And you wonder why I despise the U.N.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
May 4, 2004
Re: And you wonder why I despise the U.N.

Funny how 10 times the number of people were brutally killed by Sadam but the world didn't see a problem
Before we get all rightous dont forget it was the West that supported Sadam from the 80's onwards until just before desert storm. In case you missed we all supported Osama when it suited us as well.


Oct 8, 2003
Re: And you wonder why I despise the U.N.

Come on guys, you all know that we should all send our donations to the UN to destribute as they see fit.<br /><br />Not to mention that the UN would keep .95 on the dollar. and wouldnt be able to tell you where the .05 went.


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: And you wonder why I despise the U.N.

Chris,<br /><br />Does that mean it is ok to stand by and let Sadam kill thousands upon thousands of people while doing nothing but taking kickbacks and turning a blind eye? <br /><br />I am just pointing out that death and destruction occur all over the world, and selectively choosing who deserves the worlds involvement, aid, resources, and who should die in unmarked mass graves seems exceptionally egotistical.<br /><br />Doing nothing after creating a mess is just as bad as creating the mess in the first place. Nothing rightous about this comment, just a statement of fact. I don't know why this would make you uncomfortable, the UK is a member of the coalition for freedom. Your nation in almost every world situation in the past 50 years stands up and does not only the right thing but sometimes for the most noble of reasons. <br /><br />The US is currently supporting a large portion of Mexico with our social programs, Militarily supporting Canada due to their physical proximity, Since WWII protected western europe until we forced the russians into spending themselves into oblivion, 4 billion in Aids relief to Africa, anyone figure in the cost of the task force or the marines we are sending over. I am working with a private organization here in the states to send $500,000 worth of pumps for dewatering over there. Another $1.75 million in generators? Is that figured in? These public numbers provided by the UN or the AP reflect very little of the costs and financial support rendered. <br /><br />They appear to me to be political sound bites for the coallition of the insecure.


Rear Admiral
May 29, 2004
Re: And you wonder why I despise the U.N.

I think it's interesting that I haven't heard any mention of a contribution from Israel. I visited some of their news websites and all I saw was minor mention of their sending teams to rescue and recover any Israeli citizens that might have been in the area. Maybe I just missed it.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 27, 2002
Re: And you wonder why I despise the U.N.

Ya' know....I don't often get off on a rant...BUT...
I caught a little of the "Today" show this morning when Matt Lauer was interviewing a couple folk..."him" I can't remember who and "she" from the UK...I think...was just getting off on GW NOT coming forth before yesterday and pledging and say we'll help and all that other crap. CRIMINY!! We give more aid to the world than anyone and they get off on GW not coming forth and saying "Yes this is a tragedy and we'll help blah blah blah"...."oh yes...this would ease the tension between the US and the Muslims and make us look good in the eyes of the world"....BS....people are dead and thousands....10's of thousands are in deparate need....what the hell are these people thinking!!!??? The logistics alone are staggering. Let's put first things first and help the people!! Then we worry about the fall out....DAM!!!! that makes me mad!!!! :mad: :mad:


Re: And you wonder why I despise the U.N.

As of today. $14 million (cash) in PRIVATE US funds, from US citizens to the relief effort. That money does not include solid goods (water, food, etc) donated by corporations, etc.<br /><br />You see, we Americans feel that we can get aid to the needy better than such corrupt organizations as the UN. We've been proven right on almost every account. Nor, do we feel our government, via taxation, can get it there effectively. It has been proven that less than $30% (generous) of welfare funds are actually getting to the people that need it.<br /><br />I WILL NOT be called stingy. I give 12-16% of my GROSS yearly income, depending on situations like this, to charity every year. That's a serious hit on the net income side. But, I choose to do it and that's my business. I've got the reciepts to prove it.<br /><br />How dare anyone call me stingy.<br /><br />Pony up-people. There are many in need.


Aug 14, 2004
Re: And you wonder why I despise the U.N.

Originally posted by BoatBuoy:<br /> I think it's interesting that I haven't heard any mention of a contribution from Israel. I visited some of their news websites and all I saw was minor mention of their sending teams to rescue and recover any Israeli citizens that might have been in the area. Maybe I just missed it.
It was on the News earlier today that SriLanka has REFUSED any aid from Israel, monetary or otherwise.


Re: And you wonder why I despise the U.N.

It was on the News earlier today that SriLanka has REFUSED any aid from Israel, monetary or otherwise.<br />
That is nothing short of: pathetic, bull headed, egotistical, and downright criminal.<br /><br />And we're (USA) the stingy criminals in the world. The so called leaders of Sri Lanka should be "keel hauled". :mad:


Senior Chief Petty Officer
May 4, 2004
Re: And you wonder why I despise the U.N.

Pointer, <br /><br />I think we are at cross purposes. I agree with the sentiments of your second post. <br /><br />DJ,<br /><br />
I WILL NOT be called stingy. I give 12-16% of my GROSS yearly income, depending on situations like this, to charity every year. That's a serious hit on the net income side. But, I choose to do it and that's my business. I've got the reciepts to prove it.<br />
The point of the thread was that the UN guy had called western nations stingy based on the initial government donation. This was missreported to be the UN calls US stingy which was not the case. As you say you give way beyond what is normal and is very very generous and as an individual you choose where your money goes. Just as you choose to demonstrate your generosity by % donated against earnings , people use % dontated by a government against GDP or % donated per head which is why $15 million whilst a huge amount of money appeared stingy e.g 5 cents per head. My belief is that the scale of the tradgey was not understood at the time the donation was made. <br /><br />SriLanka well what can you say, its a shame that its the innocent people will suffer as always.


Rear Admiral
May 29, 2004
Re: And you wonder why I despise the U.N.

Ah, found it on Israeli news website:<br />"In addition, an Israel Defense Forces cargo plane that flew to Sri Lanka earlier this week with food and medicine for the victims returned to Israel on Thursday with 43 Israelis who survived the tsunami. <br /><br />The IDF is considering sending another planeload of humanitarian aid to Sri Lanka, but no decision has yet been made."<br /><br />Doesn't sound like they refused the first planeload.


Aug 14, 2004
Re: And you wonder why I despise the U.N.

BB... All I can tell you is sorry, my local radio news said yesterday Sri Lanka was refusing aid from Israel for "political reasons". As we all know, they (news media) are always right! :rolleyes: <br /><br />I'll have to do a SNOPES check later.


Aug 14, 2004
Re: And you wonder why I despise the U.N.

That didn't take long...<br /><br />BB... From your same source...<br />
Sri Lanka said refusing IDF aid team <br /> <br />By Yoav Stern, Amnon Barzilai and Amos Harel, Haaretz Correspondents, Haaretz Service and Agencies <br /> <br />A 150-member Israeli aid delegation canceled its mission to Sri Lanka on Tuesday, after the country - one of the hardest hit in the Asian tsunami disaster - apparently refused to accept the Israeli team, Israel Defense Forces officials said. <br /> <br />However, the Sri Lankan president's military secretary sent a notice to the country's foreign and defense ministries Tuesday expressing support for the arrival of a 50-member Israeli delegation.<br /><br />"We are not opposed to a plane loaded with medical supplies, food and blankets that will be accompanied by a medical team comprised of 50 IDF people, as the Israeli Foreign Ministry requested in a letter," the military secretary said in the notice.<br /><br />In any case, Israel is sending supplies at Sri Lanka's request, including 10,000 blankets contributed by the IDF, tents, nylon sheeting and water containers. The IDF Home Front Command is organizing aid preparations.<br /><br />The Israeli humanitarian organization Latet ("To Give") is sending a separate aid package Tuesday. It is filling a jumbo jet with 18 tons of supplies worth $50,000, at Sri Lanka's request. The group is considering sending additional aid shortly.


Rear Admiral
May 29, 2004
Re: And you wonder why I despise the U.N.

Again, too many politicians involved always confuses everything.<br /><br />BTW, I saw in an earlier post where you had relatives from Corbin. So do I but they're so distant I don't remember names. Small world, huh.


Re: And you wonder why I despise the U.N.

Chris Meyers wrote:<br /><br />
The point of the thread was that the UN guy had called western nations stingy based on the initial government donation. This was missreported to be the UN calls US stingy which was not the case.
I still take it as a personal insult. I'm an American and my government represents me, in these matters. <br /><br />$15M was the INITIAL relief announced. When announced, nobody had any idea of the depth of destruction. By the way, $15M is the limited amount that the president can commit to without Congressional support.<br /><br />The REAL point is that the UN hates us and no matter what the US does, it's never enough.


Lieutenant Commander
May 13, 2003
Re: And you wonder why I despise the U.N.

Hmmmmmmm I guess the UN jumped the gun.<br /><br /><br />CRAWFORD, Texas - The United States is pledging $350 million to help tsunami victims, a tenfold increase over its first wave of aid, President Bush announced Friday. <br /><br />"Initial findings of American assessment teams on the ground indicate that the need for financial and other assistance will steadily increase in the days and weeks ahead," Bush said Friday in a statement released in Crawford, Texas, where he is staying at his ranch. <br /><br /><br />"Our contributions will continue to be revised as the full effects of this terrible tragedy become clearer," he said. "Our thoughts and prayers are with all those affected by this epic disaster." <br /><br /><br />Bush also is sending Secretary of State Colin Powell (news - web sites) to Indian Ocean coastal areas ravaged by earthquake and tsunami to assess what more the United States needs to do. The president's brother, Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, will travel with him. <br /><br /><br />The newly announced aid came after some critics claimed that the initial U.S. contribution of $35 million was meager considering the vast wealth of the nation. <br /><br /><br />France has promised $57 million, Britain has pledged $95 million, Sweden is sending $75.5 million and Spain is offering $68 million, although that pledge is partly in loans. <br /><br /><br />Powell was traveling to New York on Friday to discuss the crisis with U. N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan (news - web sites). <br /><br /><br />Bush said disaster response officials are on the ground and the United States has established a support center in Thailand that is in operation. More than 20 patrol and cargo aircraft have been made available to assess the disaster and deliver relief supplies, he said. <br /><br /><br />"Many of those aircraft are on the scene," Bush said. <br /><br /><br />The president said the United States has dispatched the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln, a maritime squadron from Guam and an amphibious ship carrying a Marine expeditionary unit. "They will soon be in position to support relief efforts to include the generation of clean water," he said. <br /><br /><br />On Friday, the president spoke by phone with British Prime Minister Tony Blair (news - web sites), Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi and Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin about the relief and recovery efforts and was briefed by Powell and National Security Council officials on the efforts under way. <br /><br /><br />White House deputy press secretary Trent Duffy, who read the president's statement to reporters on the phone, did not disclose details of where the additional U.S. aid was being found in government coffers. He said, however, that the administration was talking with congressional officials about replenishing funds being used to back the tsunami aid pledge. <br /><br /><br />The president's brother, Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, who has experience with extensive hurricane damage in Florida, will travel with Powell overseas. A congressional delegation headed by Rep. Jim Leach (news, bio, voting record), R-Iowa, a former U.S. foreign service officer, is scheduled to visit Thailand and Sri Lanka next week. <br /><br /><br />Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, who often travels to blighted areas, said Thursday he plans to visit India to try to help victims of tsunamis that have left millions of people at risk of disease. <br /><br /><br />"I feel like I've been hit in the stomach," Frist, R-Tenn., said in an e-mail to friends and supporters. "It is like 9/11 but so different. There is no one to blame." <br /><br /><br />Andrew Natsios, chief of the U.S. Agency for International Development, said his staff arrived in the stricken areas on Monday, and he stressed the importance of assessing needs and organizing. <br /><br /><br />"This is a very complex operation," Natsios said Friday on CBS' "The Early Show." "If it's not managed properly, we can actually slow down the relief effort." <br /><br /> <br /><br /><br />Canada was added Friday to a coalition of countries and organizations planning relief efforts. Others are the United Nations (news - web sites), the United States, Japan, India and Australia. <br /><br />The U.S. death toll rose to 15, with eight dead in Thailand and seven in Sri Lanka. State Department spokesman Richard Boucher said some 600 Americans who were listed as missing have been found, but several thousand had not been located four days after the disaster struck. <br /><br />In Sri Lanka, Boucher said, Americans have been showing up at U.S. consular offices wearing bathing suits, with no money and no clothes. <br /><br />With the global death toll continuing to rise, European governments discussed holding an international donors conference Jan. 7. <br /><br />Boucher said the United States would participate in any such gathering, but he did not give details.


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: And you wonder why I despise the U.N.

Mikeandrhonda,<br /><br />Your post speaks volumes. Was there, will there, is there any question who will be leading in financial, political, equipment, and leadership assets regarding this disaster. As I stated in an earlier post, if you think this is all we (the US) are going to contribute you must be living in a box. I'll be willing to say that that sum 350 million will probably double again.<br /><br />Funny, where are the chineese (who accepted aid from us during their severe floods last year)? The Russians who managed to give aid to dictators? France's contribution wouldn't be enough to pick up Randy Johnsons contract.<br /><br />I think theriver is on to something. Bush can make great strides in world relations with his proper handling of this event. I am however skeptical that they will appreciate what we infidels are doing for them regardless of what he does.<br /><br />As for the Private sector - Rush of donations from usa is immediate and immense :<br />


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Aug 19, 2004
Re: And you wonder why I despise the U.N.

Just read that as a nation, Japan has topped the list of pledged money at $500 million.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: And you wonder why I despise the U.N.

Originally posted by LakeLivin:<br /> Just read that as a nation, Japan has topped the list of pledged money at $500 million.
Glad to see that Japan is stepping up to help it's direct neigborhood. Maybe Iraq will be able to be that kind of neighbor, in its region, someday.