There are still about a 1000 little things to finish up, but she is in, moving under her own power, and not sinking.
I'm pretty pleased!
i'd say the only glitches were that when I went to mover her from the travel lift slip to her slip the batteries were a bit low to get the starboard engine started, so we moved over there on only the port engine. No problem, she backed right in, dead center with no problem & the guy watching didn't have to touch anything until she was all the way in and I handed him a line..... And when I was getting ready to leave I though there was still a bit more water coming in than I thought should be. With a bit of looking around I found a noticeable trickle of water coming from about a 2" length of seam at the turn of the bilge right at the transom. I backed her all the way up in the slip, reached under with a putty knife and some seam compound and in a minute the trickle had all but gone.
-- Even spent the first night aboard.