An excellent Column from Thomas Sowell.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Aside from the fact that he is just another Uncle Tom, this column hits the nail on the head regarding Conservatives' need for outrage.

Especially poignant, is his statement,

"Ted Kennedy, alone, has expressed more outrage than the entire Republican party"


"Democrats can lie their way around the world before Republicans can manage to mumble the truth."

...Or try this one on for size.

"Among the Democrats, the various candidates all seem to be trying to outdo each other in advocating defeatist policies......"

Read the column, you'll enjoy it. Especially for those who like to hear the truth of the matter and whose eyes are not clouded by lofty, out of touch progressive goals.
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Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: An excellent Column from Thomas Sowell.



Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: An excellent Column from Thomas Sowell.


Newt. :)
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Apr 21, 2004
Re: An excellent Column from Thomas Sowell.

Now I finally understand! The poor Republicans are just misunderstood!
Ahh, there, there, poor babies!!!

Their foreign policy is just wonderful, if only the enemy would do what they were supposed to do.

Kind of like saying child rearing is really easy, as long as your children do precisely as they are told.

The logic is irrefutable!


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: An excellent Column from Thomas Sowell.

Now I finally understand! The poor Republicans are just misunderstood!
Ahh, there, there, poor babies!!!

Their foreign policy is just wonderful, if only the enemy would do what they were supposed to do.

Kind of like saying child rearing is really easy, as long as your children do precisely as they are told.

The logic is irrefutable!

How is this for "irrefutable logic"?
In less than 6 months, the your droogies in DC have managed to repeal every cent of the tax relief Bush's admin "shoved down your throat" , and came very close to defunding those who protect us. These traitors may yet sucede, as your "Speaker Of State" travels the globe in her efforts to undermine official US diplomacy!! What she and her buds wont do to destroy anything (including their own country) to "get back at Bush". Disgusting, but then -- they got voted-in by democrats. The direction you steer this ship looks like "iceberg right ahead" to me.
Yup.... Right "irrefutable" of them! They should at least TRY to cloak their anti-American missions.


Apr 21, 2004
Re: An excellent Column from Thomas Sowell.

Yep, 12 foots, in six months a few dems have ruined everything. Why I'm absolutely sure, despite the four years of utter futility in this war we are in under the Repubs, had the voters given the R's just another six months of unrestricted power, everything would be perfect today.

Makes sense to me!


Aug 8, 2003
Re: An excellent Column from Thomas Sowell.

Remember for the first 2 years everything was Clinton fault Dubya got stuck with the mess, by the end of January Dubya washed his hands of the entire mess, it was the Dems fault...............give me a break!


Apr 10, 2005
Re: An excellent Column from Thomas Sowell.


Something similar was implicit in remarks by former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, when he pointed out that there are Congressional districts where most people have conservative values but where they are represented in Congress by a liberal Democrat.>>

Can?t speak for other states, but I believe in Missouri, the reason that we now have Senator McCascal, Instead of Senator Talent. Is we have seen what six years of Republicans will do


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Mar 29, 2007
Re: An excellent Column from Thomas Sowell.

Now I finally understand! The poor Republicans are just misunderstood!
Ahh, there, there, poor babies!!!

Their foreign policy is just wonderful, if only the enemy would do what they were supposed to do.

Kind of like saying child rearing is really easy, as long as your children do precisely as they are told.

The logic is irrefutable!


Where do you come up with this stuff, "The logic is irrefutable" "Divinely inspired is ludicrous on its face".
Your pontification is only exceeded by your contempt for you country.

This is a boating forum, visited by basically guys who like to tinker with stuff, sit on the water, fish some, and enjoy being outdoors. The majority of posters have lives on this forum other than lurking around the Dockside Chat waiting to ambush posters. There are web sites on the net that will welcome you and your Social Progressive rants.

If I have misread you, I need some help with the link/sync of a 58 18hp Johnson. Any ideas? :D


Rear Admiral
May 29, 2004
Re: An excellent Column from Thomas Sowell.


If I have misread you, I need some help with the link/sync of a 58 18hp Johnson. Any ideas? :D

First, get a manual and then go to Johnson & Evinrude Outboard Troubles/Repair forum. You're obviously lost, Grasshopper.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Mar 29, 2007
Re: An excellent Column from Thomas Sowell.

First, get a manual and then go to Johnson & Evinrude Outboard Troubles/Repair forum. You're obviously lost, Grasshopper.

I am not lost. Maybe I just lost you. That was sarcasm. PW2 has few if any posts except for Dockside Chat. He is very much the fly in the political ointment. I was merely pointing out that fact, and that he may be more comfortable on web sites that have social progressive agendas as their staple fare.

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: An excellent Column from Thomas Sowell.

Methinks it is you who are uncomfortable.......;)


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Mar 29, 2007
Re: An excellent Column from Thomas Sowell.

Methinks it is you who are uncomfortable.......;)

I'm just trying to get to know other people. Some are quicker to know, such as PUU2, and others are not. To better understand you, Haut Medoc, which clan are you from, Chateau, Camensac, Cantemerle, La Lagune or La Tour Carnet?

Rule #1 Beware of posters who use "methinks", they mean you no good.

Rule #2 Subjects and verbs should agree in number. :>)

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: An excellent Column from Thomas Sowell.

None of the above, but the countryside is beautiful........;)
Not necessarily......:D
My lack of education didn't hurt me none......:)


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Mar 29, 2007
Re: An excellent Column from Thomas Sowell.


My lack of education is showing. I did not realize that Baroque was one of the Crues Classes.

Rule #3 If you can't find a wine in a box or a bottle with a screw cap, you are paying too much. :D

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: An excellent Column from Thomas Sowell.

You know Bur-Roak= Baroque......:)


Nov 30, 2006
Re: An excellent Column from Thomas Sowell.

Hey Folks, Bernard Goldberg, Best selling Author just released "Crazies to the Left of me; Wimps to the right" . That book delves deeply into this same subject for a former Leftie and major player in the CBS MSM who has pondered matters far too much to remain a Leftie. (I have not read the book yet: but it soulds like another GREAT ONE, like his earlier books). I have my own take on this. I grew up in the 1960s and personally witnessed a horrible President: LBJ who fought a major WAR in a manner that assured our defeat by the enemy within. My generation: the self absorbed "Baby Boomers" were conflicted by a draft during a war that turned unpopular, (largely due to the draft). Some of the most blatent and very open anti American activity since the end of the Civil War was rewarded by repeated political victories that lead to the resignation of a President and one of the most lopsided single party dominance in US history: Congress and the Presidency in the mid to late 1970s. Think of the results, (if ya can still think and know anything about recent history). #1 A broken military: moral, readiness, (most planes, helecopters, would not fly, many ships would not sail). #2 Interest rates and inflation at record highs (in the entire history of the nation). #3 Currency very weak, debt relative to economic performance growing rapidly. #4 The Nation's moral at an all time low, (the misery index), "keep the thermostats at 68 degrees and wear a sweater". #5 Bringing down the Shaw of Iran, (for stupid human rights' considerations that actually got much worse under the Ayatollah [as most Liberal PC non realistic adgendas tend to do]) and allowin' the current war to start, ('course the hellacopters would not fly to rescue our guys: REMEMBER the disgrace)? I DO!! Those were the glory days of the Left my friends: that their present actions and words want to bring that era of decadence back to us here in North America: very badly. Thank God Ronald Reagan beat Jimmy Carter or we would have had a conventional war with the USSR: if you think the Soviet Generals can be believed, (their own words on documentaries that Willy's editors tried to keep from the sheeple with a fair amount of success), as they, (the USSR), knew our profound weakness in the late 1970s. The modern Democrats are always incouraged to play politics instead of being STATESMAN and working for the good of the Country, because Ted Kennedy and John Kerry openly sided with our enemies and loudly recited Soviet propaganda that the very Left MSM lead by Walter Cronkite repeated over and over again until we left Vietnam and over 3,000,000 of our former allies perished under the Communist wave that washed over SE Asia in the Democrat vacuum we left. Have Willy's favorite editors pointed that out to the sheeple? The Universities are dominated by these hard Left people who marched in the streets in the 1960s and backed this shamfull conduct and those Boomers are now the current crop of hard Left University Professors teaching the upcomming generations, and dominating the MSM and the much farther Left modern Democrat party. They have managed to propagate a very clear double standard where a prominant Senator can drive off a bridge drunk where a young woman dies to where a US President can admit to felonious perjury and be celebrated as a rock star. Our current situation is the result. The Left SCREAMS LOUDLY and the MSM, (who totally buys the deal amplifies the drum beat), and edits out news that conflicts with the Left's agenda. Politics have been criminalized where Republicans are prosecuted amplified by Willy's editors and clearly corrupt Democrats remain in significant postions of power unchallanged. Will talk radio and Fox news stimulate enough critical thinkin' to save us? Unknown, (but I hope so). Why are Republicans such wimps? The system produces PC students that can't be scientists or engineers, (we need foriegners for those positions), but their "FEELINGS" are great and they know about and accept all aspects of Homosexuality!! They can't reason because emotions dominate them, (as they have been taught by the public school monopoly the Democrats keep in place). War feels bad so let's surrender!! We, (the hard Left; and their illogical emotional followers), can return to their 'glory days' of the late 1970s. It would 'feel good' to put all those terrible Pharma Corporations or Insurance Corporations outa business and pay for those services with your tax dollars, n' grow momma government; right? Quickest way to a deflationary depression I know of!! But: That's a logical likely conclusion to doubling the size government after nationalizing 1/6 the the TAX PAYING AND VERY SUCESSFULL PART of the private economy, and FEELINGS TRUMP LOGIC!! Do you blame the Republicans for not having courage? Tom Delay comes to mind. If you repeat: Incompetent, Liar, and openly side with our enemies the results really are very predictable, (if you employ logic and suspend your emotions for a few minutes of critical thinkin'). Why is huricane Katrina wiping out a Democrat controlled, (Govenor, Mayor, 2 US Senators), very corrupt major city that had known problems ever since the French built it in the wrong place George Bushs' problem? Answer: the amplification by the Left MSM. The next election will show the path we will all take. We have a huge demographic peak that will challange our Country similar to a much smaller peak in 1929. Do you know what happened in 1929? Can ya still think? The Democrats claimed we were in a worse situation in 2004 then the Great Depression and the MSM amplified their stupid comments, and John F Kerry got more votes then any Dem in history: REMEMBER? It is up to the Dems to clean their house. I hope they do. Converted Lefties like 12Footer are very fierce!! Think of Ronald Reagan, David Horowitz, Wiliam Bennett, (just a few of 'em), who were Lefties before doin' some critical thinkin' and comming to their senses. If I was a Republican office holder I could understand the whimpishness in this backdrop. Sorry for the rant. My $.02. Respectfully JR


Rear Admiral
Apr 9, 2005
Re: An excellent Column from Thomas Sowell.

I am not lost. Maybe I just lost you. That was sarcasm. PW2 has few if any posts except for Dockside Chat. He is very much the fly in the political ointment. I was merely pointing out that fact, and that he may be more comfortable on web sites that have social progressive agendas as their staple fare.

Hey now.... PW has been here a long time... and even though he may not agree with the majority... we still love him... he's a good guy whose just a little misguided... but he is very welcome here.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 18, 2006
Re: An excellent Column from Thomas Sowell.

You know Bur-Roak= Baroque......:)


My lack of education is showing. I did not realize that Baroque was one of the Crues Classes.

Rule #3 If you can't find a wine in a box or a bottle with a screw cap, you are paying too much. :D

Would you guys quit fugueing around?

Get it....baroque....fugue....

aw, forget it. :p

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: An excellent Column from Thomas Sowell.

I thought Harding, (crook), Coolidge & Hoover were rehubs......
That is 9 years of Rehub rule up to the crash & 3 afterward.....
Then FDR fixed things......;) :)