Dear Tech Support:


Feb 3, 2004
Re: Dear Tech Support:

Had an exciting thing happen this morning. Had a no-frills version of Wife 2.0 operating in Shower 1.5. Got a pop-up warning that a version of Spider was also running in the background of Shower 1.5, which immediately caused Wife 2.0 to stop operating. As an aside, whenever any version of Spider is operating outside of Home 2.0, Wife 2.0 runs fine, but if Spider is inside Home 2.0, Wife 2.0 runs crazy. Anyway, I used the application Shoe 8.5.EE, which instantly killed WolfSpider I've found application of Shoe 8.5.EE is much more effective than PestSpray 5.7, which seems at times to cause versions of Spider to run faster in the background, but will eventually shut down most versions Spider. Also I've noticed when I use Shoe 8.5.EE, I very rarely am threatened with Black and Blue Screen of Death.


Mar 18, 2003
Re: Dear Tech Support:

Ya'll these are histerical. I have literally laughed out loud at your comments.<br /><br />Very creative!
<br /><br />Just think of what Bassy and I could do with the male version.


Mar 18, 2003
Re: Dear Tech Support:

Dear Tech Support:<br /><br />After upgraded from X-Husband 1.0 to Husband 2.0. I soon noticed that<br />the new program began unexpected beer processing that seemed <br />to hinder its ability to function properly.<br /><br />Currently, Husband 2.0 is taking up up a lot of space and valuable resources.<br />In addition, Husband 2.0 installed itself into all other programs and now<br />monitors all other system activity.<br /><br />Applications such as BuncoNight 10.3 and ShopTillYouDrop 20.9 seems to crash the system. The only thing that halfway works Fishing 5.0 but there is a loud noise running in the background while I am operating the program. Additionally, while running Fishing 5.0 it mysteriously changes its font size from small to large after inserting new disks in the floppy drive or scanning the hard drive. <br /><br />And then there's that pop up screen that keeps saying “you’re wrong”. I have attempted to remove this annoying pop up but the last time I tried it was only replaced with “I told you so” or “hey dumbass”. I even tried Daughter 1.0 Security Update and it seems to mirror the Husband 2.0 program with the same disappointing results.<br /><br />I’ve tried running Husband 2.0 in the background while attempting to run my favorite applications but keep getting all those annoying pop ups and background noises.<br /><br />Please help!<br /><br />Thanks,<br />A TroubledEndUser<br /><br />P.S. I am also having problems with command prompts.....the system either dosen't recognize them or they aren't compatible with Husband 2.0.


Oct 8, 2003
Re: Dear Tech Support:

ROTFLMAO, these are so great, nice to see all the mush working overtime.


Chief Petty Officer
Feb 9, 2003
Re: Dear Tech Support:

Originally posted by EdW:<br /> Had an exciting thing happen this morning. Had a no-frills version of Wife 2.0 operating in Shower 1.5. Got a pop-up warning that a version of Spider was also running in the background of Shower 1.5, which immediately caused Wife 2.0 to stop operating.
That's very odd. Whenever my version of Wife 1.0 is operating in Shower 1.5, I get an entirely different type of pop-up... :D

Ralph 123

Jun 24, 2003
Re: Dear Tech Support:

Dear TroubledEndUser,<br /><br />Thank you for contacting us regarding Husband 2.0 The fix is simple: The Wife OS has its security settings set too low allowing Husband 2.0 to perform unauthorized processing. As an OS, Wife has complete control, it just needs to be properly asserted. Remember, the Wife OS has the ability to terminate Husband 2.0, including child processes and ancillary applications at any time.<br /><br />To learn how to properly set Wife's settings please contact Wife Technical support. I am sure they can help.<br /><br />Rajay Mymanisactingup<br />Husband Technical Support<br /><br />If you are happy with my help, please be sure to take the customer satisfaction survey in an email that will be sent out later. If I get up to 90% satisfied, my pay goes up to $1.25 an hour.


Aug 14, 2004
Re: Dear Tech Support:

Originally posted by gaugeguy:<br />
Originally posted by Capt. Kidd:<br /> Mistress 6.9
Heading to Staples to get this :D
WARNING!!! DO NOT, under any circumstance, install Secretary With Short<br />Skirt 3.3. This application is not supported<br />by Wife 1.0 and will cause irreversible damage to the operating system.
MISTRESS 6.9 is an upgrade of SECRETARY WITH SHORT SKIRT 3.3. The same consequences can be experienced and Tech Support highly recommends that you stay clear of MISTRESS. ;)


Oct 8, 2003
Re: Dear Tech Support:

Dear Tech support:<br /><br />After building this computer and installing Husband 2.0, My other half installed Wife 2.0 over the top of it, Now I cant turn the computer off, ever, When I try, it comes up with an error message that says,,<br /><br />"FAILURE TO UNDERSTAND REQUEST"<br /><br />I have tried to uninstall Wife 2.0, but it keeps loading itself back on, and leaves the message.<br /><br />"YOU CANT GET RID OF ME THAT EASILY" on the screen.<br /><br />There was a "Click here", spot that said I could pay a fee to get rid of it, but when I clicked it, all that came up was, "FORGET IT, YOU CANT AFFORD IT"!!!<br /><br />What do I do now???


Sep 19, 2004
Re: Dear Tech Support:

To: All Wife OS system users all versions<br />RE: Unexpected Wife 1.0 system shutdown.<br /><br />I have been operating Wife 1.0 for over 25 years without any problems untill most recently. I stared noticing that some of my scheduled task commands where not running properly. It started with online Bank deposits not making it to the bank and then evening supper programs disappeared all together. Soon all my input commands where not acknolledged or supported. Every time I commanded Wife 1.0 to run system check and fix all problems I would be prompted the following message "Are you sure that you want to unistall Husband 1.0? If you continue, system progams may no longer work properly." Warning! Never enter "yes" if you see this message. If you do you will need to retain lawyer immediatly. Looking back I think my decision to purchase and install Boat 3.0 instead of Diamond 2.0 may have caused this problem because yesterday when I logged on, Husband 1.0 could no longer find Boat 3.0 program. I was then prompted the following message. "System Error" Diamond 2.0 must be installed prior to Boat 3.0 or an unreversable system shut down would begain and all harddrive data would be lost forever. After seriously thinking about giving Wife 1.0 OS system the house plus alimony I decided to purchase and install Diamond 2.0 instead. As soon as installation was complete all Wife OS returned to normal. Note: Diamond 2.0 and higher comes with several fun bedtime programs that you don't what to miss out on. I soon was prompted by Wife 1.0 that boat 3.0 was now available for use and that I could begin thinking about purchasing Harley 1.0 as soon as the bank release title for boat 3.0. All system are now up and running at speeds I have never seen before.<br /><br />I highly recommend that you purchase any version of Diamond program as soon as possible. Your Wife 1.0 will run better than ever and those bedtime programs are well worth the cost alone.


Master Chief Petty Officer
Jun 3, 2004
Re: Dear Tech Support:

This is fun and funny to read. well done, LadyFish. <br /><br />Guageguy,... a trojan program might help :D ;)


May 2, 2003
Re: Dear Tech Support:

Originally posted by karmrd:<br /> <br />I highly recommend that you purchase any version of Diamond program as soon as possible. Your Wife 1.0 will run better than ever and those bedtime programs are well worth the cost alone.
Installing any version of diamond should only be done by advanced users. A gremlin is hidden in the code which demands an upgrade every year, otherwise it can cause a fatal error. I suggest trying snag1.0 (often comes bundled with flowers1.0 & conversation1.03), it is difficult to install and is not 100% compatible with husband1.0 but it is a powerful program.<br /><br />Aldo


Jun 4, 2003
Re: Dear Tech Support:

Originally posted by beezee28:<br />Guageguy,... a trojan program might help :D ;)
The trojan program is just a cover-up. Norton usually catches the known virus', but there are a few wild ones out there I'm afraid of :D


Jul 25, 2003
Re: Dear Tech Support:

The trojan program is just a cover-up. Norton usually catches the known virus', but there are a few wild ones out there I'm afraid of

Kenneth Brown

Feb 3, 2003
Re: Dear Tech Support:

Remember, the Wife OS has the ability to terminate Husband 2.0, including child processes
This is acually incorrect. The child procees cannot be stopped by the WIFE OS. If the WIFE OS tries to lock you out of her system simply find another outlet to plug into.


Chief Petty Officer
Feb 9, 2003
Re: Dear Tech Support:

Originally posted by Dunaruna:<br /> Installing any version of diamond should only be done by advanced users. A gremlin is hidden in the code which demands an upgrade every year, otherwise it can cause a fatal error.
I agree. The same is true for all Vacation software packages. There is a glitch that causes the Vacation software to become ineffective after a certain time period, and a new version must be installed. The actual time of effectiveness of the Vacation packages are also associated with cost. Lower and less expensive versions are effective for a shorter time period. The deluxe Tropical Vacation packages, although more expensive, usually have a longer duration of effectiveness.


Chief Petty Officer
May 23, 2004
Re: Dear Tech Support:

Originally posted by gaugeguy:<br />
Originally posted by tylerin:<br />No need you can download them right off the internet :D
I'm afraid of "virus'" :D :D :D
A friend of mine was running Wife 2.0, and was participating some auxillary applications from the internet. After several remote networking sessions, he finally went to local access routines for functionality that he felt he was not getting from Wife 2.0. He subsequently contracted a virus, resulting in serious performance issues, and when Wife 2.0 detected a virus that was foreign to her primary operating systems, he suffered a catastrophic system failure, losing House 1.5, Car 1, and Car 2, Boat 1.1, and Bankaccount 2.22, (along with all data contained in it.)<br /><br />Be careful about those viruses. No version of Wife will perform when a foreign virus is detected, and system damage is inevitible.


Jun 4, 2003
Re: Dear Tech Support:

OUCH, OUCH, OUCH...<br /><br />I guess it was the MYDOOM virus :p <br /> <br />Bummer