Finally a nice day, spent the afternoon on the dock trouble shooting. Long story short I'm still stumped.
I get increased voltage all the way to the end of the battery cables, right until I hook them onto the battery. Started thinking that since the battery is 100% charged that its just not sending power even though I know that's not how it works. Took my lawn tractor battery, drained it down to 12.1v. Hooked it up to the motor with nothing else but the battery cables to it and went for a ride with the volt meter on it the entire time. Never saw any charging or increase in voltage.
So now I'm thinking I'm getting voltage, but no amps behind it and once hooked to the battery is doesn't make a difference in the batteries voltage. Not sure what that is a sign of but I don't know how to explain it otherwise.
Odd that 2 different rectifiers and 2 different stators are doing the same thing.
Anyway, Appreciate everyone ideas, but its not wiring, fuse, battery. I would like to think its not stator or rectifier, but at the same time it has to be.