Black America upset about diversity of Red Cross


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Black America upset about diversity of Red Cross

I think it is unfair to credit these few loudmouths with speaking for "Black America".


Jun 19, 2002
Re: Black America upset about diversity of Red Cross

Originally posted by JB:<br /> I think it is unfair to credit these few loudmouths with speaking for "Black America".
I agree, however, this media is giving the few the opportunity to resonate the message. Which dove tails with all the rest of the media mantra. Tell a lie often enough, it becomes the truth to the uninformed...<br /><br />If Bush or his mother had said this what do you think the response would have been.<br /><br /><br />Yes Skinny, I sprused up the topic a bit. All topics and headlines are meant to attract a reader. ;)


Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
Re: Black America upset about diversity of Red Cross

I just wonder: how did this reporter find this story? Did the woman who offered her community center as a shelter call 'em & complain? Who is that preacher they quoted, they don't say where he came from - does he have a local reputation for "speaking out," or did they just call & ask him for a quote?<br /><br />What's the purpose of the story, is it to encourage people to volunteer, is it a complaint against the Red Cross, is it a complaint against the African American community?<br /><br />*Note to reelpoor: it's not about complaints from victims

Kenneth Brown

Feb 3, 2003
Re: Black America upset about diversity of Red Cross

Originally posted by jtexas:<br />
Originally posted by Kenneth Brown:<br /> Sounds like someof you might be singin' that church song- "Oh I saw the light, I saw the light"<br /><br /><br />Say J- Leave the ballpark and go hang in Oak Cliff or Fairpark for a while. I'm sure that tha brothers will be happy to take you in.
is there a point to this? you got something to say, say it.
I believe I did. I think its great that you can be objectionable and read both sides of the story. I wish I was able to do that more. I also feel that you have never been in the hood. My parents raised me to treat everyone the same. I still try to. Its awful hard when the some members of society (and I use that loosely) ALWAYS blame the white man for their troubles. Just once I would like to hear the black community say "Its our fault, whitey didn't do it to me"


Mar 7, 2002
Re: Black America upset about diversity of Red Cross

Yes Skinny, I sprused up the topic a bit. All topics and headlines are meant to attract a reader.
Are you going for a nobel prize? Or are you just beating around the bush also?<br />Your topic reads " all black Americans"<br />The headline said "African Americans". <br />The story continued to reduce the size to "some".<br />And by the time the story ended it was only "one or two people".<br />You wanted to spruce it up from a "couple" to "all". Sounds like an agenda to me.<br /><br />At any rate, to bad so many allow the media to get your tights all in a bunch like this. <br /><br /><br />
Just once I would like to hear the black community say "Its our fault, whitey didn't do it to me"<br />
That's the message Bill Cosby, J.C. Watts, Thomas Sowell, Associate Justice Clarence Thomas, and a few others I've heard. <br />Maybe it's said alot more but it doesn't make the headlines.<br />It'll be more constructive to "spruce up" the messages from these examples.


Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
Re: Black America upset about diversity of Red Cross

Originally posted by Kenneth Brown:<br />
Originally posted by jtexas:<br />
Originally posted by Kenneth Brown:<br /> Sounds like someof you might be singin' that church song- "Oh I saw the light, I saw the light"<br /><br /><br />Say J- Leave the ballpark and go hang in Oak Cliff or Fairpark for a while. I'm sure that tha brothers will be happy to take you in.
is there a point to this? you got something to say, say it.
I believe I did. I think its great that you can be objectionable and read both sides of the story. I wish I was able to do that more. I also feel that you have never been in the hood. My parents raised me to treat everyone the same. I still try to. Its awful hard when the some members of society (and I use that loosely) ALWAYS blame the white man for their troubles. Just once I would like to hear the black community say "Its our fault, whitey didn't do it to me"
Guess I didn't take your message exactly right, thanks for splaining.<br /><br />Yeah I been in the hood a few times and most of the times I didn't feel exactly welcome there.<br /><br />My Daddy taught me that We Better Than Them...I learned different on my own and it took a while to sink in. We all know that racism is alive and well and living in America, so I try to think for a minute before crying "foul" whenever the race card gets played. This time it's a foul all right, I'm just not sure who played it.<br /><br />You want to hear the Black Community say something, you have to listen beyond the local TV "news" (and I use that term loosely).


Jun 19, 2002
Re: Black America upset about diversity of Red Cross

Are you going for a nobel prize? Or are you just beating around the bush also?<br />Your topic reads " all black Americans"<br />The headline said "African Americans". <br />The story continued to reduce the size to "some".<br />And by the time the story ended it was only "one or two people".<br />You wanted to spruce it up from a "couple" to "all". Sounds like an agenda to me.<br /><br />At any rate, to bad so many allow the media to get your tights all in a bunch like this. <br />
Skinny,I didnt say ALL, I said Black America. You read ALL all by yourself. <br /><br />I said Black America....They said African Americans. Yes Both are plural but not concise. Same-o same-o. I'll admit that their headline as well as mine ( relaying their message ) is missleading. <br /><br />Somehow, your more focused on the fact that I relayed their message without editing it to suit the facts of their report. <br />I do have an agenda, and that is to point out that I think they have one....Their headline gets me in a fit, then when I relayed it here with like words you get in a fit....Do I read you correctly? <br /><br />I was only asking folks from the getgo to focus on the source and not the didnt follow my instructions. :(

glen f

May 9, 2005
Re: Black America upset about diversity of Red Cross

This guy might be at home calling the paper cause they took him out of context. Who knows but communication is the most difficult challenge in life. How do guarantee what you say is whats heard? Maybe he is just a scum sucking leach I wouldnt use as walleye bait. Seriously the media is to blame for a lot of this type of problems. Maybe not this one but then who forced them to print something that divide us when we should be united. Media focus on the positive for us all and we all might see a more positive country. Just a thought. Im a white man who grew up in a black community in CA and could harp all day about all the racism I experienced but would it help unite or divide? Racist or not we are a mixed race country and even the most racist people could tolerate each other better without watching racial tension on the news every day.


May 17, 2001
Re: Black America upset about diversity of Red Cross

My observation of this is that those that sit on their porch receiving their government check is not going to do anything else. Why work, volunteer, get involved, and being active when doing nothing is easier.<br /><br />When I read an article as such, I always keep in mind that you can't please everyone all the time. It is impossible. Just like children, you can't force them to learn and you can't force lazy people to work. <br /><br />Even if all the Red Cross workers were blind, there still would be those that would complain about skin color.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Black America upset about diversity of Red Cross

Originally posted by oddjob:<br /> Thats right....some folks are complaining about the color of Red Cross volunteers..If this is a troll blame the source not the messenger.<br /><br /><br />web page
It's only the racists, and Jesse J, Sharpie and the media --who seek them out like rock lobster on open season!<br /><br /> They are irrelivant morons.


Master Chief Petty Officer
Jul 4, 2004
Re: Black America upset about diversity of Red Cross

Originally posted by oddjob:<br /> Tell a lie often enough, it becomes the truth to the uninformed...[/QB]
The bush administration playbook in the early days in one sentence, wow how well stated.<br /><br />On this thread, at least Joyce Searcy went through training, and is signing up others. At least she is trying to live by the standards in place before the trajedy.


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: Black America upset about diversity of Red Cross

Stupid media.<br /><br />The quoted TWO people.<br /><br />All they love to do is stir the pot, and give these idiots a method to get their idiotic ideas into the mainstream.<br /><br />Ken