82 Bayliner Capri with AQ125A won't start...


Feb 1, 2011
Hey guys,

Don't know overly much about this boat, its the first boat I've had. Its been sitting at my grandma's house since I got it. When we bought it a little over a year ago, it started right up with little effort. It was then winterized, battery unhooked, stabil in the gas tank, and has sat since.

I just replaced the spark plugs with new ones, put in a gallon of fresh gas or so, charged up the battery, and have been fighting it all afternoon. No problems cranking over, the starter is new. I tried shooting some starting fluid down the carb, no dice. I then took off a plug to check if it was getting spark, and it isn't. The plug wires are kind of crappy, but are in descent enough shape to work. When I popped them off of the distributor cap, the boots cracked. The wires themselves are fine though. I popped the cap off, it and the rotor aren't worn down, and the points/condensor looks new. I'm thinking a coil. I can't test it til Monday though, the joys of small town living.

Any tips or suggestions?

Thanks guys.


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 11, 2011
Re: 82 Bayliner Capri with AQ125A won't start...

Don't buy a coil just yet.
Use a meter to make sure the points are opening and closing, could just be some crud in between the stationary point and the movable poing.
Check to make sure a wire did not fall off the coil or in the harness somewhere.
With the key ON, you should be able to find 12 volts on one side or the other of the coil small terminals.

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: 82 Bayliner Capri with AQ125A won't start...

Do you have spark?
Looking at points will not tell you if they are bad or not.
Coils are what everybody replaces first, only to find it wasn't the problem.
Do you use the throttle only button on the control to pump the throttle while cranking?


Feb 1, 2011
Re: 82 Bayliner Capri with AQ125A won't start...

Yup I used the throttle only while starting, and tried starting fluid at first. And no it doesn't have spark. I pulled a plug and held it up to the block while my wife cranked it, and it isn't showing spark. I ran over the harness, and all the wires are hooked up. Maybe I should just replace the points, they're cheap right? Any place you recommend to get something like that?

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: 82 Bayliner Capri with AQ125A won't start...

To check for spark, pull the coil wire out of the center of the distributor cap. Hold the wire end 3/8 to 1/2" from an unpainted clean ground and crank the engine. You should get a bright blue/white spark that snaps that gap. Yellow spark is not good.


Feb 1, 2011
Re: 82 Bayliner Capri with AQ125A won't start...

Well I tried taking out a plug earlier and no dice. I didn't think about checking the wire from the coil like you said, so I tried it, and nothing. I tried multiple spots, including the ground on the side of the block directly to the battery.

I'm assuming its still not a coil and probably the points?

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: 82 Bayliner Capri with AQ125A won't start...

Would that would point to a coil?

Is that all that newbies can come up with is replace the coil? Out of 100 engines with no spark, only 1 or 2 have a bad coil.

Turn the key to the run position, then with your DVM, put the black test lead on a good ground and the red lead on the + terminal of the coil. What is the voltage?


Feb 1, 2011
Re: 82 Bayliner Capri with AQ125A won't start...

Is that all that newbies can come up with is replace the coil? Out of 100 engines with no spark, only 1 or 2 have a bad coil.

Apparently is chap. I haven't ever had to work on an ignition system with a points and condenser, or even a carbureted motor for that matter, I do apologize. My last major project motor wise was my LS1 F-Body camaro, and I sorted out my issues using HP tuners and a laptop. This older technology is new to me. I edited the post literally about a minute before you posted saying it probably wasn't the coil, but hey oh well. Gotta learn somehow.

I'll check the voltage tomorrow on the coil if my meter still works.


Feb 1, 2011
Re: 82 Bayliner Capri with AQ125A won't start...

Just checked on my multimeter, and I'm getting 12.27v at the coil with the key on. Not going to make any assumptions yet, what's your suggestion Don?

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: 82 Bayliner Capri with AQ125A won't start...

If it was me, I would remove the cap and rotor. Turn the engine by hand until the points were open.
Then with a screwdriver lay it on point A in the picture below, then twist the screwdrive so it touches point B and see if you get spark.
If you do, replace the points and condenser. They are tuneup items like spark plugs.



Feb 1, 2011
Re: 82 Bayliner Capri with AQ125A won't start...

I'll try that. Is it possible to get the points and condenser from an automotive store like Napa or Carquest? That's all I got here, I live in a fairly small town. I may have to order them in if not.

Thanks for the help Don.

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: 82 Bayliner Capri with AQ125A won't start...

Ask them.


Feb 1, 2011
Re: 82 Bayliner Capri with AQ125A won't start...

Didn't know if you had any luck with that in the past. Again, living in a small town, nobody is open on Sunday, so I'll check out the points today, and check with Napa tomorrow after work.

Thanks again.


Jun 30, 2008
Re: 82 Bayliner Capri with AQ125A won't start...

I've got points at napa, just give them your VP model number aq125a.


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 11, 2011
Re: 82 Bayliner Capri with AQ125A won't start...

I'll try that. Is it possible to get the points and condenser from an automotive store like Napa or Carquest? That's all I got here, I live in a fairly small town. I may have to order them in if not.

Thanks for the help Don.

Here's my learning...
Capacitors last almost as long as coils.
For my AQ131A, The capacitor I bought was part number 1726870 (172-6870) Beck Arnley.
IT HAD TO BE MODIFIED, as the boat distributer is air tight, and the auto capacitor mounted differently.

The points are exact replacement made by Standard Motor Products part number GB4173P (GB-4173P).


Feb 1, 2011
Re: 82 Bayliner Capri with AQ125A won't start...

Here's my learning...
Capacitors last almost as long as coils.
For my AQ131A, The capacitor I bought was part number 1726870 (172-6870) Beck Arnley.
IT HAD TO BE MODIFIED, as the boat distributer is air tight, and the auto capacitor mounted differently.

The points are exact replacement made by Standard Motor Products part number GB4173P (GB-4173P).

Thanks for the tip amigo. I ended up ordering a "tune up" set online that came with points, condenser, and a rotor for about 25 bucks for the aq125a. Seemed just as easy as I have other work to do to it. Should be here Thursday.

Right now I'm cleaning up some, but mostly replacing the previous owner's "handywork" on the rear bench conversion on the boat. Looks like he let his 5 year old son build half of it. 2x4's stacked everywhere at odd angles and full of screws, and there was even about a 4" long 2x4 that was SILICONED to the side of the boat. Not supporting anything, just silicone.

Some people shouldn't even try... :facepalm:


Feb 1, 2011
Re: 82 Bayliner Capri with AQ125A won't start...

Ok I got tired of waiting for my points and condenser to come in the mail, so I went to Napa and they had points. The old points on it were pretty corroded. The other points/condenser and rotor should be here by this weekend.

I replaced the points, and joy, still no start. No spark at all. It is getting fuel, I can smell it, and see it squirting out of the accelerator pump. I put them back on in as close to the same position as the ones that came off, but how exactly do I adjust the points now that they're on there? I found an online service manual saying the breaking gap is .40mm. How do I check/set that?

On the bright side, I've been redoing the back seat.

Went from a lot of stuff like this prized piece of engineering...


To this...


Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: 82 Bayliner Capri with AQ125A won't start...

Just as a test, hook up a jumper wire from the battery positive terminal and hook it to the + terminal of the coil and see if you get spark.

This will isolate things a tell us where to start looking for the problem.


Feb 1, 2011
Re: 82 Bayliner Capri with AQ125A won't start...

Whoa, interesting interior!

Check the stickies up top from Don, points 17,18, and 19 should get you squared away with points: http://forums.iboats.com/volvo-pent...tdrives/adults-only-no-exceptions-468285.html

Thanks I'll look into that. And you should have seen it all before. It had no bracing behind the back rest so it moved when you leaned back, and the only piece under your butt was that one I posted, which had a 1/2" plywood piece sitting on top of it. That's it. I probably went a little overkill with the 2x2 supports, but its solid. The trim piece in the front is cut and will have 2 6.5" marine speakers, and the top of the seat will hinge forward for storage.

Just as a test, hook up a jumper wire from the battery positive terminal and hook it to the + terminal of the coil and see if you get spark.

This will isolate things a tell us where to start looking for the problem.

So will I hook that up, then check the wire running to the distributor for spark?