I put my boat in the water and start it up and run about 10 minutes to my fishing hole. I shut it down and troll around for about an hour. I try to start my the engine and it gives out one short beep (normal) then a long beep about 5-7 seconds long. Then it won't start. I fiddle with it and try and try and it goes through the same process. I have changed the fuel filters, oil&filter, rebuilt the water pump. The problem is it doesn't happen all the time. Like today I fished and it was fine, then I went to another hole and that time it had the problem. The engine isn't running when the long beep goes off. It goes off after the key is turned on and about a second after the short self check beep and it lasts for about 5-7 seconds. Someone else had this very same issue but there was no resolution. Anyone have any ideas?