2000 Johnson 225 will not go on plane.

Will Bark

Aug 1, 2010
Re: 2000 Johnson 225 will not go on plane.

If you are satisfied that fuel supply is not the problem you need to get an inductive timing light and check to see if a cylinder is dropping out (quits sparking) under load. Be careful, you need to have a buddy drive the boat while you check each cylinder.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Nov 1, 2011
Re: 2000 Johnson 225 will not go on plane.

is you timer base advancing with the throttle? you mentioned replacing the stator you may have some of that old stator drippings locking the timerbase! is the red levered valve on the primer solinoid in the right position? it's either ignition or fuel, guess thats would be a no-brainer thought! but I would try manually advancing the carb linkage @ the motor @ the top of the carbs , your timerbase will stay at it's idle position this way, have someone steering, if it behaves the same under a load your timing is most likely not advancing, if in neutral and you do the same thing quick flip of the carb linkage and she revs up like a raped ape and with a 225 I mean raped ape(careful this could over rev), I would rule out fuel, and start investigating my ignition components, maybe faulty timerbase not triggering correctly! when my 99 225 on my 20' WA cuddy is in her correct frame of mind there is no hole shot, no almost on a plane, when the hammer is layed down she jumps like an unforgiving missle and she is gone! I have yet to have had a fuel problem, always been an ignition thing, somewhere even when all things point to fuel, it turns out to be ignition, loose wire, poorly seated connector, grounded out wire squashed wire under the PP! CDI ignition tech tips and troubleshooting guides have been an asset to me!


Seaman Apprentice
Nov 23, 2010
Re: 2000 Johnson 225 will not go on plane.

Thanks for the information. I have a regular timing light and Im going to set every pistion at tdc and mark the fly wheel. Im gonna hook my regular timing light to it and see if the ignition is dropping out under a load. It looked like the timer base was moving bc its hooked up on the linkage to the carb. Could it still not be advancing my timing.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Nov 1, 2011
Re: 2000 Johnson 225 will not go on plane.

you also mentioned your tach does not work!! I would address that aswell tachs on these motors are very important, is the tach bad? the tach operates off your charging system! I would verify rec/reg is funtioning and the stator is outputing properly! and as Will Bark suggested get an inductive timing light(has to be inductive), check each wire under a load! first though I would check timing sequence on trailer @ cranking speed, mark your flywheel with all Cylinders TDC points at your timing indicator pointer, crank motor over to not start it pull plugs out, make sure shes firing all cyl @ there respective marked points! if all cyl's are firing it is possible 1 or 2 maybe more are not firing at the right time, that is controlled by the timerbase I believe in the timerbase I believe there are seperate sensors for each cyl!


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Nov 1, 2011
Re: 2000 Johnson 225 will not go on plane.

WOT position should bin the timerbase to it's forward stop! use extreme caution when checking timing while boat is underway, that rotating flywheel will be unforgiving!


Supreme Mariner
Nov 5, 2009
Re: 2000 Johnson 225 will not go on plane.

Check the timer base to make sure it's free when ever you move the throttle.


Seaman Apprentice
Nov 23, 2010
Re: 2000 Johnson 225 will not go on plane.

I took it to the mechanic and he said he thought I had a fuel issue. He took it to the lake and it worked fine for him. I don't understand how I can take it to the lake 3 times and it fails for me and then when he takes it, it works fine for him. When I got to the lake yesterday, it took off fine and then once I slowed down and then I tried to get back on plane, it would just not go. it wasnt bogging but it wasn't just accellerating. its acting like i don't have enough fuel but I think it might be in the ignition somewhere. tested for resistance on the stator. had readings 916 and 908 on brown / brown yellow wires. Im testing my pp and timerbase today if I can figure out how to test it. what do you think I should do. I never had a fuel problem out that motor but had ignition problems. I took my lines off the carbs and she is squirting out well. nothing clogged. everything vented. Like I said it did fine the first 5 mins at the lake then it wouldn't plane off. maybe a power pack going bad. I just replaced the stator 6 months ago.


Aug 17, 2009
Re: 2000 Johnson 225 will not go on plane.

I still think you have a fuel issue...did pumping your bulb help when you were having the problem?
How to test you ignition is in my sig below..you MUST have a DVA adapter...OHM test are very unreliable in outboard ignition testing and are not to be trusted. link also in my sig below...cheap enough so go ahead and get it. then you will know for SURE if it is your ignition or not...I still think you should do post # 15.


Seaman Apprentice
Nov 23, 2010
Re: 2000 Johnson 225 will not go on plane.

ok guys I have a tach now and I replace powerpack, timerbase, voltage reg/rec. stator. I have completely replace the ignition system and I have no change in the motor. When I got to the lake, I put the boat in water and it jumped out the hole then after I went another 1000 yards I slowed down to see if it would take off again the same way it did the first time that I left the boat ramp. It was really slow on plane and finally I got it to get on plane. I only could get up to 4400 rpm at wot. I slow down again and went to take off again and it would only get up to 2200 rpm. It stayed at 2200 rpm for about 500 yards till the boat got on plane. Is there something that could be causing this problem to occur even though I have changed all the electronics.


Aug 17, 2009
Re: 2000 Johnson 225 will not go on plane.

man you really are going about this the most expensive way possible...re-read post #28


Fleet Admiral
Sep 7, 2008
Re: 2000 Johnson 225 will not go on plane.

Is there a reason you keep refusing to monitor the fuel pressure/vacuum to see if that is a problem? Simple to do.
You have spent a ton of money and time replacing parts, but will not test things as a service manual tell you to. Do you have a service manual for your motor?


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Mar 15, 2010
Re: 2000 Johnson 225 will not go on plane.

Maybe problem is not fuel. Maybe there is a temp sensor or oil level sensor going bad causing your pack to go into slow mode. It seems like your problem occurs after motor is up to operating temperature. Someone else chime in and correct me but I think when the pack switches into slow mode because of a temp or oil sensor it will not allow engine over 2500 rpm. Also make sure new tach is set for correct number of poles or it will not read correctly.


Seaman Apprentice
Nov 23, 2010
Re: 2000 Johnson 225 will not go on plane.

I didn't buy all those parts man. I knew a mechanic that had the same motor and he just let me borrow those parts that he knew where good. I just changed them out and tested. How do i do that fuel test again. You might need to walk me through it. I do have a manual. my mechanic thinks I am having vapor lock somehow but I can't figure it out.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jan 15, 2012
Re: 2000 Johnson 225 will not go on plane.

Replace the fuel pump, or check the flow coming out of it, if your friend that let you borrow the parts has a fuel pump too , then try his pump on your motor


Jun 7, 2011
Re: 2000 Johnson 225 will not go on plane.

I just skimmed this thread and have lost track on what you have/haven't replaced, but here are my 2 cents.

You say that the motor ran fine for the mechanic? Maybe you should go with him when he tests it. Maybe you're doing(or not doing something) differently than he is.

If you suspect it's a fuel supply issue( and you're confident that the fuel pump is good) then I would do this. Run a fuel line from a portable gas can straight to the fuel pump(bypassing ALL tank and/or motor fuel connectors, bulbs etc) and see if the motor will run correctly at WOT.


Seaman Apprentice
Feb 5, 2012
Re: 2000 Johnson 225 will not go on plane.

did it run well before the carb rebuild? if so go back to the carbs. if not confirm fuel flow and go from there.


Feb 28, 2012
Re: 2000 Johnson 225 will not go on plane.

I bought a 20 ft Stratos, with a 2000 225 hp. HO Johnson, off of Ebay a couple of years ago. :eek: You can imagine buying something sight unseen with no guarantees. But the price right.

Needless to say, there were plenty of issue's. I have gotten to most of them, but a few still remain.

The initial problem was it would not accelerate past planing.

Long story short, I did a lot of the troubleshooting you are involved in. I finally spotted a test procedure to test the VRO oil/fuel pump. It involved using a hand held vacuum pump. I followed the procedure. Sure enough the pump failed the test. I ordered a new pump and everything is great. I took apart the old pump and sure enough there was a torn diaphram in the pump.

Can you borrow the pump from your friend and test?


Seaman Apprentice
Nov 23, 2010
Re: 2000 Johnson 225 will not go on plane.

Im updating my forum. I have recenty replace these items, timerbase, vro fuel pump, all the fuel lines, cleaned fuel tank and pickup tube. replace powerpack, stator, new gas cap/ vent, and all the carbs are clean. It cranks fine and idles fine in neutral. When in forward and trying to go on plane it sounds like Im loosing gas as if Im running out of gas. I pull the hose off the carbs and its steady coming out in spurts. I also replace the voltage regulator. I am going to the lake tomorrow to ground out the temp sensors and unplug the shift switch. Where is the oil sending unit that disable one of the banks on the motor. How can I check it with a dvom. Is there specs for it. Are there any other type of electrical components I can check that would cause me to not accelerate or lack power.


Jun 7, 2011
Re: 2000 Johnson 225 will not go on plane.

Have you replaced your plugs and plug wires? Could you be dropping a couple cylinders when you go WOT?

Have you visually checked any/all electrical wires that could be kinked/frayed and/or exposed?


Seaman Apprentice
Nov 23, 2010
Re: 2000 Johnson 225 will not go on plane.

Ok I just got home from the lake. I thought I was pleased and that I had fixed the problem but I guess not. When I got to the lake, I put the boat in the water and primed the bulb and choked the motor and she cranked up and ran fine. Next I begin to take off and she jumped out the hole like nothing was wrong. when about a mile up the lake and fished and she did fine. I then was going to another spot on the other side of the lake and as I began to plane off she jumped out the hole fine. I thought I had fixed the problem but suddenly as I going across the lake, she slowly died and felt as if she was out of gas. The same problem had came back again. I would mash the gas to wot and she wouldn't even come over 1100 rpm. The motor was running rough and I had to idle back to the boat ramp. I unpluged the temp sensor and and shift inter. switch and nothing happened as far as in the change of the motor. I then got a jumper wire and grounded the temp sensor tan lead wire to ground and my warning light came on. I did this on both sensors and a warning light came on both times for each sensor. I also noticed that I didn't have any volts on my voltage meter as if my igniton system wasn't charging. Any ideas.