Re: a little embarrassed about this...
Lost @15 lbs. and reduced my alcohol intake and things have improved slightly. Went to the Doc and got checked out. I'm in perfect health except one thing. I have low Testoterone. Will begin taking a prescription gel to increase it. I hope the Doc is right about this because I'm tired of feeling like this. It's like I've lost my manhood. I have become a shell of my former self.
Welcome to my world
About 10 years ago after a surgery, my pituitary whigged out. I had a whole host of things kaput, and my testosterone was one of 'em. Normal guy my age should read somewhere between 350 and 1000 … I come in about 98 without help. So, I know where ya' are. It saps your strength (I've had to ask my wife to help me lift things in the past), your endurance can go completely away (get tired after a EASY walk) and you just feel like you're always running on fumes. <=== And that's just the stuff you talk about in mixed company.
Biggest thing you need to be on guard for: don't let it get into your head. When the "I'm not a man anymore" stuff begins to take root, depression is on it's way and that can make for a miserable way to live. After dealing with it for 10 years, I won't begin to tell you that you don't have to make adjustments to how you do things. BUT, I will also tell you that you can adjust and live just fine regardless of how well the treatments do or don't work for you.
Treatment is different for every guy: I know one fella' who can feel a difference with a single application. For myself, it takes me a minimum of 3 to six months to see if a treatment level is going to work. So, be patient.
Start off with the gel and see how you feel. I didn't do so swell on it, and wound up going to shots (which is what I'm doing now). I stopped the shots and had pellets inserted for a while. Pellets worked the best for me, but they were the most (as in "pretty stinkin'") expensive and I've gone back to the shots (which are "good enough"). Still playin' with the dosage to get it right (I need quite the whollup).
If you haven't seen one, you may want to see an endocrinologist, just to make sure other chemistry is working right. Sometimes a thyroid issue can play games that effect this.
DON'T underestimate holistic / health stuff. You may be amazed at what some of the natural remedies can do. Be willing and open to try nearly anything out (unless illegal or immoral

It'll be a little hard, but be patient.