Well it's been a very frustrating few months. I have not splashed and don't know when I will, had to leave the boat alone for a few reasons. The mechanic had the motor for 2 months and the only thing I can say is that I will never use a marine mechanic again, 3rd one I have used and disappointed in all of them for different reasons. This last one told me my control box was junk the day I picked it up, I have a running motor but not a functioning motor... I had specifically asked him a few times to check the control box to make sure it would work. He did tell me that I could find a new control box on Amazon for 200, again, the day I picked it up! I found a 2nd used control box and between the 2 I should have enough to piece together one functioning box and I am learning how it all goes together. Because he had it for 2 months I missed my window of opportunity to splash, this is the busy season for me as a musician. I did go to 2 AOMCI meetings and that was fun and met some people who I can pick their brains so I can get it going myself. I could go on but just want to say I will get it splashed someday but not really caring when right now, I want to get caught up with all the other projects on here and maybe that will get me out of my funk and motivate me some.