88 Glastron wood and glass repair newb


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Aug 10, 2010
Re: 88 Glastron wood and glass repair newb

I have been watching..

This is why I Strongly suggest pics and evaluation Before asking the next step.

This boat is a full blown resto.. I knew it when the first set of pics came in..

This is going to cost you big bucks m8..and alot of time/measurements/supplies etc..

Your choice.


PS. At least some of my suggestions of Proper Safety Gear is rubbing off here from other posters ( Like the Full face respo .. and links to go with it :) ) .
Actually was reading a post of yours last nite on the subject I believe..
I'm guessing the majority of the cost is in the fiberglass .There doesnt seem to be many pieces of wood under this deck.Not sure what it looks like closer up towards the bow. But so far there are the two stringers, transom , motor mount and bulkheads (I think they are called?)
Thanks again for the help and pointers..