82 Bayliner Capri with AQ125A won't start...


May 27, 2007
Re: 82 Bayliner Capri with AQ125A won't start...

Reading post#17, in my opinion this is why it had no spark before....

"The old points on it were pretty corroded. "

And this is why there is none now...

"I put them back on in as close to the same position as the ones that came off, but how exactly do I adjust the points now that they're on there? I found an online service manual saying the breaking gap is .40mm. How do I check/set that? "

Can't just screw them down, need to properly set gap/dwell then timing :encouragement:.


Feb 1, 2011
Re: 82 Bayliner Capri with AQ125A won't start...

"I put them back on in as close to the same position as the ones that came off, but how exactly do I adjust the points now that they're on there? I found an online service manual saying the breaking gap is .40mm. How do I check/set that? "

Can't just screw them down, need to properly set gap/dwell then timing :encouragement:.

Yup that's what I figured, that's why I asked. We will see if I can't get this done. I just read up the sticky's on how to set the gap with a feeler gauge. Still dumbfounded while reading the dwell. If I set the gap to the reccomended .40mm as according to the service manual for the aq125a, will I need to set dwell still?


May 27, 2007
Re: 82 Bayliner Capri with AQ125A won't start...

Setting the gap is like the rough sanding for wood, not the final step. The gap determines the Dwell, and Dwell determines good or bad spark from the coil.

Set the gap, then use dwell meter to see if the dwell is in range. The word Dwell is used because it refers to how long the volts hang around at the coil building up spark. Coils are more like a transformer in that they have 2 coils, primary and secondary. Volts are at the primary coil when the points are closed, building up magnetic fields from the primary that go across the secondary coil. When the points open the magnetic field collapses inducing voltage in the secondary coil. The secondary has more windings so more volts are generated than were used to charge the primary, but less current. Higher volts is what jumps the gap at the spark plug. The opening and closing events for the points are the controlling factor on how much energy is generated by the secondary coil, the one that the big wire plugs into on the coil tower and goes over to the distributor cap center contact. The rotor distributes the volts from the center contact to each spark plug in turn. Timing of the distributor makes sure the spark hits at the right time during the power stroke of each cylinder.

Dwell is the measurement of those opening/closing events. You might get lucky and gap it and it runs ok, but then again if you check the dwell and fine tune the points gap you will be surprised at how much better it runs.

After Dwell is in range then set the timing and let 'er rip.


Feb 1, 2011
Re: 82 Bayliner Capri with AQ125A won't start...

Can you use a multimeter to check the dwell? Or does it have to be a dwell meter.


May 27, 2007
Re: 82 Bayliner Capri with AQ125A won't start...

You need the scale that is on a dwell meter. it is basically a voltmeter that smooths out pulses, but without the scale you will have no reference.

Dwell is measured in Degrees or Percent. The scale on the dwell meter will be in one or the other, and have a conversion chart for number of cylinders usually.


Feb 1, 2011
Re: 82 Bayliner Capri with AQ125A won't start...

You need the scale that is on a dwell meter. it is basically a voltmeter that smooths out pulses, but without the scale you will have no reference.

Okie doke thanks. I'll see if I can borrow one from somebody. I really don't want to spend 30 bucks on one right this minute if I don't have to.

Just as a test, hook up a jumper wire from the battery positive terminal and hook it to the + terminal of the coil and see if you get spark.

This will isolate things a tell us where to start looking for the problem.

Ok Don I hooked a jumper wire from the pos on the battery to the pos on the coil. No spark out of the coil.

I also got a feeler gauge today and set the points to .40mm before all of this using the sticky as a guide.


Apr 14, 2013
Re: 82 Bayliner Capri with AQ125A won't start...

i dont know much about them but i just had the same problem and we had to turn the motor by hand to set mine


Feb 1, 2011
Re: 82 Bayliner Capri with AQ125A won't start...

i dont know much about them but i just had the same problem and we had to turn the motor by hand to set mine

I bumped mine with the key til it the cam lobe pointed at the points. Took a few times, but worked.


Feb 1, 2011
Re: 82 Bayliner Capri with AQ125A won't start...

Anything for me guys? No spark still.


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 11, 2011
Re: 82 Bayliner Capri with AQ125A won't start...

Anything for me guys? No spark still.

Forget about dwell for now, it has to be running to check that.
In side the distributer should be two wires, one from the coil and one from the small capacitor on the outside of the distributer.

For testing, disconnect the one wire from the capacitor, tape it so it can't touch anything.
Where is the other wire connected, take a picture for us ( it should NOT be on the screw at the bottom metal plate)
1.Turn the engine by hand until one of the four dist cam high lobes is pointing at the points plastic tab.
2. loosen the points screw and push the points in and out (towards lobe) to verify they will open and close.
3 Push the points toward lobe until the points are slightly open and tighten the hold down screw.
4. connect voltmeter between engine ground and the wire connection at the points. (dist cap still off).
5 turn key on read volts post up here the number _____ volts
6 rotate the engine till the points close, should now be zero volts.

7 look inside dist cap for black carbon button spring loaded in center ___missing or stuck____?


May 27, 2007
Re: 82 Bayliner Capri with AQ125A won't start...

As a point of interest, Dwell can be checked even if engine will not start, it just has to be able to turnover briskly.