I cut one piece of plywood today and laid down my first Layer of glass! Took 2 cups of resin. I put down a piece of csm on it..... but I do have a question now..... there's little csm fuzzies on the edges and resin for under and hardened on the other side and it's not nice and flush anymore.... how do I get rid of the fuzzies or keep them from happening again and what can I do about the clumped up resin?
I also got neoprene strips and 5200 and Laid out steps under the fuel tank.
I also took a gamble and purchased that powerhead I found on ebay..... don't judge me. This is how i learn

... got the old powerhead off and cleaned up everything with the power washer. I even got lucky and fond a new fake on Amazon that fits perfectly!
Tomorrow ill work more on the transom and getting the powerhead installed.
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