Owns-NOPE!. Influence-YES. I'll take a "private" mind over a government one-ANYDAY.<br /><br />We're all jacked up about "alternative fuels" while our competition (China) still puts lead in the fuel.<br /><br />C'mon people-WAKE UP!And you will not as Exxon owns our government. The oil industry gets many subsidizes and huge tax breaks.<br /><br />Monopolies will result in the failure of the US economy.
Thats cute, you actually believe that... <br /><br />The only reason they would have to develop alternative energy would be to get the stranglehold on it and continue their profit margin. No great shock there....BP, Exxon-Mobil and others spend more money on developing alternative energy sources than the US government. Yeah, those same guys that the Liberals call demons.<br /><br />Nothing like a profit motive to get things moving. <br />
It was a good read but I dont see it happining in the near future, things like this take time, and we have set on our butt till the time of need is now. the old "Ill worry about that when the time comes theory" is upon us now.<br /><br /> It takes rithious bucks to develope and implement a source of alternative energy, I think it will take something like a major oil co. or companys , maby in conjunction with the government to implement an alternate source of energy. Then we will be back to square one, Some major Co, will own us and we will be at thier mercy. Damned if we do and damned if we dont.Originally posted by roscoe:<br /> This article explanes why NASA is getting the money to delope alternative fuels. It is also why China is going to the moon.<br /><br />A very interesting read.<br /><br /> http://www.direct.ca/trinity/helium3.htm <br /><br />google "he3 fusion" to learn more
Didnt find the thread, show me?? <br /> <br /> EDIT nevermind I found it and it answereed my quizz, Dont run it in my boat. thanks willieOriginally posted by WillyBWright:<br /> I just posed a few questions in the Non-boating Techinical heading about E-85. Some of the responses may be of interest to readers of this thread as they come in.