Best diet to lose the gut!!??


Chief Petty Officer
May 2, 2016
There have been thousands of books written concerning various diets. But when it comes to weight loss diets they work until they don’t. Almost all dieters start a diet, lose weight but after a week, or month or year start changing back to old habits and often gain back all their lost weight and the diet goes out the window. You have to change your eating habits permanently to lose weight and keep the weight off. I will not recommend a specific diet but will say look into the Mediterranean diet. It is not so much a diet per se but a healthy way to eat. You will lose weight but that is not the point of the Mediterranean diet. It’s about healthy eating and all the benefits and health benefits of eating healthy. It’s interesting, look into it.

Before you modify your diet and start some kind of exercise routine you
need to have a physical that includes various blood testing. Your physician will order various tests that include metabolic panel, lipid panel, and cbc and possibly other tests.One test often overlooked is a testosterone test. As we age (men) often our testosterone levels decrease. This happens especially to men over 50 and 60. Low testosterone has many possible symptoms but one common one is weight gain and increased belly fat. That could be a major contributing factor in your weight gain. Low testosterone can cause insulin resistance which can play a major part in weight gain and other things.
So be sure you tell your doctor to order a testosterone test. Also be sure to do that particular test in the morning 9:30am or earlier. You don’t need to fast for that test but just do it early before 9:30.
Exercise is a whole separate topic which I won’t address here at this time.


Staff member
Sep 26, 2009

How to Lose Belly Fat Effectively​

Evidence shows that you can’t lose belly fat by exercising your abs alone.

For total-body fat loss, use a combination of aerobic exercise and resistance training, such as lifting weights.

In addition, eat a healthy diet with plenty of protein, fiber and portion control — all of which are proven to help reduce body fat.

These methods will help you burn calories, speed up your metabolism and make you lose fat. This will ultimately cause belly fat loss and give you a flatter stomach.


Supreme Mariner
Nov 16, 2011
I’m down 54 lbs . Started roughly 3-4 months ago . Doc told me if I can shed 10 lbs he would prescribe me something to help out with it . I just stopped all cokes and cut back on carbs . Very little exercise but do stay busy . Took 20 lbs relatively quick . Doc prescribed Saxenda .
Take an injection every day .
No side effects . It doesn’t really make me not hungry as much as it makes me feel full faster so I don’t get that 2cnd plate of spaghetti..
I love spaghetti ! Lol ! I pushing to loose another 30 lbs hopefully.
My knees and back have felt a lot better after loosing the weight .
I’ve promised myself that this summer I’m gunna get back into surfing .. I’ve only paddled out a few times since having back surgery a few years back ..


May 1, 2002
Well I've switched any snacking to dried cranberry,raisin, nut trail mix, NOT salted, or honey roasted (which I love!!) its good! A few different types of nuts, fruits, dang these are good! Down approx 2 lbs, I never have desert , keeping carbs down, cut WAY back on bread, have a few slices of REAL salami and a handful of carrots for lunch, but broil or bbq pork or chicken, had a few GOOD hot dogs last week, morning hardboiled egg , apple and sometimes(not always anymore) a piece of toast w/ jam, or small square of peach/mango yogurt cornbread w/ blueberries(that I make in a cast iron pan) and been busy doing wood work in the garage :)