Re: 1997 Volvo Penta 4.3GL not starting! **UPDATE**
Re: 1997 Volvo Penta 4.3GL not starting! **UPDATE**
Have you been giving it any throttle when you try to start it? You will probably have to pump the throttle to get it started after being winterized and setting. It will not start like a fuel injected car where you just hit the key and it runs.
Listen i can see you know mechanics so you want to bear with me a minute.
Lets get back to the basics, you cleaned all the connections ones on the starter, the neg ground on the block, all the connections shiny clean?
Ok take off the coil from the block and sandpaper a clean ground for the coil.
Put a little gas in the carb maybe a capfull or 2 and put the thottle 1/4 way down in neutral and crank it and see if it starts.
I apologize gentlemen, i haven't been very descriptive about the steps i took prior to getting to this problem.
I have had the boat sitting in my heated garage. I let everything slowly thaw out over a few days increasing the garage temp by 10 degrees every other day...(45-55-65). Once this was accomplished, i put fuel stabilizer in the gas, it had about 1/4 tank of fuel in it. I left the stabilizer in there for a day to see if i could get the alcohol to dry out w/e water may have been in the gas before adding more gas. I left the cap open as well.
I added 5 gallons of 93 octane into the tank and rocked the trailer back and forth to have it mix the following day. I let that sit. Shortly there after is when i checked all the oil fluids (lower end, oil), then i checked the compression, removed all the plugs when doing so. I also disconnected the battery, and the main wire to the cap and the fuel pump harness. I got 150 across the board by the 3rd crank for compression, and then i replaced the plugs just as a maintenance being that I had already taken the old one's out( the plugs all looked good, carbon on the inner ring, seemed good on contact point, showed signs of proper burn), i put brand new NGK's in there that were there cross over part for the ACs that had been in there. I gaped the new plugs to .45 as recommended by the manufacture.
After that i reconnected all the wire plugs, gas pump wire harness, and anything that i may have disconnected, and put in a new deep cycle optima battery. I then pulled off the cover from the carburetor, i took off the flame arrest due to it being exceptionally dirty. I then took off the gas filter and drained it making sure there was not any water in there, and i ran the pump to "flush" out the line. Replaced the fuel filter there after. I then proceeded to turn over the boat, i did pump the throttle prior to turning the ignition. No go. I then added carb/chock cleaner and i had my friend hold open the choke, it fired up, would not stay running, i then checked the wires, as the post above explained, all the wires check out good, all the connections are good, except for the ones i can't see behind the engine block by the coil itself, i see 1 connection that's capped not sure whats back there, i did remove the exhaust bend to get a better view...........and this is were I am at this point.