Re: Bait casting help needed
Example, I have a Bass Pro Shop Crankin Stick, 6'6" ML 1/16-1/2oz casting rod with a Bass Pro Shop Rick Clunn baitcast reel spooled with 8# P-Line Floroclear. With this I am able to throw 8" unweighted plastic worms, #9 floating Rapalas and 1/8oz jig spinners tipped with small grubs. I have even used this with live bait and floats! I use this setup regularly.
Next is a BPS Pro Qualifier, 7' med. 1/4 - 5/8oz with a Pflueger Summit reel that even with 1/4oz plugs it casts a mile.
Lastly is a Rapala Sportsman 6'6" med. 1/4 - 5/8oz with a Ryobi AD500V reel. This is the reel I learned on. It's now almost 30 years old and still casts as well and smooth as my new $100.00+ reels. This is my workhorse and I carry it with every time I go out.
When I was taught I was shown to use the overhand method and that when casting to do so with the reel handles pointing straight up. Then to use the thumb as a brake to feather or stop the cast and with the Ryobi it was a must as there are no magnets in that reel. Now with all the magnets and cast control added to the new reels I can set them to where I never have to put a thumb to it yet I still do out of habit.
It does take time to perfect but it surely adds a whole new dimension and control to casting baits.
I'd suggest filling it up with some Trilene or Stren and go at it. Do it until you birdsnest it so badly that you have to cut it all out, Then filler again and do it some more. And don't be afraid to do it because it will happen and will help you learn what that rig is capable of and what it's limitations are.