Chronomania Sport Jet 90

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Seaman Apprentice
May 5, 2010
Re: Chronomania Sport Jet 90

Did you check and make sure the kill switch lanyard is in the proper position?

Did you unplug the rev limiter?

Try disconnecting the black/yellow stripe wire from the ignition box. Then see if you get spark.

If you get spark, that means that wire is grounded somewhere, or the key switch is bad.

Hi Kenimpzoom:

I have enjoyed your posts from a couple of years ago.

What do you mean by having the kill switch lanyard in the proper position? If I pull my lanyard off, she won't even crank. Will the lanyard also cut ignition if it is fauly/shorted?

I have disconnected the Black/Yellow wire from the Rev Limiter and also the two yellow wires from the stator to the voltage regulator. Did you see my trigger (unusual volts: 5, 6 and 17 volts DVA) and stator readings (274 volts-good) further up my post? The first new flywheel I tried looked identical to my old flywheel.

I am out of town but my wife let me know that the new (new) flywheel came in the mail today. Hopefully I can try it next week and let you know what happens....


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: Chronomania Sport Jet 90

Sounds like you have it under control. I really dont know much about the new ignition system, so I am out of my league.



Seaman Apprentice
May 5, 2010
Re: Chronomania Sport Jet 90

It's Saturday morning and I just tried to install the new (new) flywheel. The diameter of the crankshaft hole is much larger than the crankshaft and will not work!!!:mad:

Anyone want to buy a boat? Anyone need an artificial reef?

Does anyone have any ideas?

Here's a recap:

NO SPARK from all three sparkplug wires (using a spark tester)

Stator volts at cranking speed = 274 volts
Trigger voltage at cranking speed = 5, 6 and 17 volts
Black/Yellow Rev-Limiter wire disconnected from CDM coils

I have installed new:
Voltage Regulator
CDM's (3)

I have tested with a DVA and spark tester.

I have talked with Mercury (the manufacturer tech service) and they suggested the new flywheel (that doesn't fit) due to the trigger voltage readings that I have.

I have tried using the old trigger, tried rotating the stator orientation and tried a new stator twice. I have tried disconnecting the yellow wires from the stator to the voltage regulator. I have tried isolating the CDM's one at a time. I have checked the CDM wiring harnesses for voltage at the CDM plugs and for ground continuity.I have not tried a psychic but am considering it!


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 4, 2009
Re: Chronomania Sport Jet 90

OK .. this really sucks , I still think you have mis-matched parts as far as the trigger and flywheel . Try taking DVA readings with the old trigger and the new old style flywheel pn 859241a10 . The trigger timing is set up differently for the cdm stuff, You have the CDM style trigger.
Next do an ignition switch test as follows :
1 remove the switch
2 set Ohm meter to Rx1 scale
3 test between black/yellow and black (C to M )should be 0 but reading , Turn switch to Run position and retest there should be no reading
4 next test from accessory terminal to red/purple (A to B ) in run position , you should have continuity , turn to start , should be same reading , back to run , push key in .. same reading, Hold in key to start , same reading.
5 next red/purple and yellow/black ( B to C ) switch to run , No continuity should be present, Push key in in run position and you should have continuity .
6 red/purple to Yellow/red (B to S) in run position , no continuity , to start you should have continuity , push in key at start position you should have continuity.

I still really think that the trigger / Flywheel set up is the cause but I would like to see you eliminate the ignition switch just because they do have problems. Time for another beer over this one :redface:


Seaman Apprentice
May 5, 2010
Re: Chronomania Sport Jet 90

Hi Kend301:

I was thinking the same thing about the old trigger; that is to reinstall and take readings. I had the old trigger installed with the new flywheel previously and had no spark, however I did not have the DVA tester at that point in time. I was wondering on the drive up to the lake this morning(with the Jonboat, not the Sport Jet) what my trigger voltages will be with the old trigger reinstalled.

After I had tried the new (new) flywheel this morning, I began removing the panel that contains the ignition switch to do the test you mentioned (great minds think alike) I was at a point of frustration and thought to h*ll with it; I'm not going to spend all morning on it and besides, I could personally return the new (new) flywheel from where I ordered it before they closed today (they are on the way to the lake).

I am still thinking however, if I have voltage at the CDM harnesses then the ignition switch should be working right? I will check it out anyhow.

I am in agreement with you that the timing of the trigger to stator must be off or something:confused:


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 4, 2009
Re: Chronomania Sport Jet 90

I also really think the switch test will be a waste of time but I know someone who tried everything and it was the switch . I personally think if you get the old style trigger and use the 241 flywheel you will have spark.

Try to enjoy the weekend !!!! Drinking a cold one with your boat in mind :D


Seaman Apprentice
May 5, 2010
Re: Chronomania Sport Jet 90

I also really think the switch test will be a waste of time but I know someone who tried everything and it was the switch . I personally think if you get the old style trigger and use the 241 flywheel you will have spark.

Try to enjoy the weekend !!!! Drinking a cold one with your boat in mind :D

I just found a really good PDF from Mercury that also has a really good wiring diagram:

The "cold one" will be flowing soon! Cheers!


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 4, 2009
Re: Chronomania Sport Jet 90

Nice find , good page , I was also thinking for the hell of it take your triggers , old and new and see if the inside hole is the same diameter for both. I do not think this is a cause in any way but if your flywheels are different for the shaft then the magnet could be larger thus needing a larger trigger hole. Again this is not a fix in any way but could be a firm indication of a mismatched trigger.

Cold one is cold and good:D


Seaman Apprentice
May 5, 2010
Re: Chronomania Sport Jet 90

Here's a picture of my new flywheel (859241T10) and the new "new" flywheel (859236T14-that I have returned) that has a larger crankshaft hole:


I removed the new trigger and reinstalled the old trigger. What I thought was the exact same part wasn't; the sealed bag that the new trigger came in had the same part number that is stamped on my old trigger (828302). The new trigger has a different number stamped on it (859745A1). Both old and new triggers have the same dimensions including the opening for the trigger magnet. Here's a picture of the new trigger removed:


I cranked the engine with the old trigger installed and although there is still no spark the voltage readings were more stable: 14, 13 and 13 volts. The new trigger that I had installed previously read 5, 6 and 17 volts. My stator volts read 278 volts will cranking.

When I run a magnet around the trigger magnet of my old flywheel the magnet is attracted for the entire circumference of the magnet. With the new flywheel, when I run a magnet around the trigger magnet it repels (changes polarity) at the 10 o'clock position with the keyway at 12 o'clock. I think my issue is with this new flywheel (859241T10). My stator and trigger wires go directly to the CDM's with no kill circuit wires attached (ground is the only other wires to the CDM's and have been checked for continuity).

Any clues out there????


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 4, 2009
Re: Chronomania Sport Jet 90

When you ordered the flywheel that resulted in you getting the 241, What part number did you order ?

The latest number for the CDM system flywheel is 817494A18 but is obsolete.
Try checking the number using that number.

Also ran 859745a1 and it is invalid however a 855745a11 crosses to the 302a1


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 4, 2009
Re: Chronomania Sport Jet 90

Just talked to a friend who knows boats and did a few CDM conversions , Some early kits came with a trigger magnet that had to be installed on the flywheel , this saved the cost of a new flywheel , could explain this part number thing not making any sense ! I will have a buddy run the 494A18 number and see what we come up with .


Seaman Apprentice
May 5, 2010
Re: Chronomania Sport Jet 90

The only number that I could find that looked like a part number was found on the ring gear and is the same number that is on the 859241T10 flywheel. The number is: 43 817409 1. This number may just be to a part number for the ring gear, I don't know.

"Also ran 859745a1 and it is invalid however a 855745a11 crosses to the 302a"
My new trigger number that is stamped is not too legible. The first numbers may be 855 instead of 859 (you can zoom in on the picture). If the new trigger is correct for the 828302A1 (as per its package) it seems a little unusual of the readings I am getting (5,6 and 17volts).

The trigger magnet change makes sense. I wonder what is the correct flywheel for my installation? When I ordered, I ordered from this part diagram link due to similarity to my wheel: (SER. #'S 0E023150 THRU 0E033710)/parts.html

I later saw the CDM parts sheet and that is of the flywheel that is too big for my crank: KIT (835084A1) COMPONENT PARTS/parts.html

I'm confused:confused:


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 4, 2009
Re: Chronomania Sport Jet 90

Ok I got this figured out , You are going to have to 1 of 2 things here
1 get the conversion flywheel pn 817494a18 , they are discontinued but I found one for 499.00
Get trigger number 817029a9 that is built for the 241t10 flywheel and ground the white/black wire the same way you grounded the black wire out of the 302a1 trigger and you should have spark. (much cheaper ) :)

Your flywheel to trigger timing will never work using a 241 with the 302 !

If you want to chat about the theory behind this , call me I will be here all day and night !


Seaman Apprentice
May 5, 2010
Re: Chronomania Sport Jet 90

"1 get the conversion flywheel pn 817494a18 , they are discontinued but I found one for 499.00

That's what I did. That part number is superceeded to 859236T14 (at least I believe it is) and that is the flywheel that has a crankshaft hole too large for my motor (perhaps that flywheel is for 1996 and forward). I had paid $406.30--yikes! Would you happen to have a link to the flywheel or dimensions of the crankshaft hole diameter?

Will the 817029A9 trigger fit the trigger cage that I have; #42 in this link: KIT (835084A1) COMPONENT PARTS/parts.html

I see that the 817029A9 in this link has a "wave" washer under it. Do I need that too (my cage doesn't have one)?" Item #5 (SER. #'S 0E023150 THRU 0E033710)/parts.html

I see that I would need to install a ground terminal for one of the wires. For the other connectors, I assume that they are not female "bullet" type connectors like my existing trigger?


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 4, 2009
Re: Chronomania Sport Jet 90

First 817494a18 supersedes to nothing ..Part is no longer available.
Yes it will fit your cage
Yes you need the washer
All connections will be bullet type.


Seaman Apprentice
May 5, 2010
Re: Chronomania Sport Jet 90

"All connections will be bullet type" -Will they be female connectors?

Do you have a link to the 817494a18 Flywheel? I would like to find out what the upper and lower diameters are to see if it would fit my crankshaft.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 4, 2009
Re: Chronomania Sport Jet 90

This is the stock trigger for the motor , will work and attach the same way but the one wire needs to be grounded.

Flywheel is on ebay , item 220525142144
Or go to boat parts and just search the part number and it will come up.
You need to call mercury again to verify the part number , I got it based on the conversion kit number of 835084a1 it is based on what I could research and find.


Seaman Apprentice
May 5, 2010
Re: Chronomania Sport Jet 90

I have located a 817494A18 flywheel and have purchased it. I hope to have it next week sometime to install. I'll post what happens:)


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 4, 2009
Re: Chronomania Sport Jet 90

Let me know , I personally would have tried the trigger first for 2 reasons
1 Cost
2 The 494a18 flywheel is discontinued , Any future flywheel problems will put you right back to getting a 241 type flywheel with the stock trigger.

But I do respect the fact you want it to be as designed and there is nothing wrong with that at all :)


Seaman Apprentice
May 5, 2010
Re: Chronomania Sport Jet 90

I installed the 817494A18 flywheel today and turned the key:


All three coils fired! (Look at that spark!;))

Here is what I learned from my (mis)adventure:

1) If there is ANY evidence of flywheel magnet loss, STOP CRANKING THE ENGINE AND PULL THE FLYWHEEL!. This may help save your Stator coil.

2) There are at least three different flywheels for a Sport Jet 90; Chose the correct one! If you have a CDM ignition system, flywheel # 817494A18 works. Flywheel's 859241T10 and 859236T14 won't!

3) There is good help on this website! I would like to thank Kend301 for all of his help and patience and not giving up. I would also like to thank kenimpzoom for his troubleshooting posts both old and new.

4) Time to have a beer. This adventure took longer than I thought and I am thirsty!:D
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