an electric choke does not need the hot exhaust gases to open a hot air choke does. Here is a short article on choke styles.
What kind of choke do I have. There are 4 different types of choke systems. Learn about the choke that you have.
an electric choke uses 12v to heat up a bimetal spring in choke housing when off the spring is cold and when stabbing the throttle the choke 'sets' and closes. Once engine is started and running 12 v is constantly supplied to the choke element and over a few minutes it heats up and opens the choke. The choke gets hot of the 12 v not engine temp.
Since some one converted your intake to a aftermarket aluminum one there is no provision in the cross over for the hot air choke stove (element), so you have to either force the choke open and live without one or get a electric choke conversion like this
A place like mikes - or Cliffs
can walk you through what you need to put an electric choke on it.
You also can pump the throttle a few times to squirt some gas in there before starting and then just let it warm up at fast idle... I ran my boat for years like this. Isn't really an issue in the summer only fall and early spring when its cold. Not really an elegant solution but works...