Over my many years of owning various vehicles that use batteries, I have saw some crazy things with batteries. They can get an internal short in them that ( for lack of proper terminology) makes the battery absorb the charge and makes it disapear. Have had more than one battery appear to hold a good charge for days, but goes flat quick when you use it. Some batteries just won't accept a charge and makes you think your charger is kaput when it is really working. Batteries often do some very weird things and that has been my experience in all my years. This is the reason, everyone is highly recommending you get your battery tested !! Most places don't charge for it ( they hope to sell you another) but there are things that only show up in a good load test. I have saw new batteries with issues setting on a shelf. While it might upset the seller, I always ask for a thorough test on any new battery I buy, over my 60 years, I have had several new batteries fail, even though they showed a full 12.7 volts or more. If your battery passes the tests, then you can remove the battery from the problem list and know for "sure" your battery is good.......I am gonna bet it isn't !!!!