Re: Aluminum Boat Rebuild Methods by 191Seanymphstriper
O Hi NB! I was just siping my 12:30 Am Latte Sorry I couldn't respond to you sooner!
Well first i would just like to say I have a brian and i know how to use it!
Ok well before I opened a ibouts forum account and read any posts here being that I am self employed during the day and my business is year round yet very busy (seasonal). And i am employed 3 days a week at night, and I have a passion for aluminum boats what I did was....
1. I posted my 191 seanymph striper on craigslist not restored! I did this as a business tactic to get a feel for what people thought of aluminum boats in my generalized area and to see if I got any response or calls on a un-rebuilt aluminum boat in good running condition. I also as a marketing tacktic put a sence of urgency in my craigs post by stating that I had a new boat on the way so there was a sense of ugency to sell to viewers of the listing. Again a business marketing tactic there!
The reason for doing so was because I wanted to see if a cc aluminum boat can sell here in my generalized area for what I felt I would want to get for them. Well I got a huge postive response. Better then expected.
I did this before i ran out and just started buying boats! Im a business man first! I did this as a business marketing/servey to see what I was getting myself into here as a part time business venture during the winter months!
Here on Long Island There are mostly center console boats being used. You either see very large vessels. Speed boats. And mid to large center console boats being used! comonly 20ft and up. more cc then anything!
2. That posting on craigs thats (my business) but thanks for sharing it with the rest of the world here on iboats! Your a trooper N.B!
3.I have been looking at some 1985 islanders. If I did say holiday then i stand corrected. I am looking for a 26ft (islander). If I did say holiday it was probably when i got home off the tug boat and was just doing some online business and checked the forum and might have typed the wrong model because I had been sleep deprivated and reading other posts etc!
4. I have restored and rebuilt 3 and a half aluminum vessels, a 141 seanymph FM to near perfect factory look restoration, and I have rebuilt using my newer technics a 171 seanymph striper cc and a 16 ft bowrider starcraft conversion to cc using my technics, and I reconditioned my 191 seanymph striper to use this season before her overhaul this winter.
5. I think that i have added alot to these forums. I have posted with people having problems with there 90hp merc outboards a similar prob i was having and i fixed it and posted up what i did etc. Im sure that will help someone etc... And i did it on two seperate threads as well because it was the same prob with 2 diff threads.
6. I also think on your threads and others I have posted a postive view on other newer technics of rebuilding these boats! Not restoring aluminum boats. Restoring them is great if thats what your into. But im into rebuilding them making them better stronger leak proof and able to handle more HP or be able to handle the higher wight of a 4 stroke or twin applictaions on the transom!
7. Since I have joined iboats forums you have given me a hard bad welcome! Like in grade school when the new kid on the block arived etc... Very childish of an elder as yourself I must say N.B. i dont know what it is or why? But I know there are 4 devils in life (Lust, envy, hate, and jealousy!) So whatever it is, Its not gods work for sure!
8. Just because you don't agree with what another says etc it dosent mean what there saying is wrong or bad it just (is what it is) freedom of speach. There views on things. You can try to down me or put me down or complain about me all you want. But we have people fighting right now in this country so you and i can post threads on iboats of whats on our minds and of our ideas and thoughts if it is pertaining to the subject at hand. (ALUMINUM BOATS)! And I have never said i was the best rebuilder or restore-er etc "you said I was"....
I had never put you or anyone down or said that you or they or anyone was or were doing anything or any project at all wrong or poorly etc. I have in many threads and posts given you and others praise and I think that you do some top notch quaility work and have said so in many posts.
So I don't know why you of all people are giving me such a hard time. I am not a know it all. And I have been reading and following many threads here on iboats picking up tips and tricks etc that i would have never thought of.
I did kinda hijack a thread when I first opened up a iboats forum account but thats bc i was new to the forums and didnt know the rules of the land sort a speak.
So I hope i answered all your questions correctly and thanks for trying to make a liar out of me and trying to put me down! But it diddnt work capt. I am a very strong minded person and it will take alot more then that to bring me down! But thanks for trying!
I am not a liar nor will I ever be! I am just a gut who is living in Long Island and couldnt afford a big bad fiberglass center console so he started out small with a 14 ft boat and worked his way to a 19 aluminum boat and has a passion for aluminum boats now!
I havent given away all of my technics and ways of rebuilding aluminum boats yet. I have alot of knolegable input to give viewers and i will continue to post replys where i want to, because thats what these forums are for and thats why I live in America etc....
And thanks for letting everyone here on iboats know that you N.B are my biggest fan! Cheers to you!
If you have anymore questions for me N.B! I will be more then happy to answer them for you! And its to bad that the original quote unquote hijacked post was removed and deleted because we were talking about some very interesting topics and i had added some very good knolegable technics about corrosion and electrolicics... Etc And where to mount batterys and battery switches etc. And also about adding zincs to the hull not just the motor and also About WHY NOT TO REMOVE THE CASTING DECK FRAME WORK or the aluminum support work that goes from port to stabard at the bow but hey... It sounds to me like you are the know it all not me with your replies that day! It was a great debate! And topic!
But what do i know. Im just a middle aged idiot as you say that knows nothing according to you because i restored 1 boat and rebuilt 1 cc and converted 1 16ft bowrider to a cc and reconditioned my 191 seanymph striper so shes sea worthy to use for a season before i rebuild her! But hey. What do I know. I guess thats whats great about these forums. You make some friends and loose some and learn things along the way!
After this post I want to get back to the topic here and thats (Aluminum boats and restore rebuild methods)! I don'y have time for childish games. I just want to set the record strait here!
I will put my money where my mouth is when I rebuild these next couple of boats!
I will be finishing a job early tm so i will have daylight and time to get some pictures up of the 21 starcraft cc finally .