Al Gore, the pathetic, whining ecology prophet...


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Al Gore, the pathetic, whining ecology prophet...

xtraham said:
see if this works boom...
Call it the Gore Effect

Thanks xtraham, how do you do that. Many times I just paste a link and it works. Lately it would leave the tail end dead so I tried using the (url) function in "more" and it still does the same thing.

Also, since the new site, I can't figure out how to give my link a name like you did.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Al Gore, the pathetic, whining ecology prophet...

treedancer said:

I'd think that you, TD, being from MO, would want a little of that "show me" before you pounded down that Kool-Aid! But I guess that just goes to show you, that there is a sucker born every minute.

Couple that with 50 years of the Left preaching that the US is the Devil incarnate, it's not too hard to see why you are still licking the bottom of the Kool-Aid pitcher.


Jul 20, 2006
Re: Al Gore, the pathetic, whining ecology prophet...

Boomyal said:
xtraham said:
see if this works boom...
Call it the Gore Effect

Thanks xtraham, how do you do that. Many times I just paste a link and it works. Lately it would leave the tail end dead so I tried using the (url) function in "more" and it still does the same thing.

Also, since the new site, I can't figure out how to give my link a name like you did.

your link

named link
"named link"

notice the ] changed to = and moved behind html, whatever you want to appear between the brackets

clik reply quote to this reply you will see the detail...


Aug 1, 2006
Re: Al Gore, the pathetic, whining ecology prophet...

This site does that to any URL that has commas in it.


Aug 24, 2004
Re: Al Gore, the pathetic, whining ecology prophet...


[url=]Some Site[/url]


<a href="">Some Site</a>


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Al Gore, the pathetic, whining ecology prophet...

K'Phil, I sure hope your not drinking Kool-Aid from the same pitcher. Al Gore is a Buffoon, not a scientist. He has a political agenda to bolster his own image and get Americans out of their independent mode of transportation.

All the while he polutes the planet, jetting around in private jets and driving his fleet of Cheverolet Suburbans. Don't get sucked in.

Global warming has been happening and I know that you may be a victim of it, but it is not happening at the hands of the Industrialized Free World. It is a cyclical fact of nature.


Apr 21, 2004
Re: Al Gore, the pathetic, whining ecology prophet...

I don't quite understand this obsession from the right to insist, in spite of all the evidence, that global warming does not exist.

Probably has it's roots in the same theory as the tobacco companies insistence that tobacco was neither harmful or addictive, or other companies insisting asbestos is harmless...

Namely, Money


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Al Gore, the pathetic, whining ecology prophet...

Global warming, and the cause champion Al Gore. Why can't you fools understand the facts and reality of the issue? President Bush has a weather machine, and wants to kill your children. Did you notice all the hurricanes this year caused by global warming? This was the warmest summer on record, right?



Aug 1, 2006
Re: Al Gore, the pathetic, whining ecology prophet...

Don't confuse them with facts. The whole environmental movement jumped on the "global warming” band wagon as justification for their "nature is good, people are bad" philosophy...they won't hear you.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Al Gore, the pathetic, whining ecology prophet...

PW2 said:
I don't quite understand this obsession from the right to insist, in spite of all the evidence, that global warming does not exist.

PDub, your critical hearing skills are failing you. I, for one as noted above, comprehend that there is global warming. I just contend that is is not being caused by the hand of man.

To contend such goes hand in hand with the Lefts hand wringing that the west, greedily uses up too much of the worlds resources.


Apr 10, 2005
Re: Al Gore, the pathetic, whining ecology prophet...

Quote boomyal

Al Gore, the pathetic, whining ecology prophet...

Having read the post guessing that it must be rhetorical.

Al Gore voluntarily enlisted in the Army and served in Vietnam -- as an Army journalist. Gore's act reveals his inner sense of family loyalty, destiny, responsibility -- and politics.

Bush used his family connections to get into Yale and to succeed in the oil and baseball biz. But there's something different, and more disgusting, about pulling family strings to avoid war service -- especially when your father supported the war.

One could call it being a hypocrite that would maybe be a little strong? Nah it think it fits quiet well.

Bush joined the Texas Air National Guard strictly because he "wanted to fly jets," as he says. Well at the time the Air Force and Navy, were hiring, I wonder why he didn’t just join; maybe afraid he would Get hurt?

[Here are a few of “George the seconds” famous quips.]

[I am the war President!” said President Bush during his first term in office.]

[ I am a uniter, not a divider!” said President Bush.]

[Hold the coarse.]

[And if course Mission accomplished.]

[/ This week ,After thirty-five years he finally made it in country, Viet Nam at last, a little late I would say. I]

The following was one building Mr. Bush zipped past, is the Military History Museum, where a giant sculpture is made of the broken fuselages and wings of downed French and American aircraft.

The place was close and empty when Mr. Bush and his colleagues were meeting, but had he stopped by he would have heard a pretty one-sided account of the December 1972 “bombing of Hanoi”, and seen photographs of a troubled President Lyndon Johnson.

Lets see around that date the president was applying to the Texas Air National Guard, so I guess he lucked out on that mission-accomplished didn’t he?

So go ahead and do your swift boating of Al Gore, it seems to me that it is the whining of people that got run over by the American people in the last election.

I imagine it will be the same in 2008 so get used to whining, more than likely will be whining for at least forty years. Maybe more, seeing as we learned a bit in the 12 years that the Neo-Cons have had the reins.

What is more important, is that the “American people” have been able in the to see what incompetencey is in a presidency. The present occupant of the White House will go down as the gold standard of incompetence, as will all of his administration.



Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Al Gore, the pathetic, whining ecology prophet...

Treedancer, what exactly did this thread have to do with President GW Bush? I mean why didn't you post the four business that Gore FAILED at. How about Gore's families legacy of racial segregation. Missed that one eh? But all that said, what does any of this have to do with the thread whatsoever?


Apr 21, 2004
Re: Al Gore, the pathetic, whining ecology prophet...

You guys lost the election. Deal with it. No amount of irrational shouting is going to change that.


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Al Gore, the pathetic, whining ecology prophet...


What exactly does the fact that wherever ALGORE shows up to spew his unqualified version of climitological nonsense, he is met by mother nature with examples of his mental nearsightedness have to do with the previous election? He wasn't even running for an office.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Al Gore, the pathetic, whining ecology prophet...

I was Down Under until yesterday. Froze me arse off . . . Packed for spring, but they decided to hold winter over a little longer.

PW2 said:
You guys lost the election. Deal with it. No amount of irrational shouting is going to change that.

What the flyin' flip does this have to do with the topic? :} Jeez, I hope that was sarcasm as it is the most blatant change-the-subject I can recall. I, like Boomer, have consistently said that the Globe is warming usually followed with my doubt that it is at man's hand and my absolute belief that either way we can't reverse it unless we uh . . . I have come around slightly, while contemplating this recently, I realised we do have a chance. It is called extermination. Maybe, just maybe, if we just killed off all of us we wouldn't:

a) breath out any CO2 (anybody ever see any data on how much we actually breathe out our ownselves?)

b) I am pretty sure we could turn off the power plants and evil transportation machines if we were all dead.