OK, it's been a couple of weeks . . . so time for a quick update.
I put together the 'skinning' for the rear portion of the platform . . .
These will get filled with pour-in foam and then shaped.
Once it is all shaped, I will set up another infusion and put a layer of glass over . That should do it for the fiberglassing . . . maybe a few touch-up spots.
In other news . . .
I decided to get rid of my oldest car (2004 Explorer).
It failed inspection and needs about $1K in brake work.
The Admiral said that I need to get a 4WD/AWD drive car for winter driving. My other car is NFG in the snow.
So, I've been Internet shopping for CPO Mercedes or BMW. Since I don't buy cars that often, i'm trying to get one with all the goodies, so it does not feel obsolete in a few years.
Busy times . . .