best remedy for seasickness


Rear Admiral
Apr 22, 2002
Re: best remedy for seasickness

For my family, Wife and Son The trans derm Scop EAR Patch works best. Ear Patch good for 3 days. Should try and get it on at least 4 hours before going out. Another good thing about the ear patch is you can not throw it up. I have seen it work on some of my buddies who swore they would not get sick but did. Every thing they took came back up. Put the EAR patch on and in 1.5 hours they were fine.<br /><br />Wife also uses Ginger.<br /><br />Stay between the center and stern of the boat where there is less motion. If it is not fog soup keep your head up. Motion sickness caused by a conflick from what you think you see and what your inter Ear thinks it feels.


Mar 18, 2003
Re: best remedy for seasickness

Ginger root. It comes in capsules. Start taking them the night before your trip.


Jun 19, 2002
Re: best remedy for seasickness

The only times I ever got sick were both with a hangover. The first time on a 50'. My ex and I were entertaining a couple of doctors on a charter fishing trip. I was real hungry so I ate a few greasy chicken drumets....yummmy for the moment...after that I decided to climb up the pilot platform...the ocean was beautiful up there....until after about three minutes...then I decided I needed to be down from where I legs and body get real weak...thern I realized the longer I stalled, the harder it would be....I made it down and went below for a half hour then got back up and felt better....that was close...<br /><br />The second time, hangover again...not bad though. It was 4am while jigging for bait fish in an 18 ft. jigging with a big bouy bouncing in front of to the back and was fine when we got back under way..<br /><br />Good tips Snapper..


Vice Admiral
Aug 20, 2002
Re: best remedy for seasickness

I watched a Mythbusters episode over the weekend about motion sickness.. <br /><br />In testing, they found that ginger seemed to have the best results overall... :cool: <br /><br />Thanks, OJ..


Chief Petty Officer
Sep 28, 2005
Re: best remedy for seasickness

I've been deep sea fishing since age 4 and threw up with the best of them.<br /><br />I was cured after I started driving the boat, watching the horizon and eating soda crackers. <br /><br />If I can't drive (ie - charter boat) I at least grab a soda cracker, view the horizon and breathe fresh air. It works right away. No sickness for 45+ years on many rough trips across the Columbia River Bar.


Aug 29, 2007
Re: best remedy for seasickness

I would, from time to time, get a little queezy feeling usually when drifting and usually when it's hotter than hades. For me sea sickness seems to be a combination of several things: 1) motion of the ocean 2) heat 3) dehydration.

I normally fish out of Port Aransas, TX in a 21 ft Kenner with a v-hull. Not exactly a big boat. From July to September it can be damned calm and hot on these Texas waters. Consequently, I will sweat through my shirt in no time, especially if we're catching fish.

What works best for me is food and water. If I'm on the water I've got a bottle of gatorade or water in my hand and we always take time for a lunch break or to eat a snack.

I recently came across a product called "Queezease"(SP). It's got ginger and mint in it and comes in a stick like chapstick. Apparently you sniff it or rub it under your nose. I keep meaning to get it and try it out but I've not felt the least bit queezy since I began drinking copious amounts of water while at sea.

Guess I'll have to get some and go out in some rough waters to try it. The article I read said that it was originally developed for pregnant women battling morning sickness.

I've never got the queezies while the boat was under way, whether I was piloting it or just a passenger.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 10, 2006
Re: best remedy for seasickness

Eat plenty of bread.
It wont help with the seasickness.......but the seagulls wont be hungry !!!!


May 29, 2006
Re: best remedy for seasickness

I used to get sick everytime I went out for as long as I can remember, friend of mine told me about Bonine, then he became a great friend!
I still get sick on occasion in rough water, but it's usually my own fault, too much beer the day/night before, greasy breakfast, more beer to fight the feeling, (I know it's futile but if I'm going to hurl, I'm going to do it with authority!)
One major rule on the boat....we only turn back for life and limb, or the boxes are full of fish!


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 26, 2005
Re: best remedy for seasickness

not legal but a good line of coke will fix ya up EVERY TIME. no sea sick after that..


Aug 26, 2006
Re: best remedy for seasickness

Interesting thread . . . brings back old memories.

I was fishing on my Brother in Laws cruiser about 30 years ago off the coast of Boston. 4-5 foots seas started developing.

Thought I was going to hurl when he opened up this big plastic trash can and I looked in side . . . it was 1/2 full of bait which were oysters or clams or somethings disgusting to look at and get a wiff of in my condition. The constant smell of diesel fuel and a few glasses of wine were not helping much either.

So the end all for me was when it started to rain and we went into the cabin and it was stuffy and a rockin and a rollin.

He and his Father both popped open a can each of SMOKED OYSTERS and they started eating them with a fork right from the can . . . and for me "that was all she wrote"!

I used to get air sick when I was a kid too but taking Bonine always helped. Bonine was the first pill to not cause drowsiness and then Dramamine II came out which did not cause it either.

Funny thing which finally cured me was about 25 years ago when the wavy waterbeds were popular we had one and it cured my motion sickness. Has never bothered again in 20 years. Guess that bed gave me my sea legs.

I'll still take Bonine though as a preventive like that first night on a Carnival type cruise ship or if I go out on a fishing charter and once they stop like 10 miles out at sea and the boat keeps going up and down and up and down along with the smell of the bait, the diesel fuel and the smell of everyone's beer wafting through the ship. Going out on a fishing charters is a great way to never want to set foot on a boat again :D


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 23, 2007
Re: best remedy for seasickness

I found that everytime I go on a charterboat or anything larger than 27 foot that I end up feeding the fish,I can go in a boat under that size and with the same weather and same distance out and I don't,I found that in a larger boat the waves are spread apart and the length of tha boat makes it constantly go up and down,as a wave is raising the bow,a wave has just let the stern down,a constant a smaller boat,the boat stays level and only bobs 1/4 as much as the longer boat.. so when I go deep sea fishing,I go in a 18 to 27 foot boat, and we fish close to the charter boat and sometimes farther out and I never fill the chum bucket again..


Vice Admiral
Feb 24, 2002
Re: best remedy for seasickness

The best way not to get sea sick is to change the deck.
From the boat deck to the backyard deck.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 15, 2007
Re: best remedy for seasickness

Forget about Dramamine. Bonine works better. You only need one every 24 hours. If you're really prone to seasickness, take one every 12 hours instead. Do the salt-less cracker thing too.


Mar 18, 2003
Re: best remedy for seasickness

Ginger Root capsules. Start taking them the night before (2 every 4-6 hours). An old shrimper told me about this and it works. No side affects.

You can find them at the health food section of your grocers or at any health food store.


Oct 4, 2007
Re: best remedy for seasickness

If the weather is right and the water is warm and swimming is a possibility...

Swimming will allow restore the equilibrium that is out of whack when someone becomes seasick. This probably sounds dumb :eek:, but don't knock it, til you try it ;)!

Ben Paquin

Seaman Apprentice
Sep 2, 2007
Re: best remedy for seasickness

Interesting thread . . . brings back old memories.

I was fishing on my Brother in Laws cruiser about 30 years ago off the coast of Boston. 4-5 foots seas started developing.

Thought I was going to hurl when he opened up this big plastic trash can and I looked in side . . . it was 1/2 full of bait which were oysters or clams or somethings disgusting to look at and get a wiff of in my condition. The constant smell of diesel fuel and a few glasses of wine were not helping much either.

So the end all for me was when it started to rain and we went into the cabin and it was stuffy and a rockin and a rollin.

He and his Father both popped open a can each of SMOKED OYSTERS and they started eating them with a fork right from the can . . . and for me "that was all she wrote"!

I used to get air sick when I was a kid too but taking Bonine always helped. Bonine was the first pill to not cause drowsiness and then Dramamine II came out which did not cause it either.

Funny thing which finally cured me was about 25 years ago when the wavy waterbeds were popular we had one and it cured my motion sickness. Has never bothered again in 20 years. Guess that bed gave me my sea legs.

This thread as a whole got my laughing quite a bit.
But this one takes the cake.

I mean the waterbed gave you your sea legs ? LOL !!, I'm crying now...

I have haven't been deep sea fishing too often. I went twice actually.
Fishing charters, both 30 ft boats. a little more than an hour out each time.

Took dramamine 30 minutes before heading out, it was a last second decision to go fishing.
There was a constant 12ft sea with the occasional bigger one that almost wet the deck. Lets say after about 45 minutes I called ralph so often I passed out below deck.

2nd time the waves were about 10ft and it I called ralph twice but the best part, it happened so quickly and with very little notice that I had no time to turn around. My lunch caught in the wind and hit a few of the guys fishing...
After that I felt better physically. But I felt real bad.

I think what made it worse was when the boat was stopped for long periods of time. Under way I have control. I went for cruises and don't get sick. It's the bobbing motion decribed earlier that gets me.
Sep 5, 2007
Re: best remedy for seasickness

I have used the stuff called "transderm scope" Its the little patch you place behind your ear that they give at the hospital to fight against the woozy side effects of surgery sedation. Its the best thing available,but you need a scrip for it.