April Fools

Kiwi Phil

Jun 23, 2003
Re: April Fools

We have been told of the problems Greece has been having completing<br />construction/communications/security work etc for the up coming Olympics, and the fact it may be a shambles.<br />Well...our local Radio station started the day with the news Greece had pulled out of hosting the olympics, and as Australia had hosted the last ones, they had been asked to get facilities ready for this one.<br />The Radio station made a big deal of it... was in their news...interviewed officials calling for volunteers and so on.<br />The penny didn't drop till I changed stations to catch an international news time and there was no mention of it.<br /><br />Couple of years back, same station told us our Rugby League team, Broncos, had been sponsored by a company called Pink Bins. Pink Bins are big outfit who specialize in rubbish Skips and all their bins as PINK. The deal was, the Broncos would be wearing pink Footy Jersery's and Shorts. The CEOs from the Club and Pink Bins were interviewed as were managers and players. All were in on it, except the public!!!!!!!<br /><br />Cheers<br />Phillip


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 15, 2003
Re: April Fools

Funny stuff! I enjoyed this.<br />Bassy

Capt Joe

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 1, 2003
Re: April Fools

Several years ago, when we were being geared up to change over to metric measurements for just about everything, one TV news said that the Government had deliberatly not mentioned the planned change over to Metric Time. 10 seconds in a minute, 10 minutes in an hour, 10 hours in a day etc., It was all done so quickly that you didn't have time to work it all out. Of course, they interviewed all the relevant experts who pointed out that all watches & clocks would have to be changed from the 1st of January. Many people were very upset the next day, because the Govt. wasn't going to even subsidise the change overs!!!!!!


May 17, 2001
Re: April Fools

Several years ago when my kids were in elementary school they would come home and watch TV, eat a snack and then take a nap.<br /><br />With their having to get up early before daybreak, they were use to going to the bus stop in the dark.<br /><br />One evening on April Fools day, I woke them up at 6:30 PM from their nap. My daughter got up, looked at the clock, took her shower, changed clothes and then my son saw that she was getting ready for school. So he copied her routine and did the same. So now it is about 7:15 PM, and they are all ready to head out the door to catch the bus. I asked them where they were going, "Dad you know we go to school in the morning" I chuckled and turned on the TV and of course the evening shows were on. My daughter said thats not surpose to be on in the morning dad. I said well its not morning and it is April Fools day.<br /><br />We still laugh about that day. One of the good days we enjoyed. :D