment detail of course, speed and (interestingly) altitude (I've used it in light airplanes before).

So, I can go into a track find a specific moment in the route and see how fast, what course and how high I was going.


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
Short answer: Yes. When, for how long and where.

On both my Garmin GPS, and on Navionics (which will track on land), I can export a track (gpx file, I think - don't have one handy) and import it into Google Earth or a couple of different Garmin apps. In all cases that "track" will have a moment by moment detail of course, speed and (interestingly) altitude (I've used it in light airplanes before).

So, I can go into a track find a specific moment in the route and see how fast, what course and how high I was going.

Ya know my Garmin will do that also, didn't think of it at the time, but wouldn't have helped, was in the wife's Caddy and not my Truck. Didn't have the nav system on and not sure the caddy can do it.


Sep 14, 2008
. My main thing is continue to remind my self to keep my mouth shut

I can recall several times I have stopped a boat for some minor infraction with the intention of issuing a warning and a quick on the water boating safety lecture when the opeator opened up with a lot of BS and arguing. My response was to put down the warning pad and get a citation out of the folder. Some people can be their own worst enemy (Including me when a discussion comes up over the importance of completing some houshold chore in a timely manner) :blue:


Rear Admiral
Aug 2, 2008
Talking about the 30/30 rule, in the early 90's, back when car stereos and subwoofers where all the rage and not readily available other than at high end audio stores, I was in the midst of installing an entire system in my car, the kind of project that you would work on a bit at a time over several weeks. Little did I realize that in the process, I somehow managed to burn the tail light fuse out. Long story short, I got pulled over for no tail lights at night and to my surprise, the cop not only said I did a whole bunch of other stuff that made no sense at a gas station a few blocks back, he decided that I must be the person who just murdered a cop who had just been killed earlier that month. Six more police cruisers quickly rolled up, I got put in the back of one of the squads while the cop literally threatened to shoot me with his shot gun. It was like a twilight zone episode and I was maybe 6 blocks from home. Of course they searched my car, realized they had made a big error, the cop explained how lucky I was that he was only giving me a ticket for careless driving and I was off. Given the egregiousness of the situation, I fought the ticket in court which the officer said was for speeding though a gas station...which simply never happened. I defended myself in court to try to get the ticked overturned and questioned the officer among other things about all of the things that were said to me while I was in the squad and he simply denied them, over and over and over for each question. That was the last time I had ever received a ticket or have been pulled over. I was attending private Catholic university at the time working on my undergraduate degree, had never been in trouble and had never even had a ticket. I actually distrusted cops for a long time after that.


Mar 20, 2002
RG; you got lucky! Know somebody that tried that too! He spent 3 days wearing a striped suit picking up litter on the road he got the ticket on.

You may be right. I still think it was all about the money in that situation. They were not going to get any money out of me and still would have had to house and feed me for 3 days. This event happened in a city and it was the city cop that pulled me over. If it had been the county or state I might have been picking up trash along the roadside but the city did not have that policy in effect then. That is why I chose the jail time versus the fine.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 8, 2010
You may be right. I still think it was all about the money in that situation.
in some way shape or form, isn't it always about the money? I have an x whose x had his homeowner's insurance cancelled because of her speeding tickets. During the four ears we were together, I can't tell you how many more tickets she received nor the several fender benders from her being aloof while driving - cell phone, glancing at documents etc.

Bought her a radar detector for Christmas and put it on the most sensitive setting; would go off if someone flicked their Bic!! lol Cured her to some extent... no longer my problem, not that it ever was..