Al Gore, the pathetic, whining ecology prophet...


Rear Admiral
May 29, 2004
Re: Al Gore, the pathetic, whining ecology prophet...



Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Al Gore, the pathetic, whining ecology prophet...

I will try to work it out for yea,

With a few exceptions, the whole tenor of the more "conservative" input to this forum constantly teeters on the edge of calling for the round up and internment of anyone who does not support this president and the Repubs %100. The rhetoric that gets used here is all about how we, the non-bush-loving iboaters (and everyone else who doesn't love W for that matter) are actually ENEMIES of America, rather than a part of it.

Ok this was your attempt to lump all republicans (of which I am not) into one group. I also got the, oh we who don't agree with republicans are not only smarter and more individualistic but also are victims. No I got that part. I will never take a victim mentality regardless of who is running congress or the white house.

Coincidentally, this is the same kind of rhetoric that I hear every time I am unfortunate enough to encounter the Limbaugh show or the O'reilly factor, to name a couple of examples. Or let's just go straight to the top and quote our fearless leader himself "you're either with us or against us" or maybe Wild Shootin' **** himself: "people better watch what they say..."

Demonization of the opposition, no I got that part...

This is perfectly in line with the last few years of conservative political theory, which asserts that ONLY republicans are true americans and therefore ONLY they have a right to govern. Everyone else is to be merely and barely tolerated-for now-but should be forbidden from actually participating in setting the course for the country as a whole.

Misrepresention and an oversimplification of a theory put forth by nobody here. ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL is an American principal. Supporting something that denies this might be considered unamerican. Taxation without representation, strike a chord with anyone? (See the Gore tax on your phone bill) Sound American? States rights? Doing the right thing not because it is easy but because it is right? JasonJ brought up JFK and going to the moon? I remember a ton of people saying it was impossible. Now where have I heard that recently. I guess not listening to nay sayers has its advantages. A can do mentality is also American. Self determination is an American tradition, government redistribution, arbitrator of rights, and de-facto parent, racial stereotyping, cradle to grave welfare, not so much. It is an American tradition to say and do whatever you want, but not to have everyone agree with you. If you want to look at group think, why can't the left formulate an arguement without accusing someone of being weakminded and blaming Rush Limbaugh.

The perpetual war concept is part and parcel of the conservatives' desire to have one party rule, forever. Too bad for them that there still are relatively functional elections, and that this time, the people really have had enough of one party rule.

Who got us into WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam? Funny how the only time we have "functional" elections are when liberals (communists) win. Yea I got that part. I also got the part where 18Rabbit (hardly a W supporter) asked anyone to define the difference between the Democratic party and the Communist party and to date nobody has even tried. Hey maybe you could be the first. This would go far to showing those of us who are too closed minded, ignorant or stupid to see the difference.

And watching some of the dyed in the wool right-wingers here lashing out and throwing fits about how now the country will be invaded and made to speak arabic and french etc etc makes me realize that some people really do believe in the idea that their party should rule over everything. Which I find very disturbing.

I didn't have a clue what this means or where it came from. As a conservative, I deny the concept of anyone "ruling" this country. Maybe you would be happier if someone you feel more in touch with your beliefs should "rule" over you. But this is what separates liberals and conservatives in my opinion. I don't want to be ruled by anyone.

So what exactly did I miss?


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Al Gore, the pathetic, whining ecology prophet...

BoatBuoy said:

If it is destined to happen it will do so whether Algore quits driving Theresa's Suburban or not.???


Jul 27, 2004
Re: Al Gore, the pathetic, whining ecology prophet...

"Demonization of the opposition, no I got that part..."

All I was doing was quoting them.

"The rhetoric that gets used here is all about how we, the non-bush-loving iboaters (and everyone else who doesn't love W for that matter) are actually ENEMIES of America, rather than a part of it."

Been told right here on this forum several times since 2004 that I, and any other liberals or democrats (labels given to me repeatedly) are indeed enemies of freedom and therefore of America. You implied that just a few posts back up the thread here.

"Taxation without representation, strike a chord with anyone?"

Huh? Does your state or district have no representatives in Congress? How did that get overlooked?

"States rights?"

Oh, right... that's why Ashcroft spent so much time trying to overturn state-passed laws about marijuana and assisted suicide.. Because he and this administration repsect state's rights so much... Har har har...

"Doing the right thing not because it is easy but because it is right?"

You mean like getting the heck out of an ill-considered and badly prosecuted war before it drags the whole country down vs. "stay the course" because that is more in keeping with certain peoples' sense of PRIDE ( one of the seven deadly sins, right? I LOVE seeing the "power of pride" bumper stickers all over the place and thinking of the classical view and definition of "pride"... )

No I guess that is probably not what you mean...

"why can't the left formulate an arguement without accusing someone of being weakminded and blaming Rush Limbaugh."

Gee, first I'm too snobbishly intellectual and then I don't formulate arguments well enough without resorting to attacks... you know I formulate arguments all the time on this forum. Well thought out ones, and often reasonably stated, without a lot of meaningless rhetoric. Mostly what I get in response is a bunch of derisive liberal-hating sneers, custom's little "BS" Flag of Capitulation, and general hooting and chest thumping that comes straight out of the limbaugh playbook for one.

I don't think that the right wing here is really interested in hearing any formulated arguments from the opposition. And accusing people of weakmindedness seems to be just fine with you guys when you are the ones doing it...

"Funny how the only time we have "functional" elections are when liberals (communists) win. "

Communists? I haven't seen any election in my lifetime where a Communist candidate got more than like 0.0004% of the vote. Or is "communist" just another way for you to deride the party that you didn't vote for?

"I don't want to be ruled by anyone."

then you especially, and all true conservatives should be HAPPY about a government divided amongst the two major parties rather than totally dominated by just one of them.

"So what exactly did I miss?"

The point, of course. But I think you meant to do that...


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Al Gore, the pathetic, whining ecology prophet...

This is pretty funny. An attack on Al Gore is an attack on all Democrats who counter with you Republicans think that any attack on any Republican is un-American . . .

And PW2, your post is even funnier. Psssst, hey woodrat, they really do believe they're smarter, what fools huh?

Did either of you stop and think that maybe, just maybe we (the collective, not so sure about man's impact on Global Warming and man's ability to do anything about it, we) are concerned with the harm to humans that an overreaction to a theory might cause? See my first post . . . extermination I tell you, I am pretty dang sure that'll fix most of this stuff.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Al Gore, the pathetic, whining ecology prophet...

Because I promised CJY that I would, and because it is right . . .

I think calling Democrats communist's is offensive to the victims of communism. What the American Democratic party supports is nothing compared to the hell that the victims of Stalinist Russia, North Korea, Cuba and even China have endured. Let's try and save words like Communist and Reich for those who actually earn it . . . ;) Socialist? Maybe. Communist? Not even close.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Sep 6, 2005
Re: Al Gore, the pathetic, whining ecology prophet...

So I'm finally gonna get shore front property!d:)


Apr 21, 2004
Re: Al Gore, the pathetic, whining ecology prophet...

QC said:
This is pretty funny. An attack on Al Gore is an attack on all Democrats who counter with you Republicans think that any attack on any Republican is un-American . . .

And PW2, your post is even funnier. Psssst, hey woodrat, they really do believe they're smarter, what fools huh?

Did either of you stop and think that maybe, just maybe we (the collective, not so sure about man's impact on Global Warming and man's ability to do anything about it, we) are concerned with the harm to humans that an overreaction to a theory might cause? See my first post . . . extermination I tell you, I am pretty dang sure that'll fix most of this stuff.

I have no idea what you are talking about, QC. And I fail to see any humor in this at all.

Of course Al Gore is not a famed environmental scientist. Scientists are not responsible for reacting to this problem, but only defining what the problem is, and offering potential solutions to that problem. Politicians are responsible for implementing those solutions as warranted as public policy.

And over-reacting? I find that curious. Just what form does this over reaction take? An attempt at some sort of global cooperation?

The evidence is pretty much in that the increased level of carbon introduced in the atmosphere over the last 50 years or so is having an effect on the planet. I think we owe it to future generations to not do specific harm to the environment. Let's have a real scientific debate on how to proceed, rather than proposing to do nothing because doing something would cause a short term inconvenience.


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Al Gore, the pathetic, whining ecology prophet...


The deaths and murder of millions under the name of communism wasn't really communism. They were dictatorships. The tennents of communism were thrown out when they became inconvenient. Usually around day 2 of their existance. Such is the nature of unchecked power.

The spirit of America is lost on welfare, punitive tax schemes, bastardization of property rights, freedom FROM religion, taxation without representation (Gore Tax), the parcing of our society based on race, sex, age, creed, and hobbies, legislation from the bench by the supremely arrogant, our current public education system, and on and on. I am currently working with a private group to fight a state government who changed the law by executive order, not because of good science or the public good, but to fill the states coffers. This was told to us in confidence by a department head within the state. So if the state is broke due to no fault of small business and you don't want to raise taxes due to political reasons they just change the laws and impose fines. Government no longer serves the people, they serve themselves. This particular measure will put litterly hundreds of businesses under and leave several manufactureres unviable. This junk science mentality used to raise revenue and centralize power is disgusting and UNAMERICAN. The "clear path" aspect is a privacy violation, forcing private businesses to sign away their rights. I didn't know you could to that. UNAMERICAN. All this for money. (communism, benevolent dictatorship) I guess this isn't taxation without representation, it's just theft. FWIW I am on the board of directors for an industry specific advocacy group. It is an unpaid position as it applies to a current thread here. To some that makes me a kool-aid drinker, but I believe it represents walking the walk.

What I find more interesting is that most of the issues in front, offending so many, would be solved by less government.

Government should be an afterthought in our society instead it is intertwined like a cancer in all aspects of our existance and is on the forefront of anything we do. I think all Americans who understand the precepts of this country would fight this. Instead some look to the UN and other nations to impose additional restrictions on our freedoms. It was interesting to watch some enjoy seeing an American citizen being threatened by a foreign country (Germany). It makes me sick to my stomach. I almost never shop at Walmart, but what some municipalities are doing to prevent the free enterprise system is disgusting. Under the laws that established this country, can you imagine someone being impeded from starting a business because they don't offer what is know as a FRINGE benefit to all its employee's. And by not doing so, hurts the socialized medical program? Beam me up Scotty.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Al Gore, the pathetic, whining ecology prophet...

PW2 said:
You guys lost the election. Deal with it. No amount of irrational shouting is going to change that.
= An attack on Al is an attack on all Democrats

woodrat said:
With a few exceptions, the whole tenor of the more "conservative" input to this forum constantly teeters on the edge of calling for the round up and internment of anyone who does not support this president and the Repubs %100.
= who counter with you Republicans think that any attack on any Republican is un-American . . .

PW2 said:
They actually do believe it, Woodrat, and it is indeed disturbing.
= Psst, hey woodrat . . .

PW2 said:
And the scientific methodology they employ re global warming is quite amazing . . .The righties already have their conclusions, and only choose the data (and if need be make it up) to support those conclusions. It kind of takes the guesswork and drama out of scientific discovery . . .
= they really do believe they're smarter, what fools huh?


I simply think the whole thing is rather funny. Yes, I'm taking things out of context, but hey, in QC world anything goes for humor . . . ;)


Sorry, old debt to CJY. And I do agree, it is more about Evil Dictators, although I think 18R is way out of line when he calls "all" Democrats communists "same thing" . . .


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Al Gore, the pathetic, whining ecology prophet...

Just for clairification I believe 18R said the democratic platform is identical to the communist platform in his challenge.

Which truely is splitting hairs but is also somewhat different. 8)


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Al Gore, the pathetic, whining ecology prophet...


Actually he has often when noting that democrats are communists followed that with "no difference". Not the most recent time, but often . . . It does seem to water down the word. It's OK, I also don't think that CJY previously equating that with calling Republicans the "Reich" wing is correct either. It is a lot like jimonica saying "this Administration is the closest thing to a Fascist Dictatorship since the Nazis" (a pretty close quote although I won't swear to it). I lost it over that one, so I feel a certain need to be intellectually honest about both sides of the issue of overstating American political ideals with much more extreme examples . . .


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Al Gore, the pathetic, whining ecology prophet...

I agree, I don't believe that Al Gore is even remotely close to Joe Stalin. Unfortunately he isn't even close to JFK either. Their beliefs system is unfortunately right out of Karl Marx school of government. And I don't know what else to call them. Hell, Fat Bottom Girl was caught quoting Marx at a rally. To each according to their need from those according to their ability. SCARRY!! I understand what you are saying and I agree. I assure you 18R was referring to the more intellectual/theorhetical interpretation of communism and not pandering to the emtional. But it will be up to him to qualify his own statements. I'm underpaid and overworked as it is.

Freedom from government, its a beautiful thing.


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: Al Gore, the pathetic, whining ecology prophet...


I think I stepped on his Roots,+ Now he's bringing up Any Topic that he Doesn't Agree with........

See Treehugger's Troll about the sitting President attending the ceremonies for Gerald Ford........


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Al Gore, the pathetic, whining ecology prophet...

It was kinda fun rereading though. Thanks treedancer I stand by every word I posted here :love:

Moving on to next example of dug up good stuff. Tree's kinda like a serious Muttley 8)


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: Al Gore, the pathetic, whining ecology prophet...

QC said:
Tree's kinda like a serious Muttley 8)

Ahhhhhhhhh,.......... The Life of a Liberal...........

It must Really Suck to go thru Life trying to be Serious,.........

When Nobody will take you Seriously..............................d:)


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Al Gore, the pathetic, whining ecology prophet...

Yup. LOL@Bondo That's exactly what I was thinking. Sorry treedancer, it's just too funny, I can't help it :D