Ever get the other guys ticket


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
Going down the interstate doing 76 mph on cruise, posted limit 70 mph. I slowly easing up on a semi, in rear view see a black chevy coming up fast, so I stay put and as he passes ease over to the left lane. Never took the car off cruise, and now I'm at the rear of the semi, the chevy is at the front of the semi. In a slight turn I see an IN state trooper in the median so I do nothing, stay on cruise.

He starts moving and comes out behind us, so as I get 50 to 60 feet in front of the semi I ease back over to the right lane. The chevy is now 250 plus feet in front of me. The trooper falls in behind me and pulls me over. Says he got me doing 82, I respond say no way, and what about the guy which was in front of me.

This is where a messed up, I told him I had the cruise set at 76, so he now has me admitting to speeding. Now gives me a ticket for 76

Always heard if your speeding and someone is behind you when you pass a cop with radar, once past, punch it and get out in front then slow down.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011

The sit on the side of the road radar units just ping when the preset speed is matched or bettered. The LEO has no idea which car is speeding.

The gun type which are aimed can be killers because he has you in his sights.

You're probably dead unless you take it to court and he doesn't show up. More tickets are beaten that way because the cop doesn't show. I still haven't figured out how unmanned radar or red light cams testify in court. :confused:


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
Agree, with the gun type
Heck until I blurted out what I was doing he was saying I should get my speedometer checked. Heck I've passed to many cops doing 5 over to even think it's off on the high side. My handheld GPS says I'm doing 1 to 1.5 slower then what it reads. It's a small town, they need money so that's why he's out there.

I'm doing one of those deferral agreements. Pay 65.50 more then the ticket and don't get caught again in 8 months and it never shows up on your record. All about the money


Staff member
Jul 18, 2011
I think the LEO probably knew that you were not the fastest car, you were just the easiest car for him to get. He got you to admit to 76, which is a bummer.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
Here we can go to traffic school with some time limitations. The one and only time I went, the "instructor" talked for 8 solid hours about DWD - Driving While Dozy. That really helped me curb my appetite for speed. LOL


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
Shoot I haven't been fast then around 5 over unless passing for many years, even under the limit going around the court house square (to many blind spots where people can just walk out). Use to have a clearance and didn't want to jeopardies it, plus I'm old and retired, no real hurry. The 5 over just puts me in the flow of keeping pace with all the other cars.

Think I'm going to get a dash cam


Staff member
Sep 26, 2009
This is where a messed up, I told him I had the cruise set at 76, so he now has me admitting to speeding. Now gives me a ticket for 76

Let me just say, "Thanks Dodge". I really needed a little chuckle today and you came thru. Sorry you got a ticket tho.......


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
I didn't answer your question, AD.

It's always the other car. Not me! :rolleyes:


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 8, 2010
yes I did, but it was a trap!! South Carolina, 2AM driving down I-95S. Was 1980 and I was driving about 80mph when an old Maverick flew by me. I got pulled over and he never said how fast I was going, just asked me if I could make bail.

"how much" and he says $20. I pull out my little wad of cash, and he asks if that's all I have. "yes sir", he pulls out a real wad!! and gives me back ten!!! There is absolutely no record of this anywhere to my knowledge :D:D:D:D crooked cops! lol


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
Always glad to help Wimusky
Ok I understand now GA
Never had that happen jr but wow


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
yes I did, but it was a trap!! South Carolina, 2AM driving down I-95S. Was 1980 and I was driving about 80mph when an old Maverick flew by me. I got pulled over and he never said how fast I was going, just asked me if I could make bail.

"how much" and he says $20. I pull out my little wad of cash, and he asks if that's all I have. "yes sir", he pulls out a real wad!! and gives me back ten!!! There is absolutely no record of this anywhere to my knowledge :D:D:D:D crooked cops! lol

I bet you were around Pedro's South Of The Border. A known tourist and speed trap when I was stationed there.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 8, 2010
could have been GA, quite awhile back.... I speak Spanish better than I remember stuff!! but fairly certain was way past Pedro?? lol You know how boring that stretcha road is at night. But for the record,let me be clear.... Police Officers are people too, and if you carry a badge... YOU HAVE MY RESPECT, PERIOD!!! Donald Trump couldn't pay me enough to deal with the people and circumstances they have to deal with.

Whenever, if ever, I get pulled over - vehicle off, flashers on, window down, and both hands in view on the door sill.

Scott Danforth

Grumpy Vintage Moderator still playing with boats
Staff member
Jul 23, 2011
My last ticket was way too many numbers above the limit and way to costly. So I now simply drive with traffic. Over beers I will share most of my vehicular indiscretions


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
Over the years I have paid dearly for going way to fast also. Even got entrapped years ago while in the service on the interstate with my CB radio (1978). had my radar detector go off so I hit the breaks, was in the process of talking to a guy was saying "hammer down" it's clear (Missouri). Come around a bend and the detector went off, hit the breaks. Said what the heck (and other words) as I keep moving forward down hill, where is the cop.

A little later as I increase speed not paying attention, I'm up 10 over the speed limit and blue lights come one behind me. The cop had the CB telling me to hammer down and was driving behind me without lights until I increased my speed.

Had me follow him back and along the way we went above 15 mph over the speed limit. All this time I'm on my CB telling everyone where he is, and telling them I might get another ticket just keeping up with him. get to the station and they want cash money for the ticket. Then started yelling at me telling everyone that he was speeding.

Good thing I had enough cash on hand but just barely, cops are people, but not all are in it for the serve and protect aspect. never know when you get stopped if your being stopped by the top 30 percent of the class of the bottom 30 percent


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Oh this does bring back memories. I got TWO tickets in my entire life. One was when I was 19 years old (many many decades ago) driving a new 1972 Dodge Challenger 340. I was at a gas station and there were lots of teens standing around looking at my car. And like any stupid teenager would do, I burned rubber out of that place through three gears. Well little did I know there was a cop sitting in my blind spot off the passenger's side of the car when I let loose.

When I saw the blue lights coming through the tire smoke, I simply pulled off the side of the road and got my license out and was waiting for him. I deserved it and didn't even say anything when he handed me a $56 dollar ticket for "laying drag". He explained that any time visible marks are left on the road from spinning tires, it is laying drag. Well there was no doubt there was visible tire marks for a long long length left on the road that time. And that hurt us because we didn't really have a lot of money at that time. Lesson learned!

Second ticket was coming back from California via I20 leaving New Mexico going into Texas. I was driving 67mph with the cruse on in a 65 mph road about five miles from the state border. And I was traveling with a local driver for well over a haft and hour or more when Barney Fifth came down the other side of the road with the huge round blues lights on and crossed over the median and came up on the local drive and pulled him over.

I ask my wife "I wonder what they are pulling him over for". Then I see him come out around that guy still sitting on the side of the road and pull up behind me. I pulled over and was wondering what was going on. He asked me if I knew the drive behind me. I said no that we were driving together for a half hour but that was all I knew about him. He turned and waved the guy to go on and wrote me a ticket for 82mph in a 65 mph highway.

I looked at my wife and stated there was no way I was driving 82 mph. He then stated that I would either sign the ticket stating I was doing 82mph OR go to jail until a judge could review the situation. Knowing I was out of state, they had me. So I sign away and was allowed to leave. Yes I did pay the ticket. But I did not desire that ticket either. JMHO!


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
Oh this does bring back memories. I got TWO tickets in my entire life. One was when I was 19 years old (many many decades ago) driving a new 1972 Dodge Challenger 340. I was at a gas station and there were lots of teens standing around looking at my car. And like any stupid teenager would do, I burned rubber out of that place through three gears. Well little did I know there was a cop sitting in my blind spot off the passenger's side of the car when I let loose.

When I saw the blue lights coming through the tire smoke, I simply pulled off the side of the road and got my license out and was waiting for him. I deserved it and didn't even say anything when he handed me a $56 dollar ticket for "laying drag". He explained that any time visible marks are left on the road from spinning tires, it is laying drag. Well there was no doubt there was visible tire marks for a long long length left on the road that time. And that hurt us because we didn't really have a lot of money at that time. Lesson learned!

Second ticket was coming back from California via I20 leaving New Mexico going into Texas. I was driving 67mph with the cruse on in a 65 mph road about five miles from the state border. And I was traveling with a local driver for well over a haft and hour or more when Barney Fifth came down the other side of the road with the huge round blues lights on and crossed over the median and came up on the local drive and pulled him over.

I ask my wife "I wonder what they are pulling him over for". Then I see him come out around that guy still sitting on the side of the road and pull up behind me. I pulled over and was wondering what was going on. He asked me if I knew the drive behind me. I said no that we were driving together for a half hour but that was all I knew about him. He turned and waved the guy to go on and wrote me a ticket for 82mph in a 65 mph highway.

I looked at my wife and stated there was no way I was driving 82 mph. He then stated that I would either sign the ticket stating I was doing 82mph OR go to jail until a judge could review the situation. Knowing I was out of state, they had me. So I sign away and was allowed to leave. Yes I did pay the ticket. But I did not desire that ticket either. JMHO!

IMHO this should not be JMHO because this was fact stated by the person who went though it. Not picking but you did live through it.

My son while in KY, he was pulled over by a cop for burning some rubber. He didn't ask but he did look in his glove box. He found a very nice jewel inlayed knife, about 12 inch long. Cop tells him, well either you give me this or I run you in for concealed weapon. Well son didn't know that in KY anyone can carry any deadly weapon in a console or glove box without a permit is not needed.

Crooked cop, again one of the lower 30 percent


Fleet Admiral
Jul 8, 2010
When I first move to MT, we didn't have a speed limit and you could pre-purchase your tickets at the local court house, so if you did get stopped for going over the "safe and Prudent" speed for the conditions, you just handed the officer one of your pre-purchased tickets out of the jocky box and were on your way, things have sure changed these days!


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
When I first move to MT, we didn't have a speed limit and you could pre-purchase your tickets at the local court house, so if you did get stopped for going over the "safe and Prudent" speed for the conditions, you just handed the officer one of your pre-purchased tickets out of the jocky box and were on your way, things have sure changed these days!

Dang, not as good as Texas "what ever you think is safe" road signs. All the same, never heard of that one, sure wish they had that now in certain areas. not all just some areas


Fleet Admiral
Jul 8, 2010
The reason we lost the "safe and prudent" rule is actually kind of funny.

Several years ago, there was driver stopped on I-90 east and he was doing over 150 mph, of course the police told him that nobody was "safe and prudent" at that speed., well turns out he was a licensed NASCAR driver who competed for many years, so he ended up winning and the ticket was thrown out, within 6 months, the law was overturned and we ended up with the system we have these days.


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
Dang, isn't it always one guy which has the GA honeys and the skill to do it, mess it up for all us that wish we had the same stuff. Oh to be young and bullet proof again