Current problem - motor starts right up and purs like a kitten. She runs great for about 20 minutes and then will shut down. All three lights on dash are on “three finger salute” and she won’t start back up for sometimes a half hour or longer. When she does she purs like a kitten again for about 10 minutes and shuts down. It’s pretty obvious that it’s the EMM overheating based off of all of my research. I’ve pulled all the hoses and nothing is clogged. I’ve even pulled the discharge tube after the vapor separator canister to ensure water is pumping through and it is. When you follow the hoses through the EMM, the main water supply going through the EMM is coming from the top of the engine block which seems weird to me because that water is being heated up before it even goes through the EMM. I was thinking about bypassing the original EMM water supply and installing a separate pump that will pull nice cool lake water to run through the EMM. Any thoughts on this idea? I’ve been thinking about sending it out to get reflashed and updated, but worried that even if I do it’s still going to get really warm because of where the water supply is coming from and possibly keep having this issue. Thanks for any input.