All of those paint prep options are valid and have been used on aluminum boats posted here.
I've never used the AluminPre or Alodine, but had good results w DIY vinegar wash (Heinz Cleaning 6% acidity), clean water rinse, SelfEtch, primer then spray Rustoleum Pro paint w an added enamel hardener.
but heres a link to iboats forum posts about Alodine
Use google to search for stuff in the forum, just include
in w your search keywords/terms
IMO ^^^ works better then the forums own search feature......
Dont forget, 1 of the most important aspects to remember about boat rehabs (all rehabs?¿?) is to avoid paralysis by analysis.....
Find a solution that fits you, your budget, availability of necessary supplies, your time frame and your skill level and do the best you can... there are plenty of ways to accomplish the task at hand, but only maybe only 1 or 2 fit all those ^^^ criteria....
read the Alodine posts I linked and search for AluminPre the same way.......
There have been significantly more Starcraft boats painted the low tech. low buck way I described then have been treated w either of the aluminum prep stuff you asked about.
As far I know, the only reported bad paint job (or how bad it held up) was Ezmobee's problems w EasyPoxy from Pettit, most of which he said might have been operator error not the boat or the product.....
I havent seen any recent posts or opinions about either prep product, so I doubt you'll get more then a 50/50 split for or against either 1. But if you look thru the Starcraft boats posted here
Lots of good results w the method I used, AND no complaints.
So if you must, start a 2nd topic, but it isnt likely to be a definitive positive for either prep product IMO..
good luck w your project