Re: American Discord: Were being laughed at
Quote JasonJ
It is a whole lot easier to just let other people decide how you think than it is to look at the big picture in as objective a way as the available information allows.
Come-on Jason how about this for about thirty minutes of research, I managed to knock the myth of liberal biased media out of the box8)
Myth: The U.S. has a liberal media.
Fact: The media are being increasingly monopolized by parent corporations with pro-corporate or conservative agendas.
Most conservatives promote the myth that the mainstream media has a liberal bias, pure BS.This BS has several purposes one is it raises skepticism, and to the conservative mind, hides conservative bias when it appears. This is a quote from GOP strategist William Kristol "I admit it: the liberal media were never that powerful, and the whole thing was often used as an excuse by conservatives for conservative failures."( San Francisco Bay Guardian, August 8, 1996.
Heres anther good quote from a conservative Pat Buchanan, "The truth is, I've gotten fairer, more comprehensive coverage of my ideas than I ever imagined I would receive." He further conceded: "I've gotten balanced coverage and broad coverage -- all we could have asked
For heaven sakes, we kid about the liberal media, but every Republican on earth does that."
Conservatives have friends in the media, and lets face it there bosses are huge corporations the pay there salaries. These giant firms have been increasingly successful in bending the media's message to suit their self-interests, which include a conservative and pro-corporate agenda. Conservatives charge with poll data showing that most journalists are personally liberal, which is old data. New polls show the majority of journalists are centrists. And of those who are not centrists, there are more conservatives than liberals on economic issues.
Lets take a look at one of the favorite targets of the conservative shall we, NBC news. There is noting wrong with profitability, but when it comes to being or verging on Monopoly I think that is going a little far. An example is GE, which owns NBC News; GE is one of the United States largest corporations. It is also sensitive to the needs of its customer base; yes your getting my drift advertisers other corporations.
GE has played a very active role in conservative politics, after the company acquired NBC ,a executive started a PAC to gain influence in the Nations Capital. Failure to cooperate the exec said would raise questions about the employees dedication. HHhmm,that sure dont sound like any lib that I know of. All of this coming from a company that in the great depression cut the life of its light bulbs by one third to drive up profits, convicted of illegal agreement with a Nazi arms Co. during WW2,it has been convicted of fraud, fixing bids, conspiracy and tax evasion, yet the conservatives would like the public to believe that a company that would do this, would all of a sudden have a change of heart and become liberal, now that it has control of one of the largest media outlets in the United States, ya sure.