Things get pretty hectic when I have a couple interesting games going on at the same time, right now the only other game is Russia versus Japan, not interesting at all, I think the last high school team I coached could beat Japans Olympic team..
I don't know BP but it looks to me like the staff went with a offense that is very responsible defensively today, while Subban does a fine job there it is not his strength
I guess I would have to agree....PK can really be amazing but he can also be a big liability at times....not exactly consistent....maybe he should play for Vancouver..LOL
Nice timing though, Fins start to change the momentum and the period ends
1-1 game, kind of a boring period, Fins were on defense most of the period but it didn't look to me like Canada really pressed the Fins, but just like any team at this level if you play with a snake long enough eventually you are going to get bit..