a little embarrassed about this...


Sep 24, 2004
Re: a little embarrassed about this...

Almonds are great for protein, (l-arginine) and Vitamin E. I like the smoked almonds. Oatmeal is good for separating your Testosterone for use. I have read where testosterone is still there in your body. Just that it is not usable. I wouldn't take Testosterone supplements because of the increased Prostrate cancer risk.
I wouldn't take Herbs daily because they take a lot of water out of you which could be a problem for your kidneys. Besides they are only effective for a short time. You have to quit them and then start back


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Sep 18, 2008
Re: a little embarrassed about this...

Lost @15 lbs. and reduced my alcohol intake and things have improved slightly. Went to the Doc and got checked out. I'm in perfect health except one thing. I have low Testoterone. Will begin taking a prescription gel to increase it. I hope the Doc is right about this because I'm tired of feeling like this. It's like I've lost my manhood. I have become a shell of my former self.

Howard Sterndrive

Rear Admiral
Nov 5, 2008
Re: a little embarrassed about this...

Glad you got an idea on how to proceed, cleve! Congrats on losing the weight.

Scott Danforth

Grumpy Vintage Moderator still playing with boats
Staff member
Jul 23, 2011
Re: a little embarrassed about this...

Lost @15 lbs. and reduced my alcohol intake and things have improved slightly. Went to the Doc and got checked out. I'm in perfect health except one thing. I have low Testoterone. Will begin taking a prescription gel to increase it. I hope the Doc is right about this because I'm tired of feeling like this. It's like I've lost my manhood. I have become a shell of my former self.

you may want to also research DHEA supliments as an alternative to the gel


Staff member
Jul 7, 2010
Re: a little embarrassed about this...

Lost @15 lbs. and reduced my alcohol intake and things have improved slightly. Went to the Doc and got checked out. I'm in perfect health except one thing. I have low Testoterone. Will begin taking a prescription gel to increase it. I hope the Doc is right about this because I'm tired of feeling like this. It's like I've lost my manhood. I have become a shell of my former self.
Welcome to my world :rolleyes:

About 10 years ago after a surgery, my pituitary whigged out. I had a whole host of things kaput, and my testosterone was one of 'em. Normal guy my age should read somewhere between 350 and 1000 … I come in about 98 without help. So, I know where ya' are. It saps your strength (I've had to ask my wife to help me lift things in the past), your endurance can go completely away (get tired after a EASY walk) and you just feel like you're always running on fumes. <=== And that's just the stuff you talk about in mixed company.

Biggest thing you need to be on guard for: don't let it get into your head. When the "I'm not a man anymore" stuff begins to take root, depression is on it's way and that can make for a miserable way to live. After dealing with it for 10 years, I won't begin to tell you that you don't have to make adjustments to how you do things. BUT, I will also tell you that you can adjust and live just fine regardless of how well the treatments do or don't work for you.

Treatment is different for every guy: I know one fella' who can feel a difference with a single application. For myself, it takes me a minimum of 3 to six months to see if a treatment level is going to work. So, be patient.

Start off with the gel and see how you feel. I didn't do so swell on it, and wound up going to shots (which is what I'm doing now). I stopped the shots and had pellets inserted for a while. Pellets worked the best for me, but they were the most (as in "pretty stinkin'") expensive and I've gone back to the shots (which are "good enough"). Still playin' with the dosage to get it right (I need quite the whollup).

If you haven't seen one, you may want to see an endocrinologist, just to make sure other chemistry is working right. Sometimes a thyroid issue can play games that effect this.

DON'T underestimate holistic / health stuff. You may be amazed at what some of the natural remedies can do. Be willing and open to try nearly anything out (unless illegal or immoral ;) ).

It'll be a little hard, but be patient.


Lieutenant Commander
Jul 29, 2010
Re: a little embarrassed about this...

Just make sure that if you take a Viagra, that you have a glass of water to wash it down. I took one once dry, it got stuck in my throat, I ended up having a stiff neck all day....:facepalm::D


Lieutenant Commander
May 5, 2008
Re: a little embarrassed about this...

glad you went to the doc an got things started. in the future for everyone's benefit, you should know.

my girl works at a hosp. it's funny, what most would be embarassed about, they find completely ordinary if not even "dull". she works in the services field. cleans OR, ER and rooms. there is nothing, even she hasn't seen or heard of. for those in the field of medicine talking about medical issues is like the rest of us talking about an engine running a little rough. the "embarassing" parts just aren't an issue.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: a little embarrassed about this...

Please note the date on the original post in this thread. START YOUR OWN THREAD.

12. Please do not post to threads that have been inactive for more than 3 months UN-LESS you are the original poster. We have very active forums and any thread that remains inactive for that long should be considered "dead". It is especially confusing when there is an entirely new question posted to an old thread. This is considered a hijack. Please start a new thread of your own.


Vice Admiral
Apr 18, 2010
Re: a little embarrassed about this...

Mr. JB, looks like in this case the OP did the resurrecting.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: a little embarrassed about this...

Oops ! As you were.:facepalm:


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jul 9, 2010
Re: a little embarrassed about this...

At age 72, I've been using it for several years. I like Levitra a little better as it doesn't seem to bring on the side effects quite as much. (Flushing of the skin and light sensitivity of the eyes)

Sure glad these things are available...!!!

Jeep Man

Oct 17, 2008
Re: a little embarrassed about this...

I have a female doctor, no big deal. She's good looking too.

So do I. I had a problem a while back only it was just the opposite. I asked what she could give me. She replied, " Half the practice and $100,000 per year.":D:D


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Apr 18, 2010
Re: a little embarrassed about this...

I'm 70 and don't take the pill and I still rub one off at least
Once a month

Scott Danforth

Grumpy Vintage Moderator still playing with boats
Staff member
Jul 23, 2011
Re: a little embarrassed about this...


greenbush future

Lieutenant Commander
Aug 28, 2009
Re: a little embarrassed about this...

Cialis works wonders for me, and the docs just don't see that embarrassed thing you spoke of, so realize it is only in your head, and no one else's. Talking about these things with my female doctor is actually better than talking to a man. After all she can appreciate the view from "her" side. If insurance wont cover it, get the large dose and break it in half. Those things are cash cows, because, well, sex sells.

Now go take care of that! you wont regret it.