I have a 2003 Bayliner with a 5.0 Mercruiser. I am having trouble that appears to be ignition related. It's progressively gotten worse throughout the past couple of days. It started out as a brief loss of power while underway at pretty much any RPM. It''s as if someone threw a switch to kill the engine and then through it back again. Most times, it would continue running. It would do this about once a minute. I started looking at the ignition components... the distributor cap was pretty bad so I cleaned it with some ScotchBrite. It seemed like the more I did to cleanup the mess, the worse the symptoms got. Now it's not starting so I'm at a loss as to what to try next. I should also mention that the tach was reading incorrect RPM when it was running. It was usually reading too high. I had the engine running at roughly 1200 RPM by ear and the tach was jumping between 2400 RPM and