a little embarrassed about this...


Sep 24, 2004
Re: a little embarrassed about this...

I have seen long term smokers have heart attacks in their 30s. Smoking narrows all the arteries. Including the arteries in the brain. Just think of it like hoses that pump oil into a engine. The hoses narrow and less oil flows in. Same with blood and the other things that flow through veins. Salt thickens blood. Most everybody eventually clogs up but smoking narrows so you have less room for clogging. Can speed it up by 20 years or more. Narrowing may never take place in non smokers. A non smoker may need bypass surgery from 65 to 75. While a smoker may need it from 30s to 50s. I say may because genetics and diet plays a role too. Salt is also very drying and so shrinks things and cuts back on the lubrication blood needs to flow.
I am no doctor but I would change my diet and quit smoking. Eat Oatmeal. I am pretty sure your Doctor will recommend these things. Lots of people just continue their bad habits and expect pills to fix things. Pills have side effects and therefore can cause a whole lot of new problems.
Also try and get rid of anything that is causing you stress. Not the ole lady haha
I think what is happening to you is your body giving you a warning. Some people never get warning signs of problem. So consider yourself lucky and heed the warning

Scott Danforth

Grumpy Vintage Moderator still playing with boats
Staff member
Jul 23, 2011
Re: a little embarrassed about this...

Causes of ED:
Anxiety and Stress
High cholesterol and high blood pressure
high sodium diet
lack of exercise

since you are a smoker - stop now. wont go into the details however suffice to say, I have seen first hand the damage to the vascular system.

also, do not be embarrassed. go see your doc. the issue may be something benign, or something more serious


Staff member
Sep 26, 2009
Re: a little embarrassed about this...

that's why i'm embarrassed!! at 37 i shouldn't be having these problems!! it's not that i can't get it up, but sometimes i have trouble keeping it up. i admit i have let myself go recently, but i didnt expect this. it's time to get back in shape go see a doctor!

Bottom line, go see your doctor and get checked out............ Then go from there...........


Sep 24, 2004
Re: a little embarrassed about this...

Yea before taking Viagra. See a Doctor. I meant to put that in my other post


Fleet Admiral
Mar 21, 2009
Re: a little embarrassed about this...

I have to say that stress and being out of shape have to be a big factor!



Try getting in shape.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
Re: a little embarrassed about this...

Cleve - I know we try to be funny about stuff like this, but it is meant in a kind manner. Just remember whoever your health practitioner is, you aren't the first one. They hear the same thing often in the course of a week. And if you do get a physical exam, it's so quick, it's like "when are you gonna start". My experience anyway. Do see a doc, if even just for peace of mind.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jul 12, 2008
Re: a little embarrassed about this...

I would just buy a bigger BOAT!.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 10, 2006
Re: a little embarrassed about this...

Go see the doc !!!! get your entire self checked out.


Supreme Mariner
Oct 30, 2002
Re: a little embarrassed about this...

that's why i'm embarrassed!! at 37 i shouldn't be having these problems!! it's not that i can't get it up, but sometimes i have trouble keeping it up. i admit i have let myself go recently, but i didnt expect this. it's time to get back in shape go see a doctor!

Or get a younger girlfriend. :D


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jun 16, 2011
Re: a little embarrassed about this...

images (13).jpgFriend this IS a boaters forum and we got plenty of fishermen here. Forget viagra and all that stuff and get you some of these

204 Escape

Nov 17, 2007
Re: a little embarrassed about this...

How much more embarassing could it be than admitting it on the internet for ALOT of people to see that you don't even know !?!? LOL


Fleet Admiral
Dec 3, 2009
Re: a little embarrassed about this...

Go get checked out... this thread has been viewed by 425 people and you haven't had one single potentially life saving test!

Talk to only one doctor and....


Staff member
Sep 26, 2009
Re: a little embarrassed about this...

How much more embarassing could it be than admitting it on the internet for ALOT of people to see that you don't even know !?!? LOL

The man has a point!


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 29, 2011
Re: a little embarrassed about this...

I have a female doctor, no big deal. She's good looking too. You need to go see a doctor if you are 37, early signs of cardio problems.

204 Escape

Nov 17, 2007
Re: a little embarrassed about this...

Honestly, go see the doc. Your health is important, not only to yourself, BUT TO your family as well !!!!!


Vice Admiral
Aug 18, 2007
Re: a little embarrassed about this...

I have a female doctor, no big deal. She's good looking too. You need to go see a doctor if you are 37, early signs of cardio problems.

Gonna agree with this. I have cardio and pulmonary issues, and sometimes need a little 'help.' I used to buy from Canada but started having problemns finding one that would supply them w/o a real prescription. So, had to bite the bullet, and my primary care physician is female, too.

2 checkups ago, she asked if I needed new prescriptions. Remember that scene from American Graffiti, when Terry is trying to buy a bottle of Old Harper at the liquor store? I said, 'Yeah, I need Crestor, Plavix... viagra... Bystolic'. Honestly, she didn't bat an eye. Asked me a couple question about previous use, was I familiar with it, blah, blah, and wrote me a prescription.

Just as a personal experience, it comes in different strengths, too. First time I ever bought it I got the strongest (100 mg) and it gave me a wicked headache the next morning. 50 mg works really well for me.

Seriously, get yerself checked. You're coming up on the age when stuff starts to gradually go south on ya. A lot of that stuff can be stopped cold once you know it's happening.


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 29, 2011
Re: a little embarrassed about this...

Seriously, get yerself checked. You're coming up on the age when stuff starts to gradually go south on ya. A lot of that stuff can be stopped cold once you know it's happening.

It goes south at an accelerating rate. Of course my problem mightbe that I spent 24yrs in the army. I started on viagra, then levitra, and now cialis.

My doctor ask me what scripts I need too.


Feb 18, 2009
Re: a little embarrassed about this...

Nix your bedroom problems naturally

There must be some hootin', hollerin' and major celebrating going on over in the halls of pharmaceutical giant Pfizer right now. Their cash cow Viagra has just turned fifteen.

And this strapping young teenager sure has made his Big Pharma parents proud.

Heck, these days the word Viagra has practically become synonymous with the word sex. And if you believe the hype, everyone over 50 who's having a good time in the sack is downing bottles of this stuff.

Well, I hate to rain on anyone's parade...let alone their birthday...but you better grab your umbrella because it's about to get wet in here.

The truth is there's very little to be celebrating. Sure, Viagra can help some impotent men get back up into the saddle again. But a slew of unwelcome side effects could come along for the ride.

Sex-drug side effects

For starters there are the side effects that, for some inexplicable reason, are labeled "less serious." But I'm guessing they feel pretty darn serious...not to mention distracting...when you're looking for some romance. These include stuffy nose, facial flushing, headache, upset stomach, back pain, and even, frighteningly, memory problems.

And, as if those "mild" side effects weren't bad enough alone, we're just getting started. Some Viagra users experience ringing in their ears or sudden hearing loss, and popping a Viagra could reportedly leave you with chest pain or an irregular heartbeat.

If swollen ankles, hands, or feet don't sound very sexy to you, then you might want to skip the Viagra, because the side effect has been linked to the drug. Not to mention the possible shortness of breath, nausea, fainting, and sudden vision loss that can occur.

And then there's the one potential side-effect that's sure to send a shudder down the spine of every man who hears it--priapism, a persistent and painful erection that requires a trip to the emergency room and, often, a pressure-relieving operation. And make no mistake about it... it IS just as horrible as it sounds.

So with Viagra starting to look more like a juvenile delinquent than a prom king, what's a guy who's experiencing erection troubles supposed to do? I thought you'd never ask.

Target the cause of erection troubles

The good news is, in many cases, you can combat impotence naturally and every bit as effectively as a drug. Instead of simply throwing drugs at symptoms the key lies in understanding the cause of your problem. When you target the root problem you can rid yourself of it forever.

And the first potential problem starts in the most unlikely of places...your mouth.

As I explained just last year, inflamed gums and impotence are linked, according to a study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine. In fact, men with the most serious gum and tooth problems had triple the rate of erection issues of men with healthy gums. Fix the periodontal disease, and you very well could fix your erection issues right along with it.

It's no coincidence that many men who suffer with impotence are overweight, too. A big belly can mess with your erections in more than one way.

One recent study found that 41 percent of overweight guys who suffered from sleep apnea and erection problems saw improvements in both issues when they used a CPAP machine. And while CPAP may be a temporary and non-invasive solution to your impotence issues, the longer term resolution is, of course, to drop the extra pounds.

Losing the weight can also help resolve another major cause of erection problems. As we age our testosterone levels naturally drop. This alone can spell trouble in the sack. But being overweight accelerates this natural process with belly fat helping to turn manly testosterone into not-so-manly estrogen.

Drop the belly fat and talk with a doctor skilled in natural medicine about returning your testosterone levels to normal.

And finally, losing the big belly can help you avoid another erection killer...diabetes. It's estimated that between 35 percent and 75 percent of men with the disease will experience some sort of erection problems. (And, of course, that's just the ones who will admit it.)

Losing weight and getting your diabetes under control could be the key to driving your impotence troubles away for good.

Sexy supplements bring bedroom bliss

Strong erections depend on healthy, wide open blood vessels that allow good blood flow into the *****. Your body produces an amino acid that does this naturally. It's called l-arginine.

If you're running low on this critical nutrient your bedroom action could be running low, too. It's found in red meat, fish, poultry, wheat germ, grains, and nuts, and foods containing citrulline, like watermelon, can help your body produce more of it. A supplement containing the amino acid could also help top off your levels.

Supplements that give you an energy boost, like vitamin B12, propionyl-L-carnitine, and acetyl-L-carnitine (PLC and ALC for short), can be a much needed source of stamina. And libido-boosting herbs like horny goat weed, maca root, panax ginseng, Muira puama, Avena sativa, and ashwaganda have hundreds of years of traditional medicine use backing them up.

The truth is you don't need to settle for sex-drug side effects to get back your glory days in the bedroom. Try the natural...and permanent...approach instead.

Until next time,

Allan Spreen, M.D.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Sep 18, 2008
Re: a little embarrassed about this...

i must lose the 25 lbs. i recently gained. i took a different job in october that is mainly an office/lab job compared to what i was doing, paper machine, where there was a lot more physical labor and walking. didn't really start eating more, just exercising less and the pounds piled on. then this 'problem' came along.