Aluminum restore but don’t know model


Seaman Apprentice
Apr 18, 2018
Ok so i give lol.
new to boats so help understand the type.
the dead rise is almost zero, but v at front. Would this be a mod v?
also are these chines? Is so what type, and why the second one only half way?
thank you


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Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
I personally have no idea what the manufacturer could be. It does look like an old Feather Craft I used to own. But that was decades ago, and hard to remember how that actually looked now. However, I do see great potential for a new refurbished fishing boat all the same. So many options for you to refurbish it. You can make it however you want it now. And since the official paperwork states that it is a Lund, it is a Lund forever on now...


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Ok so i give
Please avoid asking the same question in multiple places.

Deleted the new topic you started that was a cut and paste of questions you asked here:
new to boats so help understand the type.
the dead rise is almost zero, but v at front. Would this be a mod v?
also are these chines? Is so what type, and why the second one only half way?
thank you

The chine 1/2 way up the side of the hull that doesnt run full length is called a spray rail. It helps direct water away from the side of the hull so it doesnt SPRAY or roll up and into the boat..

The lower chine at the "corner" of the hull side and bottom, and defines the bottom of the hull. That makes it a hard chine boat instead of a soft chine.

Soft chines have a curved side to hull.

Google hard vs soft chine for more info


Seaman Apprentice
Apr 18, 2018
So, I want to start getting materials ready to remove paint and repaint the boat. I see people reccommend "airplane paint remover" to strip the paint
Seen alot of ideas on how to then prime the aluminum. Some say just sand 80-100, then apply zinc chromate, or self etching primer.
Some condition with Alumnipre and Alodine.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
All of those paint prep options are valid and have been used on aluminum boats posted here.

I've never used the AluminPre or Alodine, but had good results w DIY vinegar wash (Heinz Cleaning 6% acidity), clean water rinse, SelfEtch, primer then spray Rustoleum Pro paint w an added enamel hardener.

but heres a link to iboats forum posts about Alodine

Use google to search for stuff in the forum, just include
iboats forum
in w your search keywords/terms

IMO ^^^ works better then the forums own search feature......

Dont forget, 1 of the most important aspects to remember about boat rehabs (all rehabs?¿?) is to avoid paralysis by analysis.....

Find a solution that fits you, your budget, availability of necessary supplies, your time frame and your skill level and do the best you can... there are plenty of ways to accomplish the task at hand, but only maybe only 1 or 2 fit all those ^^^ criteria....

read the Alodine posts I linked and search for AluminPre the same way.......

There have been significantly more Starcraft boats painted the low tech. low buck way I described then have been treated w either of the aluminum prep stuff you asked about.

As far I know, the only reported bad paint job (or how bad it held up) was Ezmobee's problems w EasyPoxy from Pettit, most of which he said might have been operator error not the boat or the product.....

I havent seen any recent posts or opinions about either prep product, so I doubt you'll get more then a 50/50 split for or against either 1. But if you look thru the Starcraft boats posted here

Lots of good results w the method I used, AND no complaints.

So if you must, start a 2nd topic, but it isnt likely to be a definitive positive for either prep product IMO..


good luck w your project


Seaman Apprentice
Apr 18, 2018
Ok I'll stop overthinking it. I think i want to use the Alumiprep, Alodine, ZC method.
So if i understand correctly I need to sand the aluminum smooth before I start? What grit should I use?
Also scuff/sand after ZC. What grit for that also?

Yacht Dr. jbcurt00


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
All I have to say about your boat project is, you have pretty much the same questions every new boat owner asks.

All you really need to understand is the actual finish you are working towards all depends on the prep work you are willing to put into it. Understand that if there is anything questionable about the prep work, if you can see or feel any scratches, gouges, scrapes and such, you WILL see them in the final finish too. So prep is where the real work is done. Take your time and effort to do it right the first time.

With that said, I would sand with either hand or power sander (orbital) and start with aggressive grit paper (some use 36 or 40 grit for starters) and work your way up to 120, 240, or 360. Then use the primer of your choice (zinc chromate or etching primer on any bare metal) and then use a sand-able primer on top of that. Some use Rustoieum primer and wet sand after it cures for that final prime coat. Then pick your top coat with "hardener" and I think you will be totally amazed how nice it will look.

A lot of boaters have used Rustoleum Paint or Tractor Supply Paint with Majic Hardener (you can buy the hardener at Tractor Supply). Mix the paint per instructions with the hardener and apply. You can apply via spray gun or brush and roller. JMHO


Seaman Apprentice
Apr 18, 2018
Ok still working on my boat and searching.
Ok so my boat has longitudinal keelsons. From what I’m finding Alumacraft is the only one who did that in the past. Any ideas?

Scott Danforth

Grumpy Vintage Moderator still playing with boats
Staff member
Jul 23, 2011
Any ideas?

yep, its an old boat registered/titled as a 1955 lowe... so fix it to your liking, and go boating.

your spinning your wheels going down a rabbit hole of despair attempting to identify the boat beyond that legal document.


Seaman Apprentice
Apr 18, 2018
Wow ok. I’m gonna do it the way i want. This is just a curiosity now. Oh well.

Scott Danforth

Grumpy Vintage Moderator still playing with boats
Staff member
Jul 23, 2011
something about curiosity and cats..... LOL


Seaman Apprentice
Apr 18, 2018
So I’m wanting a specific paint color and rustoleum has said i can’t/shouldn’t add color to their enamel. Any suggestions?


Seaman Apprentice
Apr 18, 2018
lol just an update. The wife of the original owner called me. She had absolutely no info on the boat. She did say he bought is second hand in the 60's, and did alot of work on it. I think it'll be a GravesCraft from now on, lol