Ever get the other guys ticket


Fleet Admiral
Jul 8, 2010
Dang, isn't it always one guy which has the GA honeys and the skill to do it, mess it up for all us that wish we had the same stuff. Oh to be young and bullet proof again

Ya, MT, used to be the wild west, not anymore, things have been watered down big time these days!


Sep 14, 2008
Back in the days when I hung out with some traffic guys I can remember them telling me that almost all the paper they wrote was marked OVIB. Stands for ?only vehicle in beam? and it saved them court time having to appear in cases where two or more cars were close. These were state guys and they also said they could write hundreds if they wanted to really work hard at it but just grabbed the real high speed violators. They also said they would not sit in a dip between two long pulls to grab trucks but they were open season on the flat stretchs if they would be traveling at those speeds. Like me they were old timers and now all retired. Don?t know if the young bucks out there on the concrete today think the same.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 8, 2010
Ya, MT, used to be the wild west, not anymore, things have been watered down big time these days!
I shudder to think back on those days... am amazed to still be alive and intact - all but my mind!!! lol


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
Back in the days .

I still believe there are a lot of very good cops out there. The issue I see, if we had 30 percent less cops by loosing the low 30 percent we as a county would be far better off. Everyone has heard the thing, don't run, if the cop catches you his adrillen will be high and if your not killed, he will beat the crap out of you.

As an example: FBI are required to go through a syic profile. The profile finds out if he/she can keep there emotions in check and make sure they do what is required, not what they are pumped up so high they do something they would not normally do. If you have a bulley in school, the last thing you want is a bulley with a gun.

I firmly believe we can get by much better with 30 percent less cops. They will not be the ones which kill someone walking away, don't empty their gun in someone just because, not drive up within 3 feet of a kid with a toy gun and shoot, they will drive up some distance away and look before pulling the trigger, they will use their brain.

All those in the news I'm not casting for or against, just that once a piece of crap, they will always be a piece of crap. Heck truckers with CDL's have their driving record travel where ever they go, but not cops or even doctors


Staff member
May 29, 2003
I had a police officer in Ghana stop me ... and every other car on the road. He was standing in the middle of the road with a radar gun ... every car was stopped, and every car was going 100kph. There was not posted speed limit, but he said it was 50kph. In Ghana you pay the officer, or they take you to the station and ruin your day before you pay the officer. It is a pretty nice racket.

S.A. Baker

Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 9, 2015
Don't drive over the speed limit and you won't have issues. It's that simple! I'm usually somewhere UNDER the speed limit....what the hell is the hurry ? Plus I don't own any vehicles even made in this decade !......or the last for that matter, so I'm always waiting for catastrophic mechanical failure. Not a good deal at "high" speed!


Supreme Mariner
Oct 30, 2002
I got the other guys ticket a couple years ago.

I was in the gas station, filled up, pay at the pump, but went inside for a cup of coffee.
I had 3 state trooper mobiles flanking me at the pumps. even struck up a conversation with one of them about his new ride.

I left the gas station and got on the freeway, then got pulled over 1/4 mile down the road.

Deputy says he followed me for 2+ miles before pulling me over. 77 in a 55 zone.
I asked the deputy to note the time he pulled me over, and the time he started following me, on the ticket.

Between the time stamped receipts, and the state trooper as a witness, and the fact that I would have had to get on the freeway, travel 3.5 miles, get off, get back on, then travel 4 miles, all in less than 3 minutes, before getting pulled over. The trooper even had his log book that stated when he had logged on after leaving the gas station.

Cost me 2 days wages, and 3 trips to the courthouse, but to see the look on the deputy's face when I presented my case, and asked

"if maybe, just maybe, he had pulled over the wrong vehicle." Deputy and judge looked at me, the trooper, at each other, case dismissed.

The Lord knows I deserved all the tickets I got when I was young, but not this one.

S.A. Baker

Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 9, 2015
Oh.... I got plenty of those "burning rubber" tickets in the late 60's early 70's! In fact I'm still driving one of the cars I got those tickets in. 1968 Dodge Charger 440. It still gets "lit up" on occasion. But they don't seem to bother much with that any more....or I've just been lucky! Ha!


Vice Admiral
Apr 18, 2010
Lord have mercy. The stories I could tell y'all about the admiral vs the law. Several years ago our local traffic judge told me I had to "slow hot rod down" because he couldn't dismiss any more of her tickets. Those were his exact words; slow hot rod down. Once I innocently asked her why she thought she was always cited during traffic stops while I received warnings. She shrugged her shoulders and I forgot about it; until we were together one day and I was pulled over for an incomplete stop while driving her car. After I handed the officer the third expired liability insurance certificate from her glove box she spouted "We have insurance!".:facepalm: After I smoothed it over and the officer left the scene I said "mystery solved". She laughed when she realized what I was talking about (after she was done glaring at me).

Last year she needed brake pads and couldn't understand why she needed rotors too, so I casually asked the service advisor what could cause premature rotor wear other than brake pad neglect. He ran through the list until he reached "slamming on your brakes on the interstate like when you're speeding and see a cop".:embarassed:Some times it just has to come from someone else I guess.


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Lord have mercy. The stories I could tell y'all about the admiral vs the law. Several years ago our local traffic judge told me I had to "slow hot rod down" because he couldn't dismiss any more of her tickets. Those were his exact words; slow hot rod down. Once I innocently asked her why she thought she was always cited during traffic stops while I received warnings. She shrugged her shoulders and I forgot about it; until we were together one day and I was pulled over for an incomplete stop while driving her car. After I handed the officer the third expired liability insurance certificate from her glove box she spouted "We have insurance!".:facepalm: After I smoothed it over and the officer left the scene I said "mystery solved". She laughed when she realized what I was talking about (after she was done glaring at me).

Last year she needed brake pads and couldn't understand why she needed rotors too, so I casually asked the service advisor what could cause premature rotor wear other than brake pad neglect. He ran through the list until he reached "slamming on your brakes on the interstate like when you're speeding and see a cop".:embarassed:Some times it just has to come from someone else I guess.

incoop, there is hope for your situation on the horizon. They are make leaps and bounds towards self driving cars. I suggest you get one for her as soon as they come out. Just think of the money you'll save. :pound: :facepalm:


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
incoop, there is hope for your situation on the horizon. They are make leaps and bounds towards self driving cars. I suggest you get one for her as soon as they come out. Just think of the money you'll save. :pound: :facepalm:

Like that will work.

"Well your honor, Siri was driving.................................." LOL


Staff member
May 29, 2003
Coop and the control freak ... guess there is a reason you call her THE Admiral ... :eek:;):D

(and to think, that is your BETTER half!:faint2:)


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
incoop there is another way. Take a garage door spring :eek: and attack it to the throttle return part of the vehicle. Then she will have to push with everything she's got to go forwards. If she still drives, she will be extremely tired after drive around for even a short time. :peep:


Mar 20, 2002
Yes, I once did. I was driving home from work one afternoon several years ago. I was going 40 MPH in a 35 MPH zone. I was at the time driving a red Ford Fairmont sedan. At that same time I was being passed on my right side by a brown Ford Fairmont station wagon. I thought nothing of it. I saw the police car headed in the opposite direction suddenly do a U turn and turn on his flashing lights. I'm thinking that guy that just passed me is going to get it.

Well, the officer pulled in behind me. I'm thinking why me. I pull over to the side of the road and wait for the officer to approach my car. He asks me do you know how fast you were going back there. I told him I was going 40 MPH. He says, no, I clocked you with the radar at 65 MPH. I said there is no way I would ever go that fast in a 35 zone. There was no way in hell I was driving that fast. I asked him if he saw the brown car that was passing me on my right side. He said he didn't see the other car.

The way I saw it when his radar gun went off there were two cars one red and one brown. I'm thinking that he saw my car because of the color not because I was going over the limit. I don't even think that the brown car that passed me was going 65, 50 MPH maybe but no faster so I think his radar gun was off the mark.

I had 30 days to either pay or contest the ticket. On the 30th day I go to the courthouse and tell them I plan to contest the ticket. I get my notice in the mail setting my court date. I decided not to hire a lawyer and try to fight it myself. I go to court. The judge then asks the officer for his testimony. Once the officer is done he asked me for my testimony. I told the judge I was going 40 MPH, but, as what always happens the judge takes the words of the officer over the defendant. I've seen it many times when I used to go to court and watch the procedings.

The judge finds me guilty of going 65 in a 35. That by the way in Michigan at the time was considered reckless driving. He sentences me to a $250 in fines and court costs or 3 days in jail. I then said your honor I do not have any intention of paying a $250 fine for something I did not do. I said I will do the 3 days in jail instead. I will never forget the look on the judges face, his jaw kind of dropped and he seemed stunned. He motioned for the officer to come to the bench. They then talked back and forth for a couple of minutes. Then the officer walks back to his place.

The judge then looks at me and says "Case dismissed". I walk out a free man and still have the $250 in my wallet. I think the reason he dismissed the ticket was the fact that I was willing to do the jail time. In doing the time they would have had to house and feed me for 3 days at the cities expense. They were not going to get any money out of me so he dismissed the ticket. It was a great feeling walking out of the courthouse that day.


Staff member
Jul 18, 2011
^^^ That is an amazing story . . . I guess it is all about the money :D

Now that most cars have Event Data Recorders, I am wondering if some day the car itself can provide witness to the speed it was going :noidea:


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
I been looking real hard at a dash camera. Watch me get one and never have the issue again, more then likely it will not happen again to me. Heck more then 40 years driving and it happens once. My main thing is continue to remind my self to keep my mouth shut


Staff member
Jul 7, 2010
Along with dash cams ... your GPS and some of the GPS/MAP Apps for smart phones will record your track, complete with speeds. If my Garmin is just on, I have a complete record of the track.


Chief Petty Officer
Sep 23, 2013
RG; you got lucky! Know somebody that tried that too! He spent 3 days wearing a striped suit picking up litter on the road he got the ticket on.