Re: Al Gore, the pathetic, whining ecology prophet...
My understanding of the formation of this country was based on freedom FROM the state. If you feel that taxing our gas, homes, property, clothes, roads, hunting rights, water, boats, hats, any service, internet, phone, cable, shovel, rake, candy bar, tire, and on and on and on, oh and yes even tea then perhaps you missed history. If you think that the state has the right to tell us how to use our property, raise our children, run our businesses, even conduct our lives, yea you are living in the wrong country. If you think that you should be allowed to use the government to get other taxpayers to bend to the will of the few, you might be in the wrong country. If you think that the government has the right to pass legislation or if you subscribe to using the courts to pass legislation by fiat, you might be in the wrong country.
If you feel threatened by Limbaugh or O'Reilley then just turn the station. There is litterly hundreds of opposing views. Far Far Far more than those who agree with your examples. But if freedom of speach offends you I am sure that there are some elected officials ready and willing to assist you in your desire to quiet dissenting voices. I am sorry you can't appreciate that this country was created for people who didn't want to be beholding to a government. A government who can capriciously tax and spend without regard to the core ethics of the founding fathers and the constitution then perhaps it is not the band that is out of step - it is just little Johnny. I mean if the founding fathers wanted snivelling little environmental freaks to use the law to instill greater rights to the snail darter or the spotted owl, any thinking person would have figured that the founding fathers might have thought to include the provision of the right of animals over the rights of landowners somewhere. But guess what, they didn't. I am sorry that isn't what you agree with. I am sorry that those who claim to support your views are nothing more than big government, restrainers of personal freedoms. I am sorry that others having what others can not afford offends so many of us. But simply stealing it by a tax code designed not to really level the playing field but bolster the power of an unresponsive government offends me more.
If you think that the past few years represents conservative politics you have no clue what conservative politics is. The fact that the socialists have lost to the communists doesn't mean that we have lived under a conservative administration recently. No far from it.
Enjoy the next few years as this country continues to devolve into social chaos. I am sure instilling special rights to the green ones while limiting the rights of the purple ones, while allowing to kill the uncolored ones, is something that needs immediate attention in some peoples world. The problem is it needs no attention at all. That was the plan.