Change in George Bushka?


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Apr 12, 2004
Re: Change in George Bushka?

I did hear that "W" fell off the wagon but I will have to agree with PW2 on this one.<br /><br />Bush has been a disaster since being re-elected.<br />Instead of coming up with sensible decisions he throws money at problems like a Democrat would.<br /><br />Absolutely no immigration policy except "amnesty".<br /><br />Cost of living has gone through the roof but our wages remain relatively the same.<br /><br />Dubya is no different then a democrat except for the fact he will go to war.


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: Change in George Bushka?

PW2, no offence meant but, do you have to bring up your anti war crap on EVERY post. It really detracts from your otherwise intellegent posts.<br /><br />**********************************************<br /><br />You also gotta remember, GWB doesnt have to worry about getting re-elected. ;) <br /><br />Lets give him a break, he has had the hardest presidency since Nixon.<br /><br />Ken


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Change in George Bushka?

Originally posted by PW2:<br /> I personally think that circumstances are finally catching up to him, and he is learning that you can't lead by cliche alone.
I don't care who ya are, that there was funny!<br /> :D <br /><br /><br />
Originally posted by PW2:<br />We are finding out that after forming a new department, Homeland Security, and spending billions of dollars, we are finding out thru the hurricanes that little, if any progress has been made to make us secure.
<br />See what a garbage idea "redistribution of the wealth" is?<br />I agree. Bush's domestic spending habits are almost socialistic.. Not my idea of a good conservative, fiscal or otherwise.<br /><br />
Originally posted by PW2:<br />After spending billions of dollars in Iraq, and costing almost 2,000 American lives, it seems that if the best result happens we will create a new Islamic state that doesn't like us--the worst case will be an all out civil war over there with no one knowing what the heck will turn out from that.
And even if we "create a new Islamic state that doesn't like us", it will be the FREE choice of the Iraqi people, and you are powerless to stop that.<br />A little filler is needed here --- We are not doing ANY of this to "be liked" by anyone anywhere. We are doing this to battle Islamic terrorism to a stage of it's impotency, and replace a tyrant dictator, with a sovereign, representative government. That is it.<br /><br />
Originally posted by PW2:<br />And domestically, government is growing exponentially, we are spending money like drunken sailors, and we have a fiscal plan that counts on China loaning us money for this spending spree,
<br />And your solution? Note that I totally agree we are. <br />
Originally posted by PW2:<br /><br />And all the while steadfastly protecting the tax cuts for the wealthy.
<br />How cliche'! :rolleyes: <br /><br />
Originally posted by PW2:<br />With all this going on, you'd get worn out, too. Especially when cliches don't seem to satisfy anyone anymore.
Cliche's? You mean like "tax cuts for the wealthy"? "sending our soldiers to die?"<br />"War for oil?" "Haliburton/Cheney-owned whitehouse"? Those kind of cliches wearing you out?<br /><br />Cowboy-up, PW2. It could be worse. Take it from somebody who put-up with 40 years worth of cliches from the dems like "Global warming" , "no nukes", "Second hand smoke", and lived to tell about it.


Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
Re: Change in George Bushka?

Originally posted by Copespitter:<br />Dubya is no different then a democrat except for the fact he will go to war.
Could I point out another difference?<br /><br />"Borrow & spend" vs "Tax & spend".<br />And trying to get the Wealth Transfer Tax repealed.<br /><br />No, that's two more differences. "Borrow & spend" vs "Tax & spend" and repeal the Wealth Transfer Tax.<br />Also trying to privatize Social Security.<br /><br />Sorry, three more differences. "Borrow & spend" vs "Tax & spend," repeal the Wealth Transfer Tax and privatize Social Security.<br /><br />You know, it could just be that Rita is a big stresser...look at how much time he's spending on it...makes you wonder what he said to Chertoff behind closed doors. I mean, he must have thought Cherkoff had it covered, then Katrina happened.<br /><br />Now, Rita...a federal judge in Beaumont instructed the police to use force if necessary to acquire needed supplies from the FEMA stockpiles. Local news showed video of genpacks, some other equipment, lined up ready to go for days, but can't deploy 'em till they the right form, filled in correctly, faxed to the right number. Never mind they can't operate the fax machines without the generators. Give me a break! <br /><br />I mean is this the kind of thing we pay our president to do? Personally supervise this kind of operation? Let's get General Honore down there!<br /><br />[btw copespitter, what is that fallen off the wagon comment? some kind of rumor? look, just 'cause he's been spending time in New Orleans doesn't mean...] ;)


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Apr 12, 2004
Re: Change in George Bushka?

[btw copespitter, what is that fallen off the wagon comment? some kind of rumor? look, just 'cause he's been spending time in New Orleans doesn't mean...] ;) [/QB][/quote]<br /><br />I heard on t.v. Dubya was drinking again. I can't remember what show said it but I think their sources were the National Enquirer.<br />I don't beleive it.<br /><br />Vote Libertarian in 08!!!!


Apr 21, 2004
Re: Change in George Bushka?

Sorry if mention of Iraq offends.<br /><br />It would be difficult to talk about W without some mention of Iraq, however.<br /><br />I don't blame the W supporters for wanting to pretend Iraq never happened and doesn't exist, however


Jun 19, 2002
Re: Change in George Bushka?

<br />It would be difficult to talk about W without some mention of Iraq, however.<br />
That sounds like a personal problem,,he,he :D


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: Change in George Bushka?

PW2, its just that there are many many things you can attack Bush on, but the war just isnt one. We did the right thing, regardless of the reasons or the mistakes.<br /><br />I would think the bleeding heart liberals would see that it was right to save these people from an evil dictator.<br /><br />North Korea may be next.<br /><br />Ken


Chief Petty Officer
Sep 3, 2004
Re: Change in George Bushka?

What's Iraq?<br /><br />Not even Fox News or Limbaugh are using those Talking points anymore Ken.


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 14, 2005
Re: Change in George Bushka?

Need to toss the anchor, we're drifting from the question.