'59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project

Johnny Too Bad

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 21, 2009
Re: '59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project

I know the feeling, dade. I had a couple of boats that were bought out from under me because I took too long to decide. Fear not, another one will come along eventually. It just takes patience and perseverance. I was trolling CL multiple times every single day for over a month until I found the right boat. The funny thing is, I was dead set on getting a Lone Star Malibu when I came across my Texas Maid. Everything happens for a reason.

Hang in there and good luck!

Johnny Too Bad

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 21, 2009
Re: '59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project

Okay, it's been a while since I've updated the resto project, but it's not from lack of effort. I've been working on repainting the cowling from my '59 E-rude Lark, and it's taken a lot longer than I had expected. The weather has not cooperated at all, and this was my first real paint project.

I think it turned out pretty well, but there are a few things I still need to touch up and things I will do different when I get around to painting my other hood (from the parts motor).

Anyway, here are the before pics:


It was pretty beat up, and the paint was badly chipped in a few places. I tried to feather out most of the chips when I was sanding, but the glossy paint is very unforgiving.

Johnny Too Bad

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 21, 2009
Re: '59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project

I had to sand down to the fiberglass in a few places. What should someone use to fill these spots on a fiberglass hood?


I taped it off and primed it with Rustoleum self etching primer. I sanded it down and painted four coats of white (which I forgot to take pictures of).

Johnny Too Bad

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 21, 2009
Re: '59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project

After sanding with a higher grit sandpaper between each coat of white, I taped it off and applied two coats of black. It went on so much easier than the white, but it shows every little flaw.


I started to sand the black with 400, but realized that it didn't need it. So I just sprayed the final coat. Unfortunately, the tape came loose in a couple of spots and I have a little overspray that I will need to touch up.

Johnny Too Bad

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 21, 2009
Re: '59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project

I pulled the tape this morning and put the chrome side decals on. Looks much better, I think.


Again, I still need to touch up a few spots. It's not perfect, but I learned a lot and should be able to do a better job on the next one.


Rear Admiral
Aug 29, 2001
Re: '59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project

Nice work, looks good. I used to work and work to get all the little flaws out, only to see new oopsies appear (scratches, etc.) because my motors are working motors...now I don't worry about and I use paints that I can easily touch up if necessary.

Johnny Too Bad

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 21, 2009
Re: '59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project

Thanks, TM. This will be a working motor, as well. I'm sure it'll get dinged up and dirty before I even get it out on the water.

Say, would you recommend a clear coat or two? I used Rustoleum primer and paint, but I have Duplicolor clear coat. Do you think that would be a problem? After reading several threads about painting, most of them said to be consistent with the brand of paint.


Rear Admiral
Aug 29, 2001
Re: '59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project

Might work, but test it before you put in on your motor cowl. Put some of the Rustoleum color paint on wood, metal, etc. and then apply the Duplicolor clear coat. If they're not compatible, you'll know pretty quick...the color paint and clear coat will start bubbling up. That's the only way to tell if the paint chemistry is compatible...found that out the hard way once and it really su**ed doing it all over again.
Sep 6, 2009
Re: '59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project

I just bought a 50's Texas Maid Osprey, just like Johnny's. It was flat jon-boat green all over. I have had fantastic luck with the Aircraft Remover I got at an auto parts store. Apply, push off years of paint with a plastic putty knife. Around the rivets, and on the factory paint, I used it with 0 steel wool. I plan to pressure wash it again before painting.

Johnny Too Bad

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 21, 2009
Re: '59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project

Just keep that stuff out of your eyes, right Chris? ;)

Wow, it looks like the Texas Maid boys are rallying. We may not have the sheer numbers that the Starcraft Club has, but what we lack in size, we more than make up for in determination.

Welcome aboard Chris, glad you could join us. Start a thread and post some pics so we can see the progress on your Osprey!


Rear Admiral
Aug 29, 2001
Re: '59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project

I've had pretty good luck stripping paint from aluminum/metal with plain old-fashioned nasty spray oven cleaner. Probably not as fast or thorough as the aero-stripper you're using, but easily found and cheaper, too. Always read and follow label directions with either of these and keep the kiddos and pets well clear of the process.
I'd bet there are about a dozen of us Texas Maid guys on the boards here. I keep asking the Starcraft club dudes about this TinStock event they keep talking about...but get no definite details. Maybe we should plan a TM float fest next spring/summer, since most of us TM guys are in Tejas or Okla. If we keep getting rain (fingers crossed) the lake levels should be back up by then.

Johnny Too Bad

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 21, 2009
Re: '59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project

That sounds like a great idea, TM! I was actually starting to feel a little left out with all the Starcraft chatter that's been going on lately ... thinking they might change the name of the forum to "Starcraft Restoration and Building" :D

Seriously, though, I think putting something together would be a lot of fun. It would be great to meet everyone, see everyone's boats in person and would help keep everyone motivated to continue working on their boats over the winter.

Anyone else interested?


Rear Admiral
Aug 29, 2001
Re: '59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project

Well, I'd be up for a float fest sometime next Spring for TM owners...but I forgot you're up in God's country...might be a whale of a drive for you depending on where we site it. Finding a central location might be the trick...you and I are pretty far west compared to the others, I think.

Johnny Too Bad

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 21, 2009
Re: '59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project

Well, I might live in Colorado now, but I'm from Texas, so I'm not afraid to drive a little :) Plus, my whole family still lives down there, so it would be a good excuse to go home and visit the fam.

What would you consider the maximum distance you would be willing to go? Perhaps we can get an idea of how far people would be willing to drive and triangulate a spot that falls within the catchment area.


Rear Admiral
Aug 29, 2001
Re: '59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project

Well I grew up in Tejas, so I'm used to traveling. Don't like to haul the boat more than 6-7 hours in one stretch, though. That puts me within easy striking distance of lakes either side of I-35, from the Red River all the way down to Austin. It would be a 3-4 day round-trip excursion for me, but don't mind that at all. Where is the farm, and how much snow did you get up there in the mile-high city?...not much news of that on the weather channel.

Johnny Too Bad

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 21, 2009
Re: '59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project

Well, it's been a while since I've posted ... went through a divorce last year so I didn't have the time, energy, desire or the resources to do much with the restoration. Took her out once last summer and ran her for about 10 minutes before the wind got too bad. Now that spring has arrived, I've really started getting the itch to get back to work on the old girl.

I started polishing out the sides, and although they aren't mirror-like yet, I have figured out how to get the aluminum to really shine. A couple more passes with the buffer and some Mother's and I should have the finish I'm looking for.

I scored some pretty sweet deals on CL today. After looking for over a year, I finally found a windshield! The best part is not only is it in great shape, I picked it up for $30.

I also picked up an airguide tach and speedo, a trumpet horn, a mirror and a vintage bimini top for $45 total.

All in all, I'm pretty stoked and am excited to move to the next phase of the project. I'll be painting the topsides, the bottom and the lower unit of the Lark.

Here are a couple of pics of the recent progress with the new windshield and some of the hardware (uninstalled) on the bow.

Phone pics 175.jpgPhone pics 177.jpgPhone pics 176.jpg


Seaman Apprentice
Jun 26, 2009
Re: '59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project

Just found this thread. I may have sent PMs to some of you. I am in Austin and just beginning my current project. It is a TM either Osprey or Falcon, I'm still not sure how to tell the difference. Did you ever do any sort of meet-up? I would be interested if you do something like that. Here is some pics of my boat when I bought it.


Johnny Too Bad

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 21, 2009
Re: '59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project

Hey mobydick, I hope you got the email I sent you, and I hope at least some of the info was new/relevant.

Btw, do you have a build thread? I checked out your pics and I'm excited to see some pics with the new paint. It's probably getting warm enough down there already to start thinking about a splash test soon, huh?

Johnny Too Bad

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 21, 2009
Re: '59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project

Well, I figured it was time for a few updates. The summers are pretty short here in Colorado, so I've been running the boat a lot lately and haven't had as much time to work on it as I would like. Regardless, I finally got around to applying some Gluvit and doing some painting.

I finished painting the motor, the seats and the topside. The seats are still just aluminum benches, but the white paint really kept the seats cooler and it looks a lot better until I can get my upholstery done (hopefully by next spring).
bench painted.jpg Lark painted.jpg
I then took off the windshield and all the topside hardware (horn, bow light, cleats, etc.) and sanded with 320 grit and cleaned with detergent and water and then wiped down with acetone.
Samsung pics 014.jpg
Then a coat of self etching primer.
Samsung pics 021.jpg
Sanded with 400 grit and wiped down and blown off. And the first coat of Pettit Easypoxy Red.
first coat.jpg
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Vice Admiral
Apr 22, 2008
Re: '59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project

Great thread and very nice looking boat. Looks like it's been a long time in the making!