By request- RU412 Morning After Pill


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 7, 2003
Re: By request- RU412 Morning After Pill

Well, here is what I say about abortion. I do not agree to killing a baby, even if it has not seen the light of day yet. <br /><br />Also. If a woman is pregnant with my child and wants to kill it, she would have her self in court to fight for that right. That baby is both the mothers and the fathers. Yes the woman carries it, but it takes two to make it. It also takes two carry it properly, and two to raise it properly. The baby can hear things outside the womb. It knows dad's voice as well as mom's before it is born.<br /><br />I have to add though, that after my fourth son I had a vasectomy. This is no longer an issue, but I still believe in safe sex when not married.


Jun 4, 2003
Re: By request- RU412 Morning After Pill

Originally posted by Elmer Fudge:<br />How about unsafe sex between married couples :confused:
Swinging? Elmer you ole dog :D


Chief Petty Officer
Feb 9, 2003
Re: By request- RU412 Morning After Pill

The abortion issue can be a very heated arguement. Roe vs Wade was ultimately about abortion, but it set the precidence for many other issues, such as the question "When does life begin?" The LEGAL answer is that life does not begin until after birth. Before that, the child is not considered a separate life with it's own rights. (i.e. right to life...)<br /><br />I don't see how any discussion of this pill cannot involve abortion. That's the issue, isn't it? Should abortion be so easily obtained in a compact little pill? I haven't heard any discussion of health issues, side-effects, addiction, abuse, or cost. Can this issue be separated from the issues of abortion?

Elmer Fudge

Lieutenant Commander
Aug 25, 2003
Re: By request- RU412 Morning After Pill

Aw shucks! GG don't go over estimating me :D ,i'm terribly sorry, i should have worded that differently, what i meant was sex engaged by a married couple sans condoms. Hell you knew what i meant :D :D

Elmer Fudge

Lieutenant Commander
Aug 25, 2003
Re: By request- RU412 Morning After Pill

wilkin, the morning after pill is taken prior to conception,therefore it has absolutely nothing to do with abortion, in fact it could and would prevent a lot of abortions.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Nov 8, 2003
Re: By request- RU412 Morning After Pill

I believe the abortion issue is right about where it ought to be. It is an individual moral question. The government has no right to regulate it. I believe the government should keep it's nose out of people's body's. <br /><br />If you are truely against abortion, then raise your children to respect these values and there will be no problem. If a moral issue exists anyway, should that problem be propagated onto another generation? <br /><br />At what point does one feel so morally superior as to feel justified in imposing his/her beliefs on others?<br /><br />Probably the most socially responsible action that I've seen the Right to Life movement take was at a local church that raised a billboard promising any expectant mother a good family home for their baby and no questions and no blame/shame if they would elect to not have an abortion. That's what I call putting your beliefs where your mouth is.


Jun 4, 2003
Re: By request- RU412 Morning After Pill

Originally posted by Elmer Fudge:<br /> Hell you knew what i meant :D :D
Of course I did ;) I guess this pill issue doesn't really bother me in the least little bit if it is used with common sense.<br /><br />I just wouldn't want my sons to try to convince ole Susie Rotten (service guys know the rest) to go all the way with them because they have access to the morning after pill :rolleyes:

Elmer Fudge

Lieutenant Commander
Aug 25, 2003
Re: By request- RU412 Morning After Pill

Posted by guageguy:
I just wouldn't want my sons to try to convince ole Susie Rotten (service guys know the rest) to go all the way with them because they have access to the morning after pill
From that aspect i quite understand your concerns.


Chief Petty Officer
Feb 9, 2003
Re: By request- RU412 Morning After Pill

Originally posted by Elmer Fudge:<br /> wilkin, the morning after pill is taken prior to conception,therefore it has absolutely nothing to do with abortion, in fact it could and would prevent a lot of abortions.
I agree with you from a medical standpoint, but let's face it, that is not the popular opinion. If it were viewed as you say, would there be any debate about it? As I stated earlier, abortion is the only topic of this discussion so far. Gaugeguy has been the only person to even allude to a different debate.<br /><br />While I agree with you in theory, the rest of the world does not share your view. This is looked at as "The abortion pill".


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 7, 2003
Re: By request- RU412 Morning After Pill

Personally, if both parties were responsible about it then we wouldn't need a "morning after" pill. That would also take out any issue about who's right it is to have the kid.

Elmer Fudge

Lieutenant Commander
Aug 25, 2003
Re: By request- RU412 Morning After Pill

While I agree with you in theory, the rest of the world does not share your view. This is looked at as "The abortion pill".
Thats the misconception proclaimed by the opposition of this pill.


Chief Petty Officer
Feb 9, 2003
Re: By request- RU412 Morning After Pill

But what is the motive of the opposition? Are they opposed to the pill, or are they opposed to abortion? As I said, I don't think this can be removed from an abortion issue, because that is the motive of the opposition.<br /><br />For the record, I personally agree with you. But somebody mentioned in this thread that the topic at hand wasn't abortion, but rather the pill itself. And my arguement was, you cannot separate the pill from the topic of abortion. The only opposition to the pill IS the topic of abortion.


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 25, 2003
Re: By request- RU412 Morning After Pill

At what point does one feel so morally superior as to feel justified in imposing his/her beliefs on others?
We do it all the time as a society. If someone wants to blow somebody else away would there be one of us who would say "fine by me" and not call it a murder? Society as a whole should be deciding these issues carefully and responsibly. It DID decide against this whole abortion thing but now it is going through the nearly violent throes of changing its values on this and numerous other moral issues. Where will it stop? I am proudly one of the dinosaurs who has not rolled over and gone with the flow. I'm not an obstructionist, I am a thinking conservative who feels that personal convenience and pleasure are less important than the need to build and strengthen society. Think long and hard from a bigger perspective looking at how we got here as a nation and where we are headed. Think seriously, and the odds are you will see that we have swallowed a lot of nonsense over the past 50 years or so. Take the other perspective and you just lose perspective. You no longer have anything to measure where we are or to navigate with. You get to redefine everything as you go. Fun! (At first) If all Truth is relative then what can you do but measure yourself against the next guy. The next guy may be just fine but our measurement may not be. It is just like measuring block of wood and cutting it to one inch. Say you need a few hundred of these for a project. But instead of using the ruler for the next one you use the one you just cut. Each new block is measured by the one cut just prior. Everything is fine until you go to assemble something from it! You could have blocks from three quarters of an inch to an inch and a half (or worse) if you do this enough times. OK, If absolutes are not important lets throw away our navigational compasses and charts. Then lets boat or fly somewhere a few hundred miles away. (no thanks, you can if you want but I LIKE charts and compasses!)Some people like to run stop signs. They can be such a nusaince to wait for, right? So lets just do away with stop signs and anything else we don't like. We need our "freedom" right? Where will we arrive doing this? Likely the morgue. But who is anyone else to tell ME I should stop at that intersection? Come on guys, there are rules for a reason. We have way too many of them because irresponsible people break the rules and irresponsible politicians make too many more rule to try to compensate. Where did personal responsibility ever go? The more responsibility we take the fewer rules are needed. Like people really HAVE to get pregnant when they don't want to these days? 99.9999% of unwanted pregnancies ARE preventable. Killing unborn children is preventable. This pill thing is not so nice and neat and easy as you will see if you go to the FDA link I added below. Sure looks to me that collective responsibility would be a much easier road to take in the long run. But who thinks that far into he future any more? Not as many of our younger crowd, that I am convinced of.<br /><br />By the way, you guys who say it is not an abortificient are all wet. It most certainly is! Another lie from those who stand to profit from this. FDA<br />
The Food and Drug Administration has approved mifepristone (trade name Mifeprex) for the termination of early pregnancy, defined as 49 days or less, counting from the beginning of the last menstrual period.<br />
Not that implantation should even be part of the argument, implantation certainly can occur in this window!<br /><br />One thing I am in total agreement with is that churches who condemn abortion have a responsibility to encourage and help provide other options like medical assistance and adoption. We fail if we do not minister in love instead of condemn the woman in this situation.


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: By request- RU412 Morning After Pill

This world is screwed up. It is the womans decision????? BULL CRAP! It is the decision of both the man and woman. Are we men totally without a voice here!!<br /><br />If you forget the relgious and moral implications of all this, then the main problem is we live in a world that anybody can screwup, and all will be taken care of with a pill or abortion. Take responsibility in your lives!!! Keep it in your pants, do proper birth control planning, or be willing to become a parent. That is the way I always viewed it.<br /><br />Ken

Kenneth Brown

Feb 3, 2003
Re: By request- RU412 Morning After Pill

Looks like its gaining steam again. If society expects a man to pay child support then society should also allow the man to keep the child EVEN if the woman doesn't want to. Its a double standard thats being applied to males.<br /><br /><br />By the way- We all make mistakes, mine was just worse than some others. She did do me a favor. My marriage would have been over with otherwise. My wife and I recounciled and take each day as it comes. I am forever thankful for God providing me with such a great woman. Still, to this day though I am upset over the other womans actions. I am not looking for sympathy. I have to deal with my stupidity every day. Almost 3 years ago I did some dumb things and I have to live with it. I just deal with it and make the most out of what I have. You never appreciate your spouse till you almost lose them. I love my wife and will always honor her.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Nov 8, 2003
Re: By request- RU412 Morning After Pill

Ken said<br />
<br />It is the womans decision????? BULL CRAP! It is the decision of both the man and woman. Are we men totally without a voice here!!<br />
What about the majority of the time when the man is nowhere to be seen?<br /><br />To say that couples OUGHT to be responsible is fine, but what if they aren't. Who gets to raise that young one when the parent doesn't want it? <br /><br />Personally, I believe that having an abortion is probably the most difficult decision a woman can make. Most women don't make such a decision without a lot of serious thinking. <br /><br />What if we were to do this... What if we were to be able to ban abortion, but only if everyone who supports such a ban agrees to adopt and raise one child of any race from a mother who would have otherwise aborted that child? How many would agree to such a conditional ban on abortion?<br /><br />I know what some of you will ask: "Why should we have to raise the child? Why shouldn't the mother or father raise the child?" Answer: Because they are irresponsible and you cannot legislate responsibility into someone who doesn't have it. You can force the monther/father to raise a child, but that doesn't mean they will be responsible parents.<br /><br />How many would agree to adopt a child to support a ban on abortion?

Kenneth Brown

Feb 3, 2003
Re: By request- RU412 Morning After Pill

Joe says -"How many would agree to adopt a child to support a ban on abortion?"<br /><br />Thats not what I am talking about. I don't actually wish to support a child I was not involved in. I have absolutely nothing against adoption, I think its a wonderful thing. I am only stating that sometime the discrimination against the males has to stop.


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 7, 2003
Re: By request- RU412 Morning After Pill

The discrimination against males has to stop NOW! It is sick to even think that those worthless SOBs who run out on their responsibilities are men. They make real men a joke, and we aren't going to take it any longer. <br /><br />Perhaps if women looked for real men, instead of ****ed out looking wackos, they might have a family to call their own.


Jul 25, 2003
Re: By request- RU412 Morning After Pill

I just wouldn't want my sons to try to convince ole Susie Rotten (service guys know the rest) to go all the way with them because they have access to the morning after pill
C'mon Dad :D Do as I say boy, not..............


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Nov 8, 2003
Re: By request- RU412 Morning After Pill

Perhaps if women looked for real men, instead of ****ed out looking wackos, they might have a family to call their own.
I hear a song coming on...<br /><br />Somewhere over the rainbow...<br /><br />Seriously, how likely is that to happen?