American Discord: Were being laughed at


Jan 13, 2006
I have never seen so much hatered or discord in this country in my life, and i am 57 years old. After a great deal of thought and watching all of news channels i can tell you were all being lied to by the new american press.

Think im full of bs, try this on Custom, Tree, Willy, Pointer and the too many names to mention, guy's your all right, find one serious point of corruption and as a group come to a conclusion, screw partie's your all independent thinker's find a common thread.

Laugh at that, get pass your bias find a common thread, that's first order intelligence, if you can do that or at least try all of you will be shocked........ really shocked.


Aug 1, 2006
Re: American Discord: Were being laughed at

TG, the only reason we are being laughed at is that nervous chuckle while whistling past the graveyard.

Do you really give a rats rectum what the libs in this world spew?

Jesus H Christ... to look at world opinion, we are the beginning and end to all of the worlds problems... unless we were the ones to bail their lazy ashes out, then, of course it was our responsibility... and our fault to begin with!.... churned on by our "unbiased, Liberal Press"

And there is the answer to your question.


Rear Admiral
Aug 20, 2001
Re: American Discord: Were being laughed at

Nice try Tg, but what you are asking takes too much work. It is a whole lot easier to just let other people decide how you think than it is to look at the big picture in as objective a way as the available information allows.


Apr 10, 2005
Re: American Discord: Were being laughed at

Quote JasonJ

It is a whole lot easier to just let other people decide how you think than it is to look at the big picture in as objective a way as the available information allows.

Come-on Jason how about this for about thirty minutes of research, I managed to knock the myth of liberal biased media out of the box8)

Myth: The U.S. has a liberal media.

Fact: The media are being increasingly monopolized by parent corporations with pro-corporate or conservative agendas.

Most conservatives promote the myth that the mainstream media has a liberal bias, pure BS.This BS has several purposes one is it raises skepticism, and to the conservative mind, hides conservative bias when it appears. This is a quote from GOP strategist William Kristol "I admit it: the liberal media were never that powerful, and the whole thing was often used as an excuse by conservatives for conservative failures."( San Francisco Bay Guardian, August 8, 1996.

Here’s anther good quote from a conservative Pat Buchanan, "The truth is, I've gotten fairer, more comprehensive coverage of my ideas than I ever imagined I would receive." He further conceded: "I've gotten balanced coverage and broad coverage -- all we could have asked… For heaven sakes, we kid about the liberal media, but every Republican on earth does that."

Conservatives have friends in the media, and lets face it there bosses are huge corporations the pay there salaries. These giant firms have been increasingly successful in bending the media's message to suit their self-interests, which include a conservative and pro-corporate agenda. Conservatives charge with poll data showing that most journalists are personally liberal, which is old data. New polls show the majority of journalists are centrists. And of those who are not centrists, there are more conservatives than liberals on economic issues.

Lets take a look at one of the favorite targets of the conservative shall we, NBC news. There is noting wrong with profitability, but when it comes to being or verging on Monopoly I think that is going a little far. An example is GE, which owns NBC News; GE is one of the United States largest corporations. It is also sensitive to the needs of its customer base; yes your getting my drift advertisers other corporations.

GE has played a very active role in conservative politics, after the company acquired NBC ,a executive started a PAC to gain influence in the Nations Capital. Failure to cooperate the exec said would raise questions about the employees dedication. HHhmm,that sure don’t sound like any lib that I know of. All of this coming from a company that in the great depression cut the life of its light bulbs by one third to drive up profits, convicted of illegal agreement with a Nazi arms Co. during WW2,it has been convicted of fraud, fixing bids, conspiracy and tax evasion, yet the conservatives would like the public to believe that a company that would do this, would all of a sudden have a change of heart and become liberal, now that it has control of one of the largest media outlets in the United States, ya sure.


Nov 30, 2006
Re: American Discord: Were being laughed at

treedancer said:
Quote JasonJ

It is a whole lot easier to just let other people decide how you think than it is to look at the big picture in as objective a way as the available information allows.

Come-on Jason how about this for about thirty minutes of research, I managed to knock the myth of liberal biased media out of the box8)

Myth: The U.S. has a liberal media.

Fact: The media are being increasingly monopolized by parent corporations with pro-corporate or conservative agendas.

Most conservatives promote the myth that the mainstream media has a liberal bias, pure BS.This BS has several purposes one is it raises skepticism, and to the conservative mind, hides conservative bias when it appears. This is a quote from GOP strategist William Kristol "I admit it: the liberal media were never that powerful, and the whole thing was often used as an excuse by conservatives for conservative failures."( San Francisco Bay Guardian, August 8, 1996.)

Here’s anther good quote from a conservative Pat Buchanan, "The truth is, I've gotten fairer, more comprehensive coverage of my ideas than I ever imagined I would receive." He further conceded: "I've gotten balanced coverage and broad coverage -- all we could have asked… For heaven sakes, we kid about the liberal media, but every Republican on earth does that."

Conservatives have friends in the media, and lets face it there bosses are huge corporations the pay there salaries. These giant firms have been increasingly successful in bending the media's message to suit their self-interests, which include a conservative and pro-corporate agenda. Conservatives charge with poll data showing that most journalists are personally liberal, which is old data. New polls show the majority of journalists are centrists. And of those who are not centrists, there are more conservatives than liberals on economic issues.

Lets take a look at one of the favorite targets of the conservative shall we, NBC news. There is noting wrong with profitability, but when it comes to being or verging on Monopoly I think that is going a little far. An example is GE, which owns NBC News; GE is one of the United States largest corporations. It is also sensitive to the needs of its customer base; yes your getting my drift advertisers other corporations.

GE has played a very active role in conservative politics, after the company acquired NBC ,a executive started a PAC to gain influence in the Nations Capital. Failure to cooperate the exec said would raise questions about the employees dedication. HHhmm,that sure don’t sound like any lib that I know of. All of this coming from a company that in the great depression cut the life of its light bulbs by one third to drive up profits, convicted of illegal agreement with a Nazi arms Co. during WW2,it has been convicted of fraud, fixing bids, conspiracy and tax evasion, yet the conservatives would like the public to believe that a company that would do this, would all of a sudden have a change of heart and become liberal, now that it has control of one of the largest media outlets in the United States, ya sure.

Kool Aid Kool Aid tastes great; Kool Aid Kool Aid can't wait! GE is a awfull terrible giant CORPORATION OH NO! AMERICA is also a terrible place, all the worlds current problems were caused by America, or George Bush any way! Good grief: you love to find this carp on the net just to trash anything sucessfull don't ya? JR


Apr 10, 2005
Re: American Discord: Were being laughed at

No just trying to debunk the consumers of the Kool-Aid in fifty-five gallon drums, and trying to pass it off as the fault of any body but themselves.

<<Quote Tail gunner
Laugh at that, get pass your bias find a common thread, that's first order intelligence, if you can do that or at least try all of you will be shocked........ really shocked.

I'm all for this by Tail Gunner, but how can you have a dialogue with someone that when they make a post, every other word is made up of asides, and aspersions, trying to belittle, the person or the political ideology of party that they are responding too.


Oct 8, 2003
Re: American Discord: Were being laughed at

"Fact: The media are being increasingly monopolized by parent corporations with pro-corporate or conservative agendas"

ROFLMAO Ha,Ha,Ha,Ha,Ha,Ha,Ha,Ha,Ha,Ha,Ha,Ha,Ha,Ha,


Apr 10, 2005
Re: American Discord: Were being laughed at

Quote lubedude

OFLMAO Ha,Ha,Ha,Ha,Ha,Ha,Ha,Ha,Ha,Ha,Ha,Ha,Ha,Ha,

Instead of laughing prove me wrong.8)


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jan 14, 2007
Re: American Discord: Were being laughed at

"Instead of laughing prove me wrong"

That's like asking to prove the sun sets in the west. Go read the papers, watch the news, listen to the radio or surf the web. You'll see it for yourself if you look for it.


Apr 10, 2005
Re: American Discord: Were being laughed at

Quote Qalifornyakid

That's like asking to prove the sun sets in the west. Go read the papers, watch the news, listen to the radio or surf the web. You'll see it for yourself if you look for it.

I read the papers, watched the news, listened to the radio, including most of the conservative /fox news stations, that’s what got me to researching on the computer. Believe me I just posted a little of what I have found, I might add do a little research yourself, if your not blinded by your ideology you can come to only one conclusion, that media bias is fiction, put there by people with an agenda that is not for the good of most of the population.


Aug 1, 2006
Re: American Discord: Were being laughed at

I Googled "media bias"...

This is my favorite...

In this paper we estimate ADA (Americans for Democratic Action) scores for major media outlets such as the New York Times, USA Today, Fox News’ Special Report, and all three network television news shows. Our estimates allow us to answer such questions as “Is the average article in the New York Times more liberal than the average speech by Tom Daschle?” or “Is the average story on Fox News more conservative than the average speech by Bill Frist?” To compute our measure, we count the times that a media outlet cites various think tanks and other policy groups. We compare this with the times that members of Congress cite the same think tanks in their speeches on the floor of the House and Senate. By comparing the citation patterns we construct an ADA score. As a simplified example, imagine that there were only two think tanks, one liberal and one conservative. Suppose that the New York Times cited the liberal think tank twice as often as the conservative one. Our method asks: What is the typical ADA score of members of Congress who exhibit the same frequency (2:1) in their speeches? This is the score that we would assign to the New York Times. Our results show a strong liberal bias. All of the news outlets except Fox News’ Special Report and the Washington Times received a score to the left of the average member of Congress. Consistent with many conservative critics, CBS Evening News and the New York Times received a score far left of center. Outlets such as the Washington Post, USA Today, NPR’s Morning Edition, NBC’s Nightly News and ABC’s World News Tonight were moderately left. The most centrist outlets (but still left-leaning) by our measure were the Newshour with Jim Lehrer, CNN’s NewsNight with Aaron Brown, and ABC’s Good Morning America. Fox News’ Special Report, while right of center, was closer to the center than any of the three major networks’ evening news broadcasts. All of our findings refer strictly to the news stories of the outlets. That is, we omitted editorials, book reviews, and letters to the editor from our sample.


Fleet Admiral
Dec 29, 2003
Re: American Discord: Were being laughed at

To me, mainstream media seems far more centrist than either side will admit. Conservatives say they have a liberal bias. Liberals say they have a conservative bias. To me, that is the perfect indicator that the media is indeed on the fence with slight leanings to the left or right depending on the specifics. In a civil lawsuit, if both sides come out feeling equally cheated, the judgement was perfect. Same concept applies here.


Aug 1, 2006
Re: American Discord: Were being laughed at

LOL @ Willy

Click on my last link and see who it was written by. :p


Fleet Admiral
Dec 29, 2003
Re: American Discord: Were being laughed at

But you're quoting a report that puts Drudge on the liberal side of Average America. I can't imagine any reasonable person that would come to that conclusion.



Aug 1, 2006
Re: American Discord: Were being laughed at

WillyBWright said:
But you're quoting a report that puts Drudge on the liberal side of Average America. I can't imagine any reasonable person that would come to that conclusion.


It's not a report, it's a study by:

A Measure of Media Bias

Tim Groseclose

Department of Political Science


Jeff Milyo

Department of Economics

University of Missouri

December 2004

In a court case you would call that expert testimony, right?


Nov 30, 2006
Re: American Discord: Were being laughed at

WillyBWright said:
To me, mainstream media seems far more centrist than either side will admit. Conservatives say they have a liberal bias. Liberals say they have a conservative bias. To me, that is the perfect indicator that the media is indeed on the fence with slight leanings to the left or right depending on the specifics. In a civil lawsuit, if both sides come out feeling equally cheated, the judgement was perfect. Same concept applies here.

Willy, Do ya think you are a good judge of what is "centrist"? If it appears "centrist" to you don't ya think it's likely hard left? Tree: there are many studies that show bias, but your point about bias (or my knowledge about bias as a Cornservative for that matter) can't be: "proved", (what level of proof would you accept Tree)? Any study can be picked apart. That said: just look at the stocks of the media companies that constitute the MSM. Some are held by (those terrible easy to hate) giant companies like GE where the price of the stock can't be correlated to the media unit. That said: most of the MSM is losing share and viewers readers etc. There are factors such as 300+ channels on Cable/Satellite, the internet, (where Tree likes to cruise) etc. but that all considered: media outlets that interact, (like talk radio) are booming. Why do Cornservate talk radio shows do well and liberal shows not so well, (on balence: Tree)? Answer: Cornservatives are 'starved' for input and a venue to express themselves because of MSM left bias. Liberals' ideas are largely emotional, and illogical, and negative about America, (from my admittidly Cornservative perspective), so intellectual debate is meaningless about the Libs' emotions. Why is Fox smokin' 'em? They have both sides: Libs and Cornservatives. The editors don't cut out negatives about Libs or positives about Cornservatives as the MSM clearly does; THEY ACTUALLY REPORT AND YOU, (the viewer decide)! It is a great concept: Willy! Does Fox news lean right? Ya sure you bescha! It isn't as obvious to me, (as a Cornservative), as the MSM leaning hard left but I'm fairly sure it does lean right. I also notice that the other declining MSM media is copyin' ol' Fox and bringing more Cornservative views into their reports. Tree: most MSM is biased left, (just use the ability to think critically that I know you have). Respectfully JR


Apr 10, 2005
Re: American Discord: Were being laughed at

Most of my research was done on this sight crunch,I figure if your company is owned by one of six media conglomerates, the people owning the conglomerates are conservative, it’s a good chance that they will hire conservative reporters. If they don’t follow the party line good chance of them not getting the next raise.


Aug 1, 2006
Re: American Discord: Were being laughed at

I figure if your company is owned by one of six media conglomerates, the people owning the conglomerates are conservative

I have no idea of why that would be, but you have a 50/50 chance of being right. :p


Apr 10, 2005
Re: American Discord: Were being laughed at

Well if you tilt fifty percent to the left, then tilt fifty percent to the right, that puts you where you need to be in the center, works for me.8)

Here’s another site that will give you some unbiased info if you need it.


Aug 1, 2006
Re: American Discord: Were being laughed at

Well if you tilt fifty percent to the left, then tilt fifty percent to the right, that puts you where you need to be in the center, works for me.

Now if we could just get the media to do that... :p