Re: 21 foot 1969 Starcraft Chieftain restoration
Thanks for all of the input guys keep it coming. CJ i can see how it is addicting! The construction is very simple an easy to work on. John and I got one side of the rub rails off today had to use a grinder as the bolts were either bent or covered in marinetex. We were just going to just rip out the rubber inserts but at $78.00 for 50 feet we decided to try and keep them. Surprisingly, most of the rivets on the top of the gunwales were failing or had worn off. I managed to replace most of them after supper tonite. What do you all think about replacing the transom plywood? I rapped on it with a screwdriver and it seems very solid. I am hoping that we can complete this refit without pulling the engine. Ezmobee you are an artist! that cabin turned out awesome! We are thinking of covering the transom/engine compartment and a portion of the gunwales with aluminum diamond plate. That would take care of a good deal of our hole problem. Either that or we can install a rod holder in every hole an have 30 rods and five antennaes on board LOL! Another thought was to cover it all with varnished wood and skid tape. At this point we are undecided. The nice part is with five owners we have five people with different ideas and we all vote. I will post more pics soon. Please keep the input coming it really helps! Thanks all!