Anyone experienced with applying Interlux VC Performance Epoxy by brusher roller?


Lieutenant Commander
Apr 18, 2015
I’m considering interlux VC performance epoxy for the bottom of my boat. I understand that this is a very hard coding. I’ve read some reviews and several people say not to apply by roller/brush. However spraying is not an option for me at this time as it is winter and I am working in a one and a half car garage without ventilation.

Does anybody have any tips on how I can apply this product smoothly without spring and without tons of sanding?

Thank you in advance.


Lieutenant Commander
Apr 18, 2015
The application sheet says it was made for spray, but can be brushed/rolled. since its a racing coating, spraying most likely just gives a smoother finish.

Painting anything in the winter can be challenging.
Thanks yes I downloaded the same spec sheets.
I suspect you are right.
I found that a foam brush worked well with the 2000 E primer, wondering if the performance epoxy will be approximately the same consistency. I’ve also just learned of a technique that is supposed to be very common called “rolling and tipping”. Perhaps those negative reviews I read were by people that did not know this technique. I’ve also learned that there is a slow reducer also which may help wet out a little better.

Still hoping to hear from anybody who has applied this VC performance epoxy by roller and tip. I’ve done enough trial and error on this project. I’d sure like to get some tried and true advice with this exact product.