Banshee Boat transom problem

Moon Rock

May 9, 2010
Hello All:
I have this strange problem. May not be that strange for you guys. I own this Banshee Boat for a couple of months, had been in water so many times and last time I noticed that a lot of water came out of the drain. Than I noticed that the upper hull and lower hull are separated with a gap right at the transom. I took this pictures that shows the crack. Dont know how to fix it at all. Too new in the boat world. It has a 105 Chrysler Motor thats pretty heavy. Both the boat and motor are from 1979.
Could any body help me how to fix this thing?


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 28, 2010
Re: Banshee Boat transom problem

If you posted the picture up, we can't see it

Moon Rock

May 9, 2010
Re: Banshee Boat transom problem

thanks! Here are the pictures..


  • Transom Side.jpg
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  • Transom Side 2.jpg
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  • Transom Upper.jpg
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  • Hull 1.jpg
    Hull 1.jpg
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Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Re: Banshee Boat transom problem

Welcome to iboats!

Last bad electrical storm ....wiped out my crystal ball!! :p What picture? :confused:

Yes proper pictures will help. Our photo size here is 640 x 480 and instructions are here


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 28, 2010
Re: Banshee Boat transom problem

Thanks for the pics. My guess is the transom is rotted out, and the motor is pulling back the splashwell and deforming the top cap. Stab around the inside of the transom with a screwdriver to see how solid it is, some pictures from the inside would be helpful.

Moon Rock

May 9, 2010
Re: Banshee Boat transom problem

Thanks Charger.
Here are the pics from inside. I did not try with a screw driver but will do it as soon.


  • Transom Inside Left.jpg
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  • Transom Inside Right.jpg
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  • Transom Inside Roof.jpg
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  • Transom Inside All.jpg
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Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 28, 2010
Re: Banshee Boat transom problem

When poking around and checking things out, make sure you check where the water will build up the most, bottom center of the transom.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 30, 2007
Re: Banshee Boat transom problem

Moon Rock, I don't have a 10th of the experience that a lot of guys have on this forum but I think you're going to need a new transom. Drill some holes to be sure(from the inside). I just finished the transom on my little boat and, at first, I was a little intimidated. With the help of this forum, it was easy. Good luck.

Moon Rock

May 9, 2010
Re: Banshee Boat transom problem

hello Charger and others:
I tried poking it and found that the center part almost in the middle is wet from inside. Looks like water-clogged.
So what do you suggest? Can I just put some plate outside and inside and bolt it with the transom? Or should I just 5200 it from outside so no water gets in and run the boat as is? Just bit scared of any accident or the transom breaks while riding.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 28, 2010
Re: Banshee Boat transom problem

Fix it right: Take the top cap off the boat, remove the fiberglass holding the transom in, remove all the wood, cut a new piece of wood, saturate with resin, glue in place and fiberglass back over like new. Putting something on top of what's already there is only a temporary fix, and not safe. It's only a matter of time before the transom gives way. How is the floor on your boat? A lot of the times, when the transom is gone, the stringers are also gone.

This might sound like a very challenging task, but there are countless threads on here by people who have been very successful, and can help you out along the way. It's time consuming, but rather easy. Do it right the first time, and you'll be more proud of your boat and yourself in the end.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 29, 2009
Re: Banshee Boat transom problem

There is NO quick fix for what ails your boat. It is a MAJOR repair that will take TIME, MONEY, and EFFORT. You will need to decide if you have ALL of them. Time 50 - 100 hours depending on how much EFFORT you put forth. Money $1000 - $2000 depending on how much you find wrong when you get everything torn down. Value will be you will have a boat that will last a LONG time when you are done. If the motor is strong maybe finding another boat to put it on makes more sense. If you like the boat and want to keep it for a long time then the investment in time and money makes sense, if not then, I'm just sayin....

Good luck either way


Feb 22, 2008
Re: Banshee Boat transom problem

Thats major structural failure, like driving a car with a loose rear axle.
Its not so bad, I had the same problem and fixed it, its kinda fun.:p

Moon Rock

May 9, 2010
Re: Banshee Boat transom problem

Thanks every one!
I figuredout that the transom was too much roted. It was really soaked in water like spunge.
So I cutout the rear-upper part of the hull right where the width was the least. Say about 8 inches on each side. Taking out the entire hull was too much work for me. Than I chiselled all the rotten wood out..that took me more than three weekends, say I worked about 20 hours in total to cut it out. That was I guess the most difficult thing I ever did in my :( Than I used the 36-grit on handy grip to roughen the surface of the transom. Have bought the fiber resin, comes with hardener and also bought the fiber cloth. Also bought marine grad fir-ply 3/4inch thick. Its a nice solid 8"X4" so I can easily cut two pieces out of it. I guess the rotten transom was 1.5 inch. But I am now concerned how to start. Should I do the glassing first? How to glue two ply pieces together? use a glue or just fiber resin?:confused:
Also I am thinking to run a strong aluminium "L" channel on top of the transom so it stays in shape for long time. Dont know if its the right idea. Already bougth a 8 foot aluminium L channel that is about few mm thick.
Ideas, suggestions, footage, video are welcome!!:)
Thanks for all your help!

Moon Rock

May 9, 2010
Re: Banshee Boat transom problem

okay. so I changed the transom, upper hull in place, cleaned out the dust, mounted the engine back. Looks great.
Had some issues with the wiring. I missed some grounds. Lessons learnt: Mark the wires and terminals BEFORE you take them off. Take close-up picture of what ever you could BEFORE you start taking it apart.
Will post the pics once I water test it.
Thanks to all of you people.

Moon Rock

May 9, 2010
Re: Banshee Boat transom problem

tested in water. running great. did lots of meneuvers at various speeds to see if it takes water under different situations. boat balancing well and very stable. took the water plug out and surprisingly, no water.
Just to recap: I used fir-ply marine plywood, 3/4 inch, two sheets. I glued both together using marine glue and used stainless steel screws to keep it tight in place. Did the fit-test and than fibre-glassed it all the way around twice. Its was rock hard. Fixed it inside the hull and used only fibre-glass to put it in place, again using wood screws with washers through the hull openings to keep rigid in place. it cooked well and I closed everything from inside using various kind of fibre cloth and resin. Than used 2lb/sq.ft closed cell two part foam to fill the back columns (older one was rotton. Covered the top of foam with fibre-glass and resin to stop any intaking of water. Than removed the temporary screws, closed all the old ones from outside and inside using short-strand fibre putty. sanded, putty in, sanded, putty in till smooth. I realized that due to the heavy 105hp chrysler motor and hauling, and due to the fact that the transom is smaller than most of the boats, I used an aluminium L-channel fixed on top of the transom right where the motor will sit, run from one corner to the other. Made new wholes, rented a engine hoist to pull-n-push the engine back in place. Made new holes, used 5200-24hr cure with the new bolts and U-channels, every thing well in place. As I mentioned, I found cutting out the upper hull from the sides where the width is the least was more feasible option. So I resealed the upper hull back. One problem though I found is that the lower and upper hull wont fit onto each other perfectly after the new transom as those were deshapped due to lots of pressure and rotton transom over a long period of time. So i decided to permanently seal-off the back upper hull to the lower one. So grinded off the joint, put a new wood inside the lower hull, joined upper and lower hulls, SS screws in place and than I fibre-glassed the entire joint to make sure it never takes any water. Sidings in place and used 5200 where needed. Also took out all the interior upholstry other than seats and used venyl sheets to reshape the interior. Good shape, results satisfactory, no water taking in, no balance problems. Now it guess its stronger than before. The only thing is, if the transom fails in future, the boat has to be discarded as it will take long long time to cutout the upper and lower hulls.
Thanks for all the help I got on this forum. And yes I did learn a lot about the engine as well as I messedup the wirings at the ignition and the engine wasn't firing. Will post it separately in the right thread.
Thanks and hope to talk to you guys again.:)


Feb 22, 2008
Re: Banshee Boat transom problem

Good, now put the battery in a box and mount it so it cannot fly around, its got to be strapped in place. Coast guard rules. Nothing should be able to touch the battery terminals like loose wiring or steering cables.:eek:
Thats a fire hazzad.

I have a chrysler boat too and did the same fix on my cap, I ran glass along the joint from underneath, messy but strong.
Mine is a 20' center console, heavily built.

How are the stringers?

Moon Rock

May 9, 2010
Re: Banshee Boat transom problem

when I checked the stringers, those were fine. Have to find a way to get to the bow and check there if anything is rotted. so far dont see any problems.