Re: Do big boats need to be tied at the transom?
Originally posted by SwampNut:<br /><br /> On the other hand, because the trailer is so light, there's only so much effort the strap will take before the trailer just starts to roll over anyway.
Swamp Nut....Thats the way I see it. <br />My boat weighs in at around 11,500 lbs, the trailer is around 2,300 lbs, for a grand total of about 14,000 lbs +/- loaded. This is a float on trailer, no rollers, (well two that support the bow) and the bunk boards are approximately 20 feet long. According to yall I would need what, two 6,000 lb straps, plus winch strap and bow safty chain? He**, one of these straps would probably lift (conservitively) two of my trailers. Ive seen boats, sized like mine and some larger, that have come off of trailers in my days also. But the tow vehicle nor the trailer were in any better shape than boat. All the accidents like this I have seen are results of rollover. Ill say, "IF" my boat is going to shift enough weight(with its low center of gravity) to rollover or come off my trailer during an evasive manuver, I would prefer it broke loose from any and all straps that may be holding the "TRAILER TO THE BOAT", and hopefully spare me and my tow vehicle. Also anyone else that may be in the vacinity. I dont see where stern straps on my rig will or can make it any safer than it is, as it is being towed now. I see a greater danger if it was all bound together. My trailer being bound to my boat is not going to stop my boat from leaving the road under those type situations. If 11,000 lbs is moving, 2,000lbs aint gonna stop it.<br /><br />I do see a need on small lighter boats, especially flat bottomed boats. Also boats on roller trailers.<br /><br />On another note, dont the 18 wheeler tractors have an emergency "trailer latch release", that releases the trailer from the tractor in an emergency to hopefully keep the driver from being injured or crushed by his cargo load in case of a horrific accident?