Lots of valuable input thus far!!! Very minimal criticism as well, so thank you all for your responses! I have just recently focused my attention slightly elsewhere in order to be able to focus my attention on the boat sooner than later. I went to Harbor Freight a couple days ago and made a big purchase on one of those 12' X 20' portable garages. I have to say that that bad boy was extremely heavy. definitely could have used a 2nd person's help to put it up, But for the most part, I got er done. I still have the last stages of assembly to complete, but that will have to wait another couple days when I am not working again. The good thing about this, is as soon as the garage was fully covered, it immediately got warm enough in there to melt all the snow and ice! Another perk of this garage, remove the boat and it will double as a great party tent when I have guests over this summer! LOL
I also purchased a propane heater for those really cold days so I can still work out there this winter.
As I was assembling ceiling bolts, I did so while walking around inside the now thawed out boat yesterday. I did notice that the flooring was a piece of linoleum ( I believe ) that was cut out to fit the deck. Not sure why the last owner went with that as an option. It was very warped, bubbly and bouncy, so it was difficult to tell which part of the floor was actually rot and which was the flooring, as I have never tested a rotten floor before. I was able to finally remove the ski locker lid after being frozen shut. The underside of the cover looked pretty decent actually. I could be wrong, as it was damp, but it was a pretty mahogany color. I could not see any of the stringers, however the cross beams (Not sure what they are actually called) looked like the same pretty color as the ski locker cover.
I did receive a response from the last owner who said that he put new stringers and deck in a year ago but never glassed over them. I do not know how believable that statement is, because looking at the cross beams, they already have multiple tiny cut marks across their edges, telling me that this boat has possibly had multiple decks ripped up and replaced over the years with no attention paid to the stringers. What are your thoughts on that statement? I will still do my due diligence and see what I can see. I will post pics when I have a free day again. I will be finally starting the hard part of cleaning out the boat on Friday, followed by removing the seats, bases and stripping her all down to the deck.
By the way, now that I am thinking of it, for future reference, is it necessary to have a ski locker or could I decide to get rid of it? Pros/cons?