Caught between a rock and an ugly girl....


Lieutenant Commander
Dec 13, 2008
Re: Caught between a rock and an ugly girl....

Now if she is so big that you need to reprop your boat..... then you might want to think this over a little more...

ROFL! I can hear it now.. two guys at the boat launch..

"Well how big is she?"
"I don't know.. 150HP, I guess"
<shows photo>
"No way, man! That is a 200 horse right there!"


May 18, 2005
Re: Caught between a rock and an ugly girl....

Now if she is so big that you need to reprop your boat..... then you might want to think this over a little more...

THANKS!!! that was a good beer till I seen that :)
let the clean up begin



Vice Admiral
Dec 5, 2007
Re: Caught between a rock and an ugly girl....

There is a screensaver floating around in the digital world, that I once saw. It is a photo of a drop dead gorgeous model in a skimpy outfit. As Prince would say, she put the "i" in "fine!"

There is a caption on the photo, which reads:

"As beautiful as you may think she is, someone, somewhere thinks she's a pain in the a**."

Keep that in mind when you choose a woman.


Mar 18, 2003
Re: Caught between a rock and an ugly girl....

The body is just a carcus for the soul. So hers isn't so perfect. Although physical attraction is why we all get together in the first place, it dosen't last. A great person on the inside lasts forever. Keep in mind, sometimes the most beautiful gifts come in the ugliest packages.

You might inspire her to start walking with you. If she had tough relationships in the past depression may be what has aided in her weight gain. That would be a great thing for a friend to do, inspire her to care about herself more. She may have a medical issue related to weight gain too which she should have checked out.

The worst thing you can do is lead her to believe your relationship is anything but friendship. She will also have to understand that when you date or eventually marry someone else, that she will have to take a back seat.

You are in a difficult position at any cost.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Nov 11, 2005
Re: Caught between a rock and an ugly girl....

i understand totally. i have a female roommate. we have been friends for 10 years, see wanted more, but sorry, she just doesn't do it for me. i had to make it clear, that i had no intentions of carrying the relationship any farther than friends. we have been roommate now for the past 5 years. i love her as a person, just don't want to take it any farther than that. (ok, she does not hit the switch to me).

she puts up with my boats, dog and cats, and i put up with her obsessions. she is obsessed with food, can tell you about every restaurant with in 300 miles, constantly at weight watchers, i could have boat a 40 footer, with what she has paid weight watchers.

she is a great person, just too many hangups, to go any farther.


Jul 28, 2004
Re: Caught between a rock and an ugly girl....

Man! Get a hold of yourself. Scooter AND fat chick? :D
Sorry, I couldn't resist. :D On a serious note, despite all the cliches about inner beauty and all. If there are no physical attraction at all then it not going to be successful.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jun 30, 2009
Re: Caught between a rock and an ugly girl....

Are you just worried what other people think about you?
I would take an ugly chick thats fun to be with anyday over a hot chick that i would rather blow my brains out every time she opens her mouth
Marry someone you can't live without rather than can live with
you have to be happy
She might just be thinking the same thing about you!! "that lil boy can't even pick me up":D


Staff member
May 29, 2003
Re: Caught between a rock and an ugly girl....

Several good comments here, and some pretty cruel ones (funny, but could be hurtful if she every saw them).

LF had some good advice, re-read her post. A good relationship/marriage usually starts with a good friendship. You never know when the attraction could hit. Enjoy the friendship, don't lead her on, and don't shut the door because of physical attraction now. Beauty if fleeting, but a good, fun person lasts forever.

(And don't forget, "Better to marry an ugly woman, because they will always try harder!" Forgive me for getting that shot in.:p;))


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 17, 2007
Re: Caught between a rock and an ugly girl....

Someone stated earlier- "beauty is in the eye of the beholder"

That's not the way it's said around my neck of the woods. It goes more like this- "Beauty is in the eye of the BEERholder"

In other words, more beer will help the situation.

I remember a long time ago in my 20's. Working the bar scene- if I couldn't get a hottie, I'd settle for a fuggly and have a few extra rounds until she looked like Miss USA.

Just be careful- long term relationships can lead to alcoholism.


Nov 15, 2003
Re: Caught between a rock and an ugly girl....

Awesome advice, thanks guys (and LF too!) Like TD says, she just doesn't flip my switch. I certainly wouldn't want her out of my life as she and I have so much in common and shes fun to be around, just not romantically. It just ain't there.

I just don't know how I'd explain this to her.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 22, 2008
Re: Caught between a rock and an ugly girl.... bout this. the truth. "you are a great person, and i really enjoy our time and friendship. I just don't think as a couple , we would work, and i would rather keep our friendship, than destroy it on a maybe"

or something to that effect. (not like i've heard this 6 or 8 thousand times in the past:(....okay 2 or 3 thousand)


Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Re: Caught between a rock and an ugly girl....

I am going to side with the really nice and really smart girl. Did you ever consider she has done things to be your friend ...... you do not deserve her. :redface:


May 31, 2002
Re: Caught between a rock and an ugly girl....

She doesn't know - never found one that would still float with her in it!

Sorry, couldn't resist! :eek:


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 11, 2009
Re: Caught between a rock and an ugly girl....

Is physical attraction (or lack thereof) a good enough reason to tell someone no?

Yes to your question. You looking for a friend or looking for a lover dude? Blow past all this body is my spirit is my soul justifications. This place become Dr. Phil's secret hangout?

What the heck is all this justification about how "nice" she is? Either you're hot on her or nor not. If you're not, then you have your answer and quit posting these Dear Abby threads. I've got a gosh dang bildge to clean, a valve job to finish, and I keep seeing these kleenex questions.

BTW, if you have to cut loose your tow line with this companion, make sure she isn't packing heat like a chick here in Texas did recently. Even after a body search by two different intake desks, this broad manages to conceal a
9mm in the folds of her gut. For two days I believe. Behind bars. Interestingly, it was not loaded.

Watch your back waterinthefuel . . . . .


Chief Petty Officer
Jun 2, 2009
Re: Caught between a rock and an ugly girl....

Wow, what was the question? Or, better yet, why are you looking to us for absolution? You have one life to live, go live it the way want and with the people you want, not us.

You could talk her into gastric bypass and wait for the results. But, you said that she is Ugly, so why bother.

Your life, live it... rock on and send pictures of the next beauty.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
May 28, 2005
Re: Caught between a rock and an ugly girl....

You can't out-think the "switch." Believe me, I've tried. Really nice girl, actually quite pretty, but very much overweight. One night after a lot of beer I proceeded to test the limits of my "switch." Let's just say that even after the beer, I reached a point where I just had to admit that it wasn't working. It ended up being a very embarrassing situation.

There's no point in feeling guilty for having a brain that works in a particular way. Sometimes logic doesn't work. I have a debilitating fear of heights. One day I decided to out-think it and climb a staircase with openings under my feet (this being on the Eiffel Tower). Ten steps and I was fine. Twenty and I was shaking. Thirty, and I collapsed and had to crawl back down. Logically, I knew the fear was stupid. Still, it was there.

Figure that she's not "unattractive." Just not attractive to you. There's someone out there for her.


Master Chief Petty Officer
Jan 6, 2009
Re: Caught between a rock and an ugly girl....

If there is no attraction, you don?t need to be there. You need to express this to her. She will realize she?s wasting her time and move on.
You need to be attracted to a woman to "fall in love". After you are in "love" her looks won?t really matter to you.
My wife, which I have been with since we were 15 years old has physically changed a lot. I can honestly say I find her as beautiful today as the day we met. I will always feel this way. The attraction I felt for her when we first met is still there.
You cant talk yourself into being attracted to her. Dont try to fool your heart, it cant be done.


Fleet Admiral
Oct 8, 2003
Re: Caught between a rock and an ugly girl....

If you are not happy, that says it all. Keep looking.


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 9, 2009
Re: Caught between a rock and an ugly girl....

Someone stated earlier- "beauty is in the eye of the beholder"

That's not the way it's said around my neck of the woods. It goes more like this- "Beauty is in the eye of the BEERholder"

In other words, more beer will help the situation.

I remember a long time ago in my 20's. Working the bar scene- if I couldn't get a hottie, I'd settle for a fuggly and have a few extra rounds until she looked like Miss USA.

Just be careful- long term relationships can lead to alcoholism.

LMAO thats hilarious!

Been there and done the whole club/bar scene... I was a goth for many years back in the late 80's early 90's and I am sure you have seen the "typical" goth chick, huge, and pasty white hehe.. alcohol made every one seem like miss americal LOL

But as for the OP's question... as others have said, if it doesn't feel right, nothing is really going to change that. You can't "make" yourself become attracted to someone (without supplements LOL).