the RACE!! (unofficial lol) Dang... it's always something. Trying to get some fishing in, water's too high, rain muddy etc. Then messing with "old stuff" trying to get it right at the same time.
GPS 10 miles out and up in a creek; had 5 Crappie and calling it a day. Came busting out of the creek into the river, headed to the Ditch (gas line). Rounded a bend and there was a guy n his dad easing along in the middle of the river and almost at the mouth of the Ditch (apx 7ml out). A ways off still, I backed out of it to see which way they were going.
Still far enough away that I didn't have to back off completely; I followed him in but stayed back. With the water up, there can be a lot of crap floating in there, and then there's the stuff you can't see....
BUT, you still want to fly through that ditch to a degree. No rookie, he maintained 30 to 35 while I followed at least a 100yds back.
He busted out into the river it connects; something I NEVER DO THERE!!!! because of the blind spot. BIG BOAT traffic and there can be a lot of crap floating underneath the surface in areas as such.
Nah... I hung back some, for safety reasons, and had nothing to prove. Hung back there and a few other places because that swamp will KILL YOU!!! if you aren't careful.
With a few tight turns and short straightaways, I was back to being as close as I'll EVER follow another boat (50')- that being if I know the person, where we are going, etc.... I was out of the throttle again, BUT!! lol
That was the last hard turn before hitting some "open water"; and since he had hammered down and gotten away some because "I let him", I obliged him and gave chase again. I was "only" paying attention to the water and where "I" was going instead of "exactly what kind of boat he had" - at the ramp, found it to be an 18' Crestliner with a 115 Honda E-TEC.
Coming out of the creek that goes to the ramp, another boat was coming out and he had to slow for the wake; while I took it at WOT. And resumed dogging him through that creek - it was all in good fun. I wasn't out to prove anything, but guessing he was....
He's at least a 1000 pounds lighter; if I were him, I'd be scratching my head....
Hmmmmmm..... he wouldn't even talk to me LOL. But his dad did for several minutes :lol:
I HAVE NO CLUE!!! what possessed me to push on my prop when I got back?? but it jingled just a little.... hmmmmmmm...
broke the thrust washer and spun the hub - shiny underneath outer washer; and still whipped an E-TEC === 2000 and something? much newer and technologically advanced; and mine is crank rated HP not prop.
A 3 foot longer boat with more beam but most of his boat was outta the water being much lighter - not mine, I have a lot more contact with the water after adding Herculiner and redistributing some weight. Which is a good thing in this little boat with this much power.
I should get my prop back today but it needs to sit over the weekend. Maybe?? lol next week if I can stop fishing and put aside other stuff, I'll make some half baked video. It really isn't all that much, but I am impressed.
PS; the conditions haven't been right but I still gotta go......... it's what I live for..... (in part)