'59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project

Johnny Too Bad

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 21, 2009
Hello All! First off I'd like to thank everyone on iBoats for the wealth of information I've already gleaned from pouring over the countless threads in this forum, and all the patience and help I'm sure I will require as I document my first restoration.

I had been looking for a 1957-1960 Lone Star Malibu to restore, when I found my 1959 Texas Maid 14' aluminum runabout. No, motor, no seats, no windshield, but the hull is in great shape and she's exactly what I was looking for.

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59maid 6.jpg

She came on a homemade trailer that had seen its better days. First order of business was to swap trailers and get her home while I looked for a motor. I had a 2002 galvanized trailer I've been using on an old 1972 Mon Ark jonboat that I've had since I was 15. All in all, a pretty easy swap with a few adjustments to convert the trailer to handle the new lady's v-hull.

Next on the list was to find a motor. I was wanting to keep her consistent and was looking for a '57-'59 Johnson or Evinrude from 35-50hp.

The first motor I looked at was a Johnson Super Seahorse 50hp. They lovingly nicknamed these behemoths the "Fat Fifty". Now I know why. That thing was huge! Way too big for my little runabout. With Fiberglassics.com not fully back up, the info on these Texas Maids is sparse. I was able to determine that the model I have is rated for a 45hp max.

Luckily, after a couple of weeks of searching, I found two 1959 Evinrude Lark 35hp motors listed on Craigslist on the same day. Jackpot!

One was local and the other was only 120 miles away. The one that was 120 miles away ran, came with controls and looked to be in pretty good shape. The other looked good, but didn't have controls and although it turned over, one cylinder wasn't firing. It also came with a manual that the PO bought when he tried to get it running. I figured for $80 it was well worth it, even if I just used it for parts. Suffice it to say I've already returned my money from that investment. More on that in a bit.

After getting both motors home, I swapped a few little things so that all the best parts would be on the motor that runs. So far, so good.

Then I ran into what was to be my first, and undoubtedly not my last, little snag. The PO of the boat had beefed up the transom to run a 2003 50hp Yamaha. It now has a 20" transom. The motor I have is a short shaft motor. It looked like I would have to cut the transom down to 15" to make it fit. But wait ... the parts motor I bought has a long shaft. Perfect. I could swap the two and put the long shaft on the good motor. So, that's what I did. It took the better part of a week, but it should work out just fine.

59maid 2.jpg

In retrospect, it was probably a good thing, because once I had them apart I swapped some gears and replaced a seal and some bearings. The bearings weren't terrible, but were worn enough in one spot that they could eventually create a problem. BTW, thank god for the manual that came with the parts motor. It would have taken a lot longer than a week without it.

So, between the two, I now have one pretty strong motor ... at least in a test barrel. Let's hope it translates to the lake when I get it put on the boat.

Next order of business is to fabricate the steering cable motor bracket, clevis kit, support tube and transom block clamp. The PO had installed a Teleflex helm with rack steering, and I have to retrofit the 59 Evinrude because it wasn't built with a tilt tube. Thanks to Willclay for sending me specs that Teleflex no longer has on their website and to tashasdaddy for writing so extensively on the best way to convert these old outboards to radial steering. As an aside, I would have just as soon kept the old cable and pulley steering, but, like I said the PO had already converted. Regardless, I should have the hardware ready for installation by next week.


Before I install the motor, steering and controls, I have decided to have her soda blasted. I did some sanding last night, and with the two layers of paint on top of the original paint and primer, it would take forever to get her ready for new paint. So, I'm going to bite the bullet and get her taken down to metal Saturday morning. I'll post pics of the finished product as soon as I can.

Well, that's where I am right now. I apologize for being so verbose in my first posting. I will try to keep it more succinct in future updates. All feedback is welcome.

Thanks again, and I look forward to sharing this experience with those of you who love these old boats as much as I do.


Johnny Too Bad

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 21, 2009
Re: '59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project

Okay, I tried Flickr and Photobucket to link to the images I attached, but neither seem to be working properly. Any suggestions? What am I doing wrong?



Jul 28, 2009
Re: '59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project

Here is how I attach images from my computer.

1) click the paper clip button
2) new window opens
3) select browse and select files to upload
4) click upload button
5) file will show below once uploaded

This method will include the images at the end of your post, as you can see in this post or if you want inline images then

1) click the button that is yellow with the black mountians and paste URL to image in the popup window and click ok. (button just below paper clip to the right)

2) it will had text to the message box something like this

happy posting.



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Rear Admiral
Aug 29, 2001
Re: '59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project

Don't know, but would like to see your pix. Here are a couple pix of my old refurbed (in progress) Texas Maid Impala 15 ft tinny with a couple of mis-matched late 50's OMC twin motors...now in the process of replacing the Johnson 18 with a Johnson RDE-19 35 hp sea horse to match the Evinrude Big Twin. Hope to do a splash run with a matched pair in August. They are nice boats...no matter how you rig them.


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Jul 20, 2009
Re: '59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project

I'm a 1st timer also and I just posted my TomBoy project. I was able to post thumbnail pics but only after I made them smaller. I think the window that came up said the picture size had to be less than 90K. Try changing your picture image size.


Johnny Too Bad

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 21, 2009
Re: '59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project

Shane, thanks for the tip on uploading pics. That was much easier than the way I was attempting to do it.

tmcalavy, I've been reading about your boat for quite some time. I only hope mine turns out half as good as yours. I will probably be picking your brain quite a bit, as you seem to be the resident expert on Texas Maids.

Trapper, that's quite a project you've got there. looks like you're at about the same stage I am. I'll be interested to watch the progression as you whip her back into shape.



Rear Admiral
Aug 29, 2001
Re: '59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project

JTB...can you post some side-on pix of your front bench seat. I'm thinking about fabbing that kind of seat in my Maid, but don't have an idea of the scale to start with. Some dimensions, like bench width are obvious, but have no idea how far off the deck the bench seat is or how high/wide the seat backs were originally. That's a nice looking Malibu...I like the split compartment style.

Johnny Too Bad

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 21, 2009
Re: '59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project

TM, here are some pics of the seating. I tried to get the tape measure in the shots to help give it some scale. Let me know if this works for you, or if you need some different angles.

BTW, does anyone know the difference between the Falcon and the Osprey? They were both 14' aluminum runabouts and produced by Texas Maid in the same years. I'm trying to determine which one I've got.


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Johnny Too Bad

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 21, 2009
Re: '59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project

And a few more ...


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Johnny Too Bad

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 21, 2009
Re: '59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project

Last one, I promise ...


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Johnny Too Bad

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 21, 2009
Re: '59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project

I've seen that brochure on the Fiberglassics page. I understand they used to have a lot more info and it looks like they are in the process of reworking their site. That brochure made me think I had an Osprey, until I came across this ad from 1958 that had both the Osprey and the Falcon. So, now I don't know.



Rear Admiral
Aug 29, 2001
Re: '59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project

Yeah...wish they'd fix/restore the fiberglassics site...real drag having it in pieces. Did you check the photo gallery at www.theclassicboathouse.com for TM's? They have a couple of Falcon photos that kinda look like yours...but they aren't split compartment. I'm gonna have to troll that site for seat ideas.

Johnny Too Bad

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 21, 2009
Re: '59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project

Funny you should mention the Classic Boat House site ... "Z's" '57 TM Falcon was one of the first TM's I came across when I was looking at buying mine, and I instantly fell in love with that little boat. There are quite a few elements of it I'll be 'borrowing'. What is it they always say "imitation is the sincerist form of flattery"?

Seriously though, I love the way he did the windshield and the fact that he left the sides unpainted and just polished them up. Very sharp.

I also came a cross these pics of another TM, but there was no info on year/model. It is the only one that I've found that has the bow lights and bow handle in the same place as mine.


The bow light is different/newer, probably because those old style screw in lenses, like the one I'm missing, are impossible to find.

I'm not sure, but it looks like it says Fleet on the decal. But, that is obviously an aftermarket decal, so I'm not sure if it's accurate. I'm trying to contact the owner of the boat to see if I can get some more info. I'll let you know what I find out.

It's a very nice boat, and I really like the way they did the seats.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Apr 14, 2009
Re: '59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project

That boat is just outrageous man! I love those "cadillac" fins on the back! And the seats! Wow! You have got such a diamond n the rough there man! IMHO, that baby would look killer polished out to a nice "chrome-like" finish and some detail color here and there. Can't wait to see how it progresses!​

Johnny Too Bad

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 21, 2009
Re: '59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project

Thanks DWhite, that's exactly what I had in mind as far as the paint scheme. I'm getting her soda blasted tomorrow morning and I'm excited to see her naked for the first time ;) ...

Here are a couple of pics of the '59 Evinrude Lark 35hp after I finished swapping a few parts from my parts motor. The main thing I did was to convert from a short shaft to a long shaft.


Here are a couple of pictures of the two cowlings. One was painted blue with a brush, but the other looks like the original paint. Can anyone confirm this for me? I would like to repaint it to the original, but haven't been able to find any good pictures showing detail of the original paint scheme.


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Johnny Too Bad

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 21, 2009
Re: '59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project

Thanks for the Evinrude link, TM. That is exactly what I was looking for. Now I can start to plan my color scheme. Soda blasting tomorrow morning. I'll post pics tomorrow or Sunday.


Jul 20, 2009
Re: '59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project

Can't wait to see your pictures. Is there any wood at all on her? I am going to try to restore the 56 Evinrude "15Hp" I have so the link tmcalavy posted was cool. I wonder if you can match the paint.


Rear Admiral
Aug 29, 2001
Re: '59 Texas Maid 14' Resto Project

I "match" all my paint by taking a small colored piece with me to the auto parts store and then prowl the Duplicolor or Tempo paint rack until I find something close enough. Can't recall the colors I used on the E-rude Big Twin, but it was all GM colors I think. I try to keep the painting business simple, since I know I'll be touching it up sooner or later.