Just dropping in real quick. I made some decent headway this past weekend. No pics for now as I am at work and pics aren't coming through my emails for some reason. I got all the carpeting ripped out. I tried finding anything else that I could do in the meantime, but then I realized that I was just procrastinating on doing the scary part......Cutting through the deck. So...I got my skill saw and Sawzall out and bit the bullet and went at it. The underside of the deck seemed pretty decent, and I am not 100% certain on the stringers yet. The make shift bulkheads that were in the ski locker were made out of newer wood, but as I removed more of the floor, I found that these bulkheads were put in place over old ones that had rotted out.....And this is why the stringers are questionable. Visibly, they look ok I believe, however, the original bulkheads that were put in when these stringers were, appeared to have been glassed into the stringers on the edges only....So these bulkheads eventually rotted away, and the edges of them that seem to be touching the only bare sides of the stringers....caused the rot to transfer into the stringers. I am curious if after testing the stringers, if they are still decent enough, if it is at all possible to just remove the rotted portion instead of the entire thing? I don't know if that would compromise the structural integrity of the boat at all or if after being glassed in again, if it would be like one solid piece. I uncovered the fuel tank which was also glassed in on the edges, so that will be fun to get out. The foam is 100% waterlogged in certain areas and fine in others. Cutting out one of the seat bases was an absolute pain, but once it was out, a huge chunk of foam came out with it. I did see that whoever put the foam in laid down a layer of clear tarp on the bottom of the hull prior to installing the foam. Not sure why, it if it was even a benefit to have it there. To me, it seems that all it would do is hold moisture. What is plastic tarp's function? Do I rip it out and lay down new prior to new foam, or get rid of it completely? I am hoping though that with the layer of plastic tarp under there, that the foam is easier to come out.
I have yet to remove the little storage compartments in the bow and stern. I am afraid that I am going to mess something up if I do....But I know that is probably just me over thinking.....And I know I need to remove them to have a look at the stringers as well. If I take my time cutting them out and saving them as a template, I know I should be good.