This is my first post here, but I can see that there are some great responses to questions. I currently had a 24ft Offshore brand center console (Yes Offshore is the brand name manufactured by the OffshoreYachtINC.) Unfortunately they went ouf of business in 1994. It is a geat dry deep v hull and the transom is solid. It currently has an Evinrude 225 '91 model that weighs 443lbs. That replaced an '89 SUzuki 200hp that was about 460 lbs. the transom is not straight drops 4 inches in the center where the current OB is mounted. I just purchased twin Johnson 150 Ocean runners, 1997 and am looking to mount the twins in place of the single 'rude. The extra 4 in or rise on either side allows the cav plates to sit about 3/4 inch above the bottom of the hull on each side.....looks like a perfect fit and that is also about where the single cav plate was aligned when in the center. DO I have to beef up the center opening when adding these twins? they weigh 370lbs each. the only spec rating for this boat on max HP I can find online is I am thinking they must have been rated for twins. MIC # is OSY89Jo8L989. What else besides toe in should I consider? I also have dual batteries now that are switched...will I have to separate them to run the twins? THese thing are a real bear to lift and move around but I hope to get them mounted this weekend. Appreciate all comments as well as if these are good motors....